McCain wants to define Obama as a Muslim, anti-American, BLACK, terrorist, Arab

First of all, I said that McCain will use surrogates. I didn't say that he would directly attack Obama thusly.

Second, you haven't answered my question, do you have evidence of Hillary coming anywhere close to the TNGOP press release? You have the photo. Even assuming Hillary's people put it out, I'm afraid it is a far cry from calling Obama a Muslim anti-Isarel anti-Semite who is in bed with Farrakhan and domestic terror groups, but that's just me.

As an aside, has it ever been substantiated that Hillary's camp put the photo out or are you also accepting the word of Matt Drudge as gospel truth as well as McCain?

1) From what I recall, Hitlary's camp said they did put the photo out. Showing him in a turban was supposed to do what? Oh yeah, associate him with Muslims/terrorists.... but I guess you are going to pretend that is not what the photo was intended for...

2) While I agree that there will be 527 attacks working on behalf of both candidates, to associate every comment about Obama with McCain is idiotic. This was a knee-jerk attack from the TN Reps in response to a Farrakhan comment..... very similar to the idiocy we saw with Ron Paul when a white supremecist group "endorsed" him.

As for the photo's release... yeah, Hillary is innocent.... hence her bullshit repsonse when questioned on it. "Oh, my, why would Obama be upset about that photo being released"? blah blah blah.
Snopes has had to work overtime to debunk the smears on Obama. And the most widespread, insidious and outrageous myths began with rightwing media like Fox News and Washington Times, and through massive viral email campaigns almost certainly started from the nether reaches of rightwingnuttotopia.


Barack Obama is a “radical Muslim” who “will not recite the Pledge of Allegiance”

Barack Obama was sworn into office on the Quran

Barack Obama is a racist who’s Church that is covertly Muslim and excludes non-blacks

Barack Obama’s campaign is being funded by Hugo Chavez

good work Gumby
I'd like to express a rare moment of optimism, but I think we're starting to see negative campaigning actually NOT work, and it doesn't bode well for the GOP this fall.

I think this is generational; more young people are voting in these primaries than ever, and I think they have much higher BS meters than previous generations. You can dispute that, but it's irrefutable that some of the garbage Hillary has tried - which might have previously been effective - backfired in a huge way.

I have had a theory that when all the people over the age of 40 or 50 die off, this country will be much less racist. And less homophobic. More tolerant. Bascially, once the Battlebornes of the world are gone hopefully we'll move past a lot of that crap. Who knows.
I'd like to express a rare moment of optimism, but I think we're starting to see negative campaigning actually NOT work, and it doesn't bode well for the GOP this fall.

I think this is generational; more young people are voting in these primaries than ever, and I think they have much higher BS meters than previous generations. You can dispute that, but it's irrefutable that some of the garbage Hillary has tried - which might have previously been effective - backfired in a huge way.

I imagine you are correct in that younger people are not as accepting of the B.S. But I think this goes into the older generations as well. People are sick of the intensity of the B.S. from both sides over the past 16 years.

This country is on the edge and we need solutions, not partisan bullshit. So Obama and McCain better have them.
1) From what I recall, Hitlary's camp said they did put the photo out. Showing him in a turban was supposed to do what? Oh yeah, associate him with Muslims/terrorists.... but I guess you are going to pretend that is not what the photo was intended for...

2) While I agree that there will be 527 attacks working on behalf of both candidates, to associate every comment about Obama with McCain is idiotic. This was a knee-jerk attack from the TN Reps in response to a Farrakhan comment..... very similar to the idiocy we saw with Ron Paul when a white supremecist group "endorsed" him.

As for the photo's release... yeah, Hillary is innocent.... hence her bullshit repsonse when questioned on it. "Oh, my, why would Obama be upset about that photo being released"? blah blah blah.

1) The Hillary camp denied putting the photo out. No one has substantiated Drudge's assertion that they did it. If you've got the goods, show it.

2) To associate a press release from the GOP to the GOP presidential candidate is idiotic? Spare me. Please.
I have had a theory that when all the people over the age of 40 or 50 die off, this country will be much less racist. And less homophobic. More tolerant. Bascially, once the Battlebornes of the world are gone hopefully we'll move past a lot of that crap. Who knows.

We also need to teach brainwashed idiot of all ages that discrimination against white people is also wrong. Unless you learn this, the problem is still there, but the victim has changed. Two wrongs don't make a right. It's funny how stupid allegedly enlightened people have become.
1) The Hillary camp denied putting the photo out. No one has substantiated Drudge's assertion that they did it. If you've got the goods, show it.

2) To associate a press release from the GOP to the GOP presidential candidate is idiotic? Spare me. Please.

So everything any Dem releases about McCain is Obama's responsibility as well then. So the partisan hack job done on McCain by the NY Times is really Obama being sneaky and underhanded and full of shit?
1) The Hillary camp denied putting the photo out. No one has substantiated Drudge's assertion that they did it. If you've got the goods, show it.

2) To associate a press release from the GOP to the GOP presidential candidate is idiotic? Spare me. Please.

Also on your first.... don't be so friggin naive. If Hillary wasn't behind it, then explain her reaction to it.
So everything any Dem releases about McCain is Obama's responsibility as well then. So the partisan hack job done on McCain by the NY Times is really Obama being sneaky and underhanded and full of shit?

What the fuck are you talking about? We're getting close to milky white thighs again with your thick-headedness. The Democratic candidate will have to answer for anything the DNC or state Democratic Party organizations release about McCain.
Also on your first.... don't be so friggin naive. If Hillary wasn't behind it, then explain her reaction to it.

I didn't see her reaction to it. The campaign's initial response was inadequate as I said, but they subsequently denied responsibility for releasing the photo. Again, if this were Saint John McCain, presumably you'd take his word for it. As it stands now, you're taking the word of Drudge, who hasn't presented any evidence that Hillary's camp was behind it other than him saying so, over the Hillary campaign's denial.

In any event, the photo pales in comparison to the TNGOP hit job.
Please SF, it's not even close. Democratic primary voters wouldn't put up with the shit the Republicans are pulling.

Hillary is hitting the "Obama is a Muslim" theme even harder than McCain right now. She (through surrogates) has released pictures while McCain has condemned a former ally for saying Obama's middle name.

Ted Kennedy has his proverbial 'houseboy'...and y'all continue to call conservatives racists and about the blind leading the blind...he betta walk the line or the proverbial bridge will get Obama!
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Hillary is hitting the "Obama is a Muslim" theme even harder than McCain right now. She (through surrogates) has released pictures while McCain has condemned a former ally for saying Obama's middle name.

:rolleyes: I'm not going to rehash what has been discussed above.
I didn't see her reaction to it. The campaign's initial response was inadequate as I said, but they subsequently denied responsibility for releasing the photo. Again, if this were Saint John McCain, presumably you'd take his word for it. As it stands now, you're taking the word of Drudge, who hasn't presented any evidence that Hillary's camp was behind it other than him saying so, over the Hillary campaign's denial.

In any event, the photo pales in comparison to the TNGOP hit job.

1) Just because I am not familiar with it... was it a release from the TN GOP or was it a newspaper article quoting a couple of GOP leaders? Because if it was a release, I would like to see the whole thing if you have it.

2) I suppose you will be equally outraged at Howard Dean endorsing the NY Times hitjob on McCain???
1) Just because I am not familiar with it... was it a release from the TN GOP or was it a newspaper article quoting a couple of GOP leaders? Because if it was a release, I would like to see the whole thing if you have it.

2) I suppose you will be equally outraged at Howard Dean endorsing the NY Times hitjob on McCain???

1) The TN GOP press release is excerpted in full above. The above is the scrubbed version.

2) I haven't heard about Dean "endorsing" any NY Times "hit job" on McCain. Perhaps you could provide me with the details.
I'd like to express a rare moment of optimism, but I think we're starting to see negative campaigning actually NOT work, and it doesn't bode well for the GOP this fall.

I think this is generational; more young people are voting in these primaries than ever, and I think they have much higher BS meters than previous generations. You can dispute that, but it's irrefutable that some of the garbage Hillary has tried - which might have previously been effective - backfired in a huge way.

I am hoping that is what is happening....but not holding my breath.