McCain Will Win!

We have not even gotten to the debates yet, or the picking of a VP candidate, and I think the writing is becoming clearer on the wall. Saturday's Town Hall meeting gave voters a chance to see and hear both candidates and take notes. McCain looked prepared, experienced, and ready to lead this country, while Obama came across as empty, rhetorical, and woefully inexperienced.

While the Democrat strategy remains focused on painting McCain as McBush, Americans are starting to understand that Bush, for better or worse, is out of the picture for all of history, and McCain is about as far from Bush as you get and still be defined as "republican."

In general, "Change," is diametrically opposed to "No Change." We can probably do a poll and find that 90-something percent of us "want change" in Washington. What that means, is a different story, we don't all want the same kind of change. Liberals mistakenly assume we do, which is precisely why the Obama campaign adopted the slogan early on.

Now, Obama will surge, maybe even go ahead of McCain in the polls, and it might actually be another razor-thin election, in terms of Electoral votes, but I honestly don't think it will be as close as Bush/Kerry in 2004, and I think McCain wins decisively in the end. Oh, we'll all see Obama's Day in the Sun at the convention, we'll hear the 70,000 screaming fans, and hear the most lauded address since Kennedy, and the polls will improve some for Obama. But the people of America are not about to elect this man president, he isn't ready or qualified for the job just yet, and people can see and hear that when he isn't giving a speech. This has nothing to do with my political views, I am probably one of the most devout supporters of Condi Rice and would vote for her if she were running, but she would face the same dilemma, she's just not quite ready for this job yet, and I think people would realize it.

Regardless of polls, regardless of politics, the person we elect president is almost always the most clearly qualified to be president of the two candidates. There may be some exceptions, but they are extremely rare. It is still a position too important for America to turn over to a question mark, and that is exactly what Obama would be. McCain can sometimes be a question mark, but you know he isn't going to be an extremist question mark. You may not like McCain's politics, I certainly don't, and still can't bring myself to endorse him at this time, but he has been one of the few politicians in Washington, able to amalgamate democratic and republican politics and effect change in Washington, where there was gridlock before.

Obama has very little Congressional track record to go on, and he has even less experience in foreign affairs, energy, economy, military, defense, etc. He gives a good speech, he is attractive, and he is a minority. When not publicly speaking, he is completely aloof. I would say that he can't seem to put two words together, but he has mastered... "I, Uhm..."

Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know what you are going to say... 'wull atleast its better 'n bush who couldn't speak publicly or privately!' But you see... that is the whole problem with the candidate you picked and your strategy in this campaign! If Obama were running against Bush, he could probably win! As it stands, the veteran is going to mop the floor with him, because McCain has all of the qualifications Obama lacks, when it comes to this job, and America will vote accordingly.
Wrong... Bob Barr's going to win, cause I said so.
You are wrong, it is President Ron Paul who will win, and his awesome popularity will necessitate the passing of a New Amendment called the "Ron Paul Amendment" that will allow Ron Paul to run indefinitely. And since he is so Ron Paul he'll be living forever. We may as just crown him "President Ad Infinitum" and get it over with.
"McCain looked prepared, experienced, and ready to lead this country, while Obama came across as empty, rhetorical, and woefully inexperienced", there is a purely objective viewpoint...
Regardless of polls, regardless of politics, the person we elect president is almost always the most clearly qualified to be president of the two candidates.

What about the elections of 2000 and 2004? And 1992? And...

Ah, fuck it.
Everything Dixie says is stupid and backwards and inaccurate, as well as often being just plain weird. It's like he lives on another planet, where logic & truth don't really exist.
What about the elections of 2000 and 2004? And 1992? And...

Ah, fuck it.

As I went on to say, and you didn't bother quoting, there are exceptions. By and large, when the choice is between someone who's experience is in doubt and someone who's experience is clear, we most often elect the more experienced candidate. Not always, but most of the time, and when the difference is as stark as it is between Obama and McCain, we almost never go with the inexperienced guy.

Put these two men on a stage and start asking some tough impromptu questions, and it becomes incredibly clear who is not qualified to be President of the United States, and who is.
In this first opportunity to directly compare the candidates, I think McCain came out on top. Not because his ideas and opinions were more popular, but because he came across as confident and decisive, while Obama's answers came across as hesitant. Of the two in that forum McCain was definitely stronger, looking much more like a leader.

Obama's ideas, for the most part, are more popular. But unless he can start presenting his opinions in a way that shows a confident and decisive leader, people will start wondering how confident Obama is in his own ideas. IMO that has already started, and is a factor in Obama losing his lead. When a person comes across as possibly doubting their own ideas, how can they gain support for those ideas from others? Obama simply did NOT look like a leader in this first comparison. Unless he can make some significant changes, he will continue to lose points to McCain any time they go head to head.
Everything Dixie says is stupid and backwards and inaccurate, as well as often being just plain weird. It's like he lives on another planet, where logic & truth don't really exist.
Except when it comes to elections. I remember how sure y'all were that Dubya would lose in '04 and how sure Dixie was of his prediction that Dubya would win. It seems he was right.

He also predicted 2000, but then I don't think Lorax had found yet.

As it stands on Presidential elections it is Dixie 2, Lorax zero.
Except when it comes to elections. I remember how sure y'all were that Dubya would lose in '04 and how sure Dixie was of his prediction that Dubya would win. It seems he was right.

He also predicted 2000, but then I don't think Lorax had found yet.

As it stands on Presidential elections it is Dixie 2, Lorax zero.

Gore won in 2000.

Also, Dixie predicted a major Dem loss in '06, because he & the rest of America were "fed up."

Except when it comes to elections. I remember how sure y'all were that Dubya would lose in '04 and how sure Dixie was of his prediction that Dubya would win. It seems he was right.

He also predicted 2000, but then I don't think Lorax had found yet.

As it stands on Presidential elections it is Dixie 2, Lorax zero.

I predicted 2000, but not it's aftermath. When contacted to go to FL over Thanksgiving to count 'chads', went uh no. Not leaving my family, though the outcome seemed certain. It was.
What Damo the idiot doesn't understand is that Dixie always has and always will predict the GOP candidate, with great confidence & exuberance.

I thought Kerry would get shellacked in '04 as soon as he blew the softball question about whether he'd do anything differently on Iraq, knowing what he knew at the time.

And again, Gore won in 2000.

Lorax - a million. Damo - big fat ZERO.
What Damo the idiot doesn't understand is that Dixie always has and always will predict the GOP candidate, with great confidence & exuberance.

I thought Kerry would get shellacked in '04 as soon as he blew the softball question about whether he'd do anything differently on Iraq, knowing what he knew at the time.

And again, Gore won in 2000.

Lorax - a million. Damo - big fat ZERO.

Gore lost in 2000, every count.
Gore didn't win in 2000, that has been established.

In the Presidential elections, these have been my picks...
1972 Nixon
1976 Carter
1980 Reagan
1984 Reagan
1988 Bush
1992 Bush (missed)
1996 Clinton
2000 Bush
2004 Bush
2008 McCain (???)

I think I have a pretty good track record.
Gore won the popular vote, and Buchanan didn't get 3,000+ votes in Palm Beach.

Gore won; more people went to the polls to vote for him nationally, and in Florida on election day.

Winning the popular vote is not winning the election dufuss, we have an Electoral College, or did they not teach you that in public school for the retarded?
Winning the popular vote is not winning the election dufuss, we have an Electoral College, or did they not teach you that in public school for the retarded?

Conveniently ignores the latter part of the equation that I listed. Wonder why?

Gore won nationally, AND in Florida. It's absurd to argue otherwise if you understand the facts about that election.