McCain Will Win!

Conveniently ignores the latter part of the equation that I listed. Wonder why?

Gore won nationally, AND in Florida. It's absurd to argue otherwise if you understand the facts about that election.

No, Gore didn't win Florida, had he won Florida, he would have been president. He did win the popular vote nationally, but this is not how the President is elected in the US. He lacked the Electoral votes to win the presidency, and Bush was elected. Why do you make such utterly stupid claims, eight years after the fact?
No, Gore didn't win Florida, had he won Florida, he would have been president. He did win the popular vote nationally, but this is not how the President is elected in the US. He lacked the Electoral votes to win the presidency, and Bush was elected. Why do you make such utterly stupid claims, eight years after the fact?

I don't care how many years go by. Gore won Florida - easily, if all of the votes were cast & counted properly - and we should have had 8 years of what might have been at the very least a decent admin, without a BS war & one glaring display of incompetence after another that ultimately weakened America a great deal in the world; perhaps beyond full recovery.

Sorry if it's buggin' ya....
Onceler, as far as I know, no respectable organization has provided evidence that Gore carried Florida in 2000. On the contrary, all found that Bush was indeed the true victor. Eight goddamn years and you're still bitter. You continue to blame Republicans, rather than your party's own incompetency and Gore's piss-poor candidacy. How sad.

Liberals won't take responsibility for ANYTHING, not even their own fucking loss.

It's pathetic.
I don't care how many years go by. Gore won Florida - easily, if all of the votes were cast & counted properly - and we should have had 8 years of what might have been at the very least a decent admin, without a BS war & one glaring display of incompetence after another that ultimately weakened America a great deal in the world; perhaps beyond full recovery.

Sorry if it's buggin' ya....

Going by your guidelines, half of the country was retarded enough to vote for Gore and shouldn't have been eligible to vote at all, based on their retardation, so Bush won in a landslide.

I can't believe you want to relive Election 2000, after all this time! How are we supposed to have Hope and Change if you can't stop reliving the past?

You want to try to claim you know how people "intended" to vote, instead of counting their actual frickin' votes! Do you not realize what a fucking pathetic joke you are? Gore didn't have the votes to carry Florida, his campaign made an absurd effort to try and count dangling chads and interpret voter intent to put him over the top, and it didn't work because what they tried is illegal and unprecedented. And here we are, eight years later, and you still don't get that! You still think it matters how YOU think people intended to vote in 2000... on ballots approved by Democrats... designed by Democrats... handed out by Democrats... in Democrat precincts... run by Democrat precinct bosses! If your people are too utterly stupid to cast their vote properly, that doesn't give you the right, after the fact, to claim victory! Sorry! Educate your voters next time... design a new ballot next time... nominate a better candidate next time... but don't keep spewing this absolute garbage about how Gore won Florida, he DIDN'T win Florida, and that is final, and HAS BEEN final for 8 fucking years... get over it!
Except when it comes to elections. I remember how sure y'all were that Dubya would lose in '04 and how sure Dixie was of his prediction that Dubya would win. It seems he was right.

He also predicted 2000, but then I don't think Lorax had found yet.

As it stands on Presidential elections it is Dixie 2, Lorax zero.
The American public also voted for Richard Nixon, Calvin Cooledge, Warren G Harding, US Grant, James Buchanon and Franklin Pierce.

You're only proving H.L. Menkins point. No one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public.
Gore won in 2000.

Also, Dixie predicted a major Dem loss in '06, because he & the rest of America were "fed up."

Gore lost, you can tell that because his address has never been 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. He predicted Bush would be the next President, you did not.

He predicted Republican gains in the House and Senate in 2002, yours? Not so accurate.

Kerry lost. His address has also never been 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. Dixie's prediction, Bush would have a second term. Your prediction. Not so accurate.

I'll give you the 2006, so it's 3-1 in Dixie's favor on predicting the actual outcome of elections.

And calling me an "idiot" doesn't change that Dixie has beaten you on predicting the outcome of elections in almost every way. You can talk about how he is somehow wrong in every way, but when the reality comes down, he's predicted the outcome of elections well over 50% of the time. While you, way less than 50%.
The American public also voted for Richard Nixon, Calvin Cooledge, Warren G Harding, US Grant, James Buchanon and Franklin Pierce.

You're only proving H.L. Menkins point. No one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public.
You missed the point entirely. I was speaking to Dixie's ability to predict the actual outcome of elections comparatively to Onceler's (Lorax's). Not of the American public at all.
Damo, you're a fucking moron. You come onto a thread where the initial post is complete partisan hackery, for a poster who has been wrong about nearly everything as it pertains to Iraq, the economy, elections, the environment, domestic policy, et al., and somehow, you see fit to jump to said hack's defense on his awesome prognosticative abilities.

You're a buffoon. A total hack-worshipping buffoon.
Damo, you're a fucking moron. You come onto a thread where the initial post is complete partisan hackery, for a poster who has been wrong about nearly everything as it pertains to Iraq, the economy, elections, the environment, domestic policy, et al., and somehow, you see fit to jump to said hack's defense on his awesome prognosticative abilities.

You're a buffoon. A total hack-worshipping buffoon.


Damo really is infuriating and I feel your pain.
I think it's because he professes total innocence.

Who me? I'm not a McCain supporter. I could care less who wins this election! I am just pointing out what normal people are thinking.
Damo, you're a fucking moron. You come onto a thread where the initial post is complete partisan hackery, for a poster who has been wrong about nearly everything as it pertains to Iraq, the economy, elections, the environment, domestic policy, et al., and somehow, you see fit to jump to said hack's defense on his awesome prognosticative abilities.

You're a buffoon. A total hack-worshipping buffoon.

I realize that my predictions haven't been as accurate as somebody I want to believe is wrong all the time, having you point it out so clearly embarrasses me, so I'm going to pretend that I haven't been wrong more often than that person. I'll project my hackery onto you so that others will believe my baseless attack on you, and hopefully somebody will come to defend me and support my baseless accusation of your "hackery".


The reality is, no matter how many times you wish it to be false, Dixie has predicted the elections more accurately than you have in the past. Whether or not he is a hack, that is the truth.

Damo really is infuriating and I feel your pain.

He's always done his "devil's advocate" thing in favor of rightie posters (because, as he explains, the poor things are so woefully outnumbered here), but he has really kicked it up a notch lately.

I mean, we're talking about Dixie here. DIXIE.
He's always done his "devil's advocate" thing in favor of rightie posters (because, as he explains, the poor things are so woefully outnumbered here), but he has really kicked it up a notch lately.

I mean, we're talking about Dixie here. DIXIE.

I have been saying, that I find him to be the most infuriating person because frankly, his whole online schtick is based on dishonesty.

I had to try really hard to get a grip on my anger at him just last week, because I felt like I was going to squeeze his head until his eyes popped out if I got the chance, which is fine…but, online that translates to me cursing and raging and sounding like… well, like SF actually. So I just have been trying doubly hard to avoid his posts unless they are off topic ones.
I have been saying, that I find him to be the most infuriating person because frankly, his whole online schtick is based on dishonesty.

I had to try really hard to get a grip on my anger at him just last week, because I felt like I was going to squeeze his head until his eyes popped out if I got the chance, which is fine…but, online that translates to me cursing and raging and sounding like… well, like SF actually. So I just have been trying doubly hard to avoid his posts unless they are off topic ones.

Awww so sweet.... coming to Lorax's defense.... are you like a couple now?


I realize that my predictions haven't been as accurate as somebody I want to believe is wrong all the time, having you point it out so clearly embarrasses me, so I'm going to pretend that I haven't been wrong more often than that person. I'll project my hackery onto you so that others will believe my baseless attack on you, and hopefully somebody will come to defend me and support my baseless accusation of your "hackery".


The reality is, no matter how many times you wish it to be false, Dixie has predicted the elections more accurately than you have in the past. Whether or not he is a hack, that is the truth.

Dixie is a Republican. Of course each person predicts their party will win. Republicans have won 5 of the last 8 elections. So Dixie has a 62.5% prediction rating. Also, you have to remember that Dixie is a compulsive liar. So we don't really know if he predicted that Bush 1 would lose the election, or if Carter would lose the 1980 election.

Everything Dixie said just echoes what McCain is saying. The least he could do is try to be original and not the dumbshit redneck he portrays on here time and time again.
Dixie is a Republican. Of course each person predicts their party will win. Republicans have won 5 of the last 8 elections. So Dixie has a 62.5% prediction rating. Also, you have to remember that Dixie is a compulsive liar. So we don't really know if he predicted that Bush 1 would lose the election, or if Carter would lose the 1980 election.

Everything Dixie said just echoes what McCain is saying. The least he could do is try to be original and not the dumbshit redneck he portrays on here time and time again.

LOL.. Well, you can think what you will, my record is 90% if I get this one right. I am actually a registered independent, but I have voted Republican since 1980. I voted for Carter in 1976! I never thought Dole had a chance of beating Clinton, and up until the last week or so, I honestly thought Obama had a chance of beating McCain. I'm not a liar, compulsive or otherwise, and I doubt I could maintain a presence here, if I were. I can be wrong sometimes, and when I am proven wrong, I am the first to admit I was wrong, but that is a far cry from being a compulsive liar.

As for my support of John McCain, you can think what you will on that too. I have stated here, and elsewhere, I don't plan to vote for McCain, and at present, I am officially 'undecided' on who to vote for. I know I will not vote for Obama. I may end up voting for McCain, if he starts sounding like a conservative, nominates Mitt Romney, and starts having chest pains. From a 'political agenda' standpoint, I don't think there would be much difference between McCain and Obama, other than the elation and boasting from libs and lack of true leadership, which is ultimately why I think McCain will win.

If he doesn't win, I will be the first to post that I was wrong. But if he does win, will any of you post a public apology for the scurrilous remarks you've made about me here? I sincerely doubt it.