McCain wins FL

You just don't like old people.

Ugh. I don't feel so good. Fucking McCain? Jesus Christ, this old fossil is going to....

Fuck him. His one redeeming factor is that he could die at any given second.

Apparently he cut a deal with Giuliani and Giuls is going to endorse him. If the return is Rudy as VP then McCain's only redeeming quality is out the window.
and the Republican primary. It is all over but the crying.

McCain will win AZ, CA, NY, NM. It is over. WRL was right.

I'm glad. Now Obama needs to defeat Hillary and I'll feel good about the General election either way it turns out.

Why? McCain sucks. He is the worst war monger of the bunch.
Phillip came to the supermarket
And bought razors
And got home and cut himself
And let the blood go out
Until he fell over
And died
Which is when
No one went to his funeral
And he found out there
Wasn't a God

Why do I even try to pull at literary abstractions that nobody understands, whenever I'm so good at emo poetry and there's still so much money left in the market to be pumped out of them?
No, what did she do?

Well, the dems had an agreement to basically bypass Florida. The DNC punished Florida for moving up its primary without their approval, and stripped them of their delgates and got the candidates to promise not to campaign there. This was yet another stroke of genius by those little Machiavellian champs, who by getting the dems to promise not to campaign in a swing state, opened it up to a one-sided deluge by the republicans. Will voters forget that by the general? I don't think so, but the DNC does.

Anyway, Florida was supposed to be a non-event. Then Hillary, who to my knowledge never gave a concession speech in S Carolina, decides to make a speech about winning Florida.

If I have anything wrong I know DH will be all over it. But that's what I see as happening, and I think it was freaking disgusting. I'm also a bit concerned that Obama let himself be so outplayed on that. He needed to keep his S Carolina momentum going for Tuesday, instead he let her completely change the narrative, and perception is reality these days.