
McCain will be just the first of the war supporting candidates to bite the dust...

Yeah, too bad about McCain. In order to appeal to the base, he destroyed all the support he had gathered.

What non-war supporting Republican candidates then, US? Ron Paul's the only one.
You're all wrong...

It's going to be a 'Black Horse' winner in 08...Not on the horizon as of yet...sitting in the 'wings' waiting for the right moment...he will blow them all out of the water!

:moos: :corn:
It's going to be a 'Black Horse' winner in 08...Not on the horizon as of yet...sitting in the 'wings' waiting for the right moment...he will blow them all out of the water!

:moos: :corn:
and his Name??? Hold on to your hat's folks.




He's as dark a horse (of the jackass variety, as you can find.

and his Name??? Hold on to your hat's folks.




He's as dark a horse (of the jackass variety, as you can find.

It is definetly not me...I love being retired..lotsa things to do that I always wanted to do...but keep on a keepin' will figure it out sooner or later!
Fred Thompson is a neo con.

Mcains a sellout.

Gullianni is a gutter snipe.

Hagel would be good but they will never put him on the ticket.

Paul would at least be honest even if I only agree with him on a few things but I dont think they will let him have the ticket (he better watch who he charters planes with).

So I predict they run wither Thompson or Guli, that is how this current R party rolls.

Fred Thompson is a neo con.

Mcains a sellout.

Gullianni is a gutter snipe.

Hagel would be good but they will never put him on the ticket.

Paul would at least be honest even if I only agree with him on a few things but I dont think they will let him have the ticket (he better watch who he charters planes with).

So I predict they run wither Thompson or Guli, that is how this current R party rolls.

So Fred is a neo-con...whatever that that akin to a neo-lib???at any rate his 'hot' wife considers him to be 'hot' also..not quite sure if it is because of his money or fame..surely can't be 'his' body..could be wrong though...what do I know anyhoo???
So Fred is a neo-con...whatever that that akin to a neo-lib???at any rate his 'hot' wife considers him to be 'hot' also..not quite sure if it is because of his money or fame..surely can't be 'his' body..could be wrong though...what do I know anyhoo???

Neocons think the values of globalism and gdp growth are more important than the actual well being of americans. And american soverienty and patriotism is only noble when it's directed to the defense of israel and creation of the new world order. When we are emotioal about our own defense, we're nativist "loud talkers". That's a neocon.
Yeah, too bad about McCain. In order to appeal to the base, he destroyed all the support he had gathered.

What non-war supporting Republican candidates then, US? Ron Paul's the only one.

Ron Paul has ZERO, ZIP, NADA, NO, NONE, and ZILCH chance of ever becoming anything on a national level. Hopefully, he won't even win his race in his own district.

You mean hold on to your daughters.

Reading btw...Bac is a doubt...sorry Mr..BAC both my daughters(well the oldest did do the MJ until I spanked her...she was raised by her mom...the youngest by me...humm maybe a connection to who the right parent was!) and grandaughters(and grandsons) have prospered in druggies...loosy goosies...or welfare fraudsters...they all work and do quite well thank you very much!
Reading btw...Bac is a doubt...sorry Mr..BAC both my daughters(well the oldest did do the MJ until I spanked her...she was raised by her mom...the youngest by me...humm maybe a connection to who the right parent was!) and grandaughters(and grandsons) have prospered in druggies...loosy goosies...or welfare fraudsters...they all work and do quite well thank you very much!
look who is talking about who being a perv!

You, who are asking men to bend over and take it like a man. \\

You who ask women you don't know to show you her breasts,.

and consistanly wanting to spank someone, male of female seems to make no difference to you.

You are a big one to talk ----"NOT"
look who is talking about who being a perv!

You, who are asking men to bend over and take it like a man. \\

You who ask women you don't know to show you her breasts,.

and consistanly wanting to spank someone, male of female seems to make no difference to you.

You are a big one to talk ----"NOT"

:321: You are not only chronologically old but your rhetoric/diatribes are also getting old...did you also learn to twist what one says from cippie???? Go away little man!
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:321: You are not only chronologically old but your rhetoric/diatribes are also getting old...did you also learn to twist what one says from cippie???? Go away little man!

It's not what he says, but what you say. You are appaently the pervert. not he.
Pa-lease just go away!

It's not what he says, but what you say. You are appaently the pervert. not he.

I have made a concerned effort to be nice to you and stay away from your childish just keep dragging me back in...and if anyone is a perv...we need look no further than your disjointed posts...ya take a little from + and a little from - then act like you know what the hell it is you are talking about...stay cool... stay low... and stay the hell away from me...okay???
Ron Paul has ZERO, ZIP, NADA, NO, NONE, and ZILCH chance of ever becoming anything on a national level. Hopefully, he won't even win his race in his own district.

Black, you're attitude is perplexing. You say nothing about fascists such as Tancredo, and whine all day about peace lovers like Ron Paul. Do you just like fascists or something?
I hope this nation becmes a better place, and the best way to do that is to kick all socialists and populist regressive fearmongers out of the senate and house.
Black, you're attitude is perplexing. You say nothing about fascists such as Tancredo, and whine all day about peace lovers like Ron Paul. Do you just like fascists or something?
Fascist? He wants stronger borders so that we know who is coming in and he becomes a "fascist"? No wonder there is no compromise.