McCain's Healthcare Tax

Heck I pay about 10k a yr thru my employer and after I quit soon it will be about 13k/yr till medicare.

Perhaps mcCain is basing his stance on what govt employees pay for their insurance. It is cheap.

Did anyone else hear that McCain's plan now is $5,000 credit per individual? My boyfriend insists that he doubled it. If this fvcktard really thinks that all it takes is $2,500/yr to have decent insurance he needs to be flogged and then sent to a hospital with $2,500/yr coverage.

It was always 2,500 for individual and 5,000 for family. And yeah I heard him lie about that last night, unless he has officially changed the amount.
McCain: "So the point is, I want people to have tax cuts. I want every family to have a $5,000 refundable tax credit so they can go out and purchase their own health care. I want to double the dividend from $3,500 to $7,000 for every dependent child in America."

Obama: " Just one last point I want to make, since Senator McCain talked about providing a $5,000 health credit. Now, what he doesn't tell you is that he intends to, for the first time in history, tax health benefits.

So you may end up getting a $5,000 tax credit. Here's the only problem: Your employer now has to pay taxes on the health care that you're getting from your employer. And if you end up losing your health care from your employer, you've got to go out on the open market and try to buy it.

It is not a good deal for the American people. But it's an example of this notion that the market can always solve everything and that the less regulation we have, the better off we're going to be."

Personally i think McCains healthcare plan is as bad as Bush's scam social security privatization.
It was always 2,500 for individual and 5,000 for family. And yeah I heard him lie about that last night, unless he has officially changed the amount.

I figured. It's a huge increase in taxes for middle America. If you're marginal tax rate is 25%, and you have a some what decent plan which will at least cost you around $10k, you're going to be paying more than a grand more in federal taxes alone, right off the bat.

And that's for everyone. Whether you make $40k/yr or $150k/yr. Its still substantial in each instance.

I was glad to see Obama harp on this last night but I don't think the message is out there. McCain seems to think that a $10k plan is "designer" and suped up. Well fvck him. We can't all pay the $20/yr he pays for full comprehensive coverage.

I can't believe any fiscal conservative would rationalize voting for him. It boggles my mind.

A friend of a friend who I know makes well under 100k was saying you have to watch out for Obama's tax plan. Its like WTF?
Heck I pay about 10k a yr thru my employer and after I quit soon it will be about 13k/yr till medicare.

Perhaps mcCain is basing his stance on what govt employees pay for their insurance. It is cheap.

employers pay about 2/3 of ur premium and you pay 1/3. They lie to you about the cost so they can bump ur cobra up and not have to keep you after you leave. So if your premium is 200 a month the plan is 600.

Believe it
employers pay about 2/3 of ur premium and you pay 1/3. They lie to you about the cost so they can bump ur cobra up and not have to keep you after you leave. So if your premium is 200 a month the plan is 600.

Believe it

My company is the other way around. I pay about 2/3 and they pay about 1/3.
Personally i think McCains healthcare plan is as bad as Bush's scam social security privatization.

This current economic clusterfck is nothing compared to what Mccain's assault on the Middle Class will do.

Think about it. He outrightly launched class warfare on people like you and me with half way decent health plans. And even though they are decent and cost well over the $2,500 or $5000 or whatever random low amount he pulls from his a$$ on that particular day, I'm sure when you read the fine print there's nothing "designer" about them.
employers pay about 2/3 of ur premium and you pay 1/3. They lie to you about the cost so they can bump ur cobra up and not have to keep you after you leave. So if your premium is 200 a month the plan is 600.

Believe it

I think My company pays a lot more than that. I have a POS and can go out of network and will at most have to pay 20% for a procedure. My premium is around $678/yr for an individual. I really doubt that my coverage is $2k/yr
You do have good insurance LadyT. I pay close to your annual premium monthly.

Believe me, I know it and appreciate it. Personally I think they should allow deductions for all non cosmetic healthcare costs. That would even the bar for everyone.
We need a law prohibiting denying coverage for pre-existing conditions. Esp when changing jobs and insurance companies. Better yet insurance that follows you from job to job.
I think My company pays a lot more than that. I have a POS and can go out of network and will at most have to pay 20% for a procedure. My premium is around $678/yr for an individual. I really doubt that my coverage is $2k/yr

not bad. my premium is like $2132 a year for a family. Company pays about 4200. This is the cheapest coverage I have every had because my company is so big the cost per participant is low

So under mccains plan my income would go up by 4200 and I would be taxed on the 4200 + the 2132 that currently goes pre-tax. Then get a measly 5000 tax credit.

Do your math republicans.. If you have company healthcare you will get a tax increase out of this.
We need a law prohibiting denying coverage for pre-existing conditions. Esp when changing jobs and insurance companies. Better yet insurance that follows you from job to job.

the only part of the debate I caught was when Obama schooled McCain on his healthcare proposals.

we need more regulation with insurance companies starting with who and what they can deny coverage for,how they derive their rates, and especially when they deny coverages and have people locked in litigious warfare for years without coming to a resolution. What they get away with is ridiculous.
not bad. my premium is like $2132 a year for a family. Company pays about 4200. This is the cheapest coverage I have every had because my company is so big the cost per participant is low

So under mccains plan my income would go up by 4200 and I would be taxed on the 4200 + the 2132 that currently goes pre-tax. Then get a measly 5000 tax credit.

Do your math republicans.. If you have company healthcare you will get a tax increase out of this.

Also, keep in mind that the whole point of McCain's health insurance tax is for employers to stop providing health insurance and for individuals to purchase insurance on the private market for a whole hell of a lot more than the measly tax credit, a tax credit that get increasingly measly year after year because it is indexed to inflation while heath insurance premiums increase at a much higher rate.
not bad. my premium is like $2132 a year for a family. Company pays about 4200. This is the cheapest coverage I have every had because my company is so big the cost per participant is low

So under mccains plan my income would go up by 4200 and I would be taxed on the 4200 + the 2132 that currently goes pre-tax. Then get a measly 5000 tax credit.

Do your math republicans.. If you have company healthcare you will get a tax increase out of this.

If I understand his plan your total liability would go up +$300.
Also, keep in mind that the whole point of McCain's health insurance tax is for employers to stop providing health insurance and for individuals to purchase insurance on the private market for a whole hell of a lot more than the measly tax credit, a tax credit that get increasingly measly year after year because it is indexed to inflation while heath insurance premiums increase at a much higher rate.

yes this is true. I asked HR what we would get in return.. and we get nothing. No pay increase.. they will provide a healthsaver account.

Its a massive break to the corporation. Anybody that supports this rubbish and gets company provided healthcare must be some sort of sadomasochistic.
Also, keep in mind that the whole point of McCain's health insurance tax is for employers to stop providing health insurance and for individuals to purchase insurance on the private market for a whole hell of a lot more than the measly tax credit, a tax credit that get increasingly measly year after year because it is indexed to inflation while heath insurance premiums increase at a much higher rate.

Ding ding ding!

I think it will end up eventually costing most us well over $2k in straight federal taxes.
I figured. It's a huge increase in taxes for middle America. If you're marginal tax rate is 25%, and you have a some what decent plan which will at least cost you around $10k, you're going to be paying more than a grand more in federal taxes alone, right off the bat.

And that's for everyone. Whether you make $40k/yr or $150k/yr. Its still substantial in each instance.

I was glad to see Obama harp on this last night but I don't think the message is out there. McCain seems to think that a $10k plan is "designer" and suped up. Well fvck him. We can't all pay the $20/yr he pays for full comprehensive coverage.

I can't believe any fiscal conservative would rationalize voting for him. It boggles my mind.

A friend of a friend who I know makes well under 100k was saying you have to watch out for Obama's tax plan. Its like WTF?

Pure ignorance. People like me are going to get so f’d by McCain’s health care plan. It will never pass, they’ll be a revolt, and you won’t get that past congress anyway, but then, I always say…you never know. That’s what they said 30 years ago about repealing the estate tax.