"McCarthy says he will look at expunging Trump impeachment"

McCarthy is under the delusion that his white christer party has a big majority instead of only a 4 majority which is shaky at best overall.

McCarthy and his white trash goon squad might be expunged before it is all over
McCarthy is under the delusion that his white christer party has a big majority instead of only a 4 majority which is shaky at best overall.

McCarthy and his white trash goon squad might be expunged before it is all over

No, as inane as it can, and probably will, get the GOP will not break ranks, the supposed moderate Republican is a myth, they might in fact be moderates, act and talk about being moderates, but when it comes to a vote, they are always going to fall into line

The "I don't like him personally, but a I approve of his policies" bullshit is just a cover up
McCarthy is under the delusion that his white christer party has a big majority instead of only a 4 majority which is shaky at best overall.

McCarthy and his white trash goon squad might be expunged before it is all over

Nope. Now that your Mossad asset Epstein has been clipped the game is just about up. :cool:
You're a shitbag. That's what there is about you.

What people are really embarrassed about is the bullshit their Congress does in lieue of what is in their job description.

Impeachment is in their job description. Expunging an impeachment is not.
Indictments are coming for this leadership

The house where the latest classified documents were found....guess who was listed as owner at the time they were put there? HUNTER Biden, not Joe. Indictments coming indeed. Btw....if you dont believe me look it up. Hunter listed as owner and had access. YOU FUCKED! :cool:
You have no idea about Mossad :)

A lot more than you do, your just some inbred from North Carolina. They are mostly a bunch of dirt bags that use tactics on par with Russia, China, and N korea.
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In fact the main tactic they use is the one Epstein is known for. Compromising vids of politicians with under age hookers or worse.
BTW.....Where are all those vids and why dont we hear about them anymore? What about his whore Maxwells black book? Poof.....just gone,.... down the memory hole. For NOW that is. ;)
Question, if this could be done as in expunging Trump's impeachments, wouldn't it take both houses to approve it?!!

Given that expunging an impeachment has never been tried before, it's not clear if he could. House practices offer no guidance for reversing a presidential impeachment. And while there is a historical precedent in place—the Senate once voted to expunge a censure of President Andrew Jackson after his battles with the opposition Whig Party—it is an imperfect one, largely because impeachment is a function of both chambers of Congress while a censure is not.

Excerpt: from Newsweek

McCarthy is a weak
spineless worm, who is beholden to the freedom caucus and Trump?!!

"Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) said on Thursday that he would consider expunging one or both of former President Trump’s impeachments."

"In the last Congress, a group of more than 30 House Republicans led by Rep. Markwayne Mullin (Okla.) put forward a resolution to expunge Trump’s impeachment in the wake of the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the Capitol. The resolution was supported by the fourth-ranking Republican in the House, Republican Conference Chairwoman Elise Stefanik (N.Y.)."


Orchestrating Trump's designs, the right has torn down many of America's leading institutions, and now they want to rewrite history, I suppose in the MAGA revision January 6th will be portrayed as some kind of Munich Beer Hall, could an "Art of the Putch" be coming next

It's spelt putsch, shit for brains.