McConnell is said to be pleased about impeachment, believing it will be easier to pur

Democrats never listen to me but here goes lol.

They shouldn’t do this regardless of what McConnell supposedly said. The Turtle may even be baiting them. Too many voters don’t want it and their anger will carry over to the midterms.

It’s going to be a bad political move and arguably worse than the first misguided impeachment that was ‘such a glaring success‘ democrats barley mentioned it during the campaign. It has all the appearances of some medieval characters exhuming a dead king and scattering his bones. Besides, it makes no sense: the whole point to impeachment is to try and score the removal and he’s gone in little over a week.

But when it comes to Trump, Democrats can’t help themselves. And when it comes to Nancy Pelosi she *really can’t help herself*. One of the damnedest things I’ve ever seen.
Democrats never listen to me but here goes lol.

They shouldn’t do this regardless of what McConnell supposedly said. The Turtle may even be baiting them. Too many voters don’t want it and their anger will carry over to the midterms.

It’s going to be a bad political move and arguably worse than the first misguided impeachment that was ‘such a glaring success‘ democrats barley mentioned it during the campaign. It has all the appearances of some medieval characters exhuming a dead king and scattering his bones. Besides, it makes no sense: the whole point to impeachment is to try and score the removal.

But when it comes to Trump, Democrats can’t help themselves. And when it comes to Nancy Pelosi she *really can’t help herself*. One of the damnedest things I’ve ever seen.

Trump and his supporters are enemies of the United States. No, that is not hyperbole.
Interesting. Republican leadership is "purging" Trump. Hence the ReTrumplicans have a choice.

Trump is not the Trump movement.

If Democrats and the Never Trump Rumps think getting rid of Trump means getting rid of economic nationalism and Trump supporters ‘they don’t get it.’ Which isn’t surprising since they still don’t it after four years.

I think Trump’s place is king maker anyway. I don’t want him to run again.
Democrats never listen to me but here goes lol.

They shouldn’t do this regardless of what McConnell supposedly said. The Turtle may even be baiting them. Too many voters don’t want it and their anger will carry over to the midterms.

It’s going to be a bad political move and arguably worse than the first misguided impeachment that was ‘such a glaring success‘ democrats barley mentioned it during the campaign. It has all the appearances of some medieval characters exhuming a dead king and scattering his bones. Besides, it makes no sense: the whole point to impeachment is to try and score the removal and he’s gone in little over a week.

But when it comes to Trump, Democrats can’t help themselves. And when it comes to Nancy Pelosi she *really can’t help herself*. One of the damnedest things I’ve ever seen.

Don't know where you get that.

According to recent polls, over half the country wants him removed from office before January 20th.


More than half of Americans believe Trump should be removed before Jan. 20, according to poll
Elaine Chao had enough of the economic racism, anyone who traded with the world's largest trading nation China was attacked by people living in cocoons, destroying opportunities of other people while chanting USA USA USA, LMAOO :awesome:
Democrats never listen to me but here goes lol.

They shouldn’t do this regardless of what McConnell supposedly said. The Turtle may even be baiting them. Too many voters don’t want it and their anger will carry over to the midterms.

It’s going to be a bad political move and arguably worse than the first misguided impeachment that was ‘such a glaring success‘ democrats barley mentioned it during the campaign. It has all the appearances of some medieval characters exhuming a dead king and scattering his bones. Besides, it makes no sense: the whole point to impeachment is to try and score the removal and he’s gone in little over a week.

But when it comes to Trump, Democrats can’t help themselves. And when it comes to Nancy Pelosi she *really can’t help herself*. One of the damnedest things I’ve ever seen.

Sorry but you don’t have a lot of credibility on that score.

First, it can’t get much worse.

Second you’ve picked the peanuts out of Trumps shit every step of the way.

Next, you’ve failed to understand the consequences and the history of demagogues. Cause anyone who has is utterly not surprised in the least about what happened.

And since you failed to see that then inevitably you will fail to see that history has shown time and time again that the only way for a Republic and/or Democracy to deal with a demagogue like Trump is to promptly hold said demagogue and his enablers accountable for their attacks on Republican/Democratic institutions. Otherwise the precedent set will be repeated over and over again by politicians in the future who note that he got away with it.

So now the precedent must be set that no you will not get away with it.

So Mitt Romney was absolutely right. The only reconciliation Trump and his supporters need to hear is the cold hard truth. That Trump lied and misrepresented the truth over and over and over again. He lost an election that was fair, honest and with virtually no evidence whatsoever to verify his lies that there was any fraud that occurred that would have changed the outcome of the election.

So if you believed the lies and misrepresentations and you feel that you’re owed some form of reconciliation because his supporters were inflamed to commit an egregious act of treason well you’re sadly mistaken.

The only reconciliation you deserve is the truth. That truth being that Biden won this election fairly and honestly and it’s not our problem or our fault that you believed and supported Trumps lies.

We don’t owe you a damned thing because you believed the lies and the only reconciliation the faithful citizens of this nation owes you is the unvarnished truth.
Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, the Republican leader, has told associates that he believes President Trump committed impeachable offenses and that he is pleased that Democrats are moving to impeach him, believing that it will make it easier to purge him from the party, according to people familiar with his thinking.

Somebody better tell Mitch it is Trump's party now. The voters want America first. Mitch is serving his last term, unless he cheats which now is quite possible.