McConnell is said to be pleased about impeachment, believing it will be easier to pur

Trump is not the Trump movement.

If Democrats and the Never Trump Rumps think getting rid of Trump means getting rid of economic nationalism and Trump supporters ‘they don’t get it.’ Which isn’t surprising since they still don’t it after four years.

I think Trump’s place is king maker anyway. I don’t want him to run again.

What are your principles, and how do they differ from Republican principles?
Trump is not the Trump movement.

If Democrats and the Never Trump Rumps think getting rid of Trump means getting rid of economic nationalism and Trump supporters ‘they don’t get it.’ Which isn’t surprising since they still don’t it after four years.

I think Trump’s place is king maker anyway. I don’t want him to run again.

Only one he want to be king is him......

Can he really make someone else??

Somebody better tell Mitch it is Trump's party now. The voters want America first. Mitch is serving his last term, unless he cheats which now is quite possible.

lol... In a few days trump will be unemployed, Moscow Mitch is here for a few more years..

trump is set to be impeached, Mitch will let everyone vote their conscience, assuming they have one..

I am glad the gop is gonna fight back.......
lol... In a few days trump will be unemployed, Moscow Mitch is here for a few more years..

trump is set to be impeached, Mitch will let everyone vote their conscience, assuming they have one..

I am glad the gop is gonna fight back.......
Finally standing up to Trump and his cult who have been holding them hostage.
Trump is not the Trump movement.

If Democrats and the Never Trump Rumps think getting rid of Trump means getting rid of economic nationalism and Trump supporters ‘they don’t get it.’
disagree. no one other then Trump made economic nationalism
( as opposed to globalism, and capitulation to China) a policy point

Repubs are globalist, Dems are that as well as unwilling to check China except thru the WTO
( a meaningless paper tiger)

Nobody is going to confront China - the main target of economic nationalism
Democrats never listen to me but here goes lol.

They shouldn’t do this regardless of what McConnell supposedly said. The Turtle may even be baiting them. Too many voters don’t want it and their anger will carry over to the midterms.

It’s going to be a bad political move and arguably worse than the first misguided impeachment that was ‘such a glaring success‘ democrats barley mentioned it during the campaign. It has all the appearances of some medieval characters exhuming a dead king and scattering his bones. Besides, it makes no sense: the whole point to impeachment is to try and score the removal and he’s gone in little over a week.

But when it comes to Trump, Democrats can’t help themselves. And when it comes to Nancy Pelosi she *really can’t help herself*. One of the damnedest things I’ve ever seen.

They should not listen to you. Pelosi was against it the first time. She argued against it for purely political reasons. She is not a grand impeacher.
McConnell has not talked to Trump in months. Trump has refused his calls. They hate each other. Mitch has wrung everything out of Trump that he can. He can be honest now.
Democrats never listen to me but here goes lol.

They shouldn’t do this regardless of what McConnell supposedly said. The Turtle may even be baiting them. Too many voters don’t want it and their anger will carry over to the midterms.

It’s going to be a bad political move and arguably worse than the first misguided impeachment that was ‘such a glaring success‘ democrats barley mentioned it during the campaign. It has all the appearances of some medieval characters exhuming a dead king and scattering his bones. Besides, it makes no sense: the whole point to impeachment is to try and score the removal and he’s gone in little over a week.

But when it comes to Trump, Democrats can’t help themselves. And when it comes to Nancy Pelosi she *really can’t help herself*. One of the damnedest things I’ve ever seen.

Wrong again. Congrats on maintaining your perfect record.


You might want to find a new hobby. You suck at this one.

For the record, the point of impeachment is to make sure Trump cannot run again. So you're wrong about that too. Congrats.
Democrats never listen to me but here goes lol.

They shouldn’t do this regardless of what McConnell supposedly said. The Turtle may even be baiting them. Too many voters don’t want it and their anger will carry over to the midterms.

It’s going to be a bad political move and arguably worse than the first misguided impeachment that was ‘such a glaring success‘ democrats barley mentioned it during the campaign. It has all the appearances of some medieval characters exhuming a dead king and scattering his bones. Besides, it makes no sense: the whole point to impeachment is to try and score the removal and he’s gone in little over a week.

But when it comes to Trump, Democrats can’t help themselves. And when it comes to Nancy Pelosi she *really can’t help herself*. One of the damnedest things I’ve ever seen.

You are still playing the board game of life, where you think Donald Trump has some kind of a get-out-of-jail-free or get-out-of-trouble-for-free card just because he is Donald Trump the WHITE RICH PRIVILEGED MAN!

Life is not a silly board game, and there are no get-out-of-jail-free cards, FOR YOU OR DONALD TRUMP!.

There are consequences to everything you do in life- and when you commit impeachable offenses- you can be impeached in accordance to the Constitution.

The Democrats take their oath of office seriously, so when a president violates the constitution, then it becomes the Congress's duty to impeach a president who violates the Constitution. Congress is compelled to impeach them out of duty to country.

And if Mitch McConnell take his oath of office seriously, then he will get his Senate in order, take a vote, and convict the president of his impeachable offenses.

That is how it works!

You and Donald Trump do not have to agree- but the result will be impeachment!
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Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, the Republican leader, has told associates that he believes President Trump committed impeachable offenses and that he is pleased that Democrats are moving to impeach him, believing that it will make it easier to purge him from the party, according to people familiar with his thinking.

Are we supposed to be grateful to the biggest POS, obstructionist and Trump corrupt enabler now?
lol... In a few days trump will be unemployed, Moscow Mitch is here for a few more years..

trump is set to be impeached, Mitch will let everyone vote their conscience, assuming they have one..

I am glad the gop is gonna fight back.......
Fight back with what? They cave to everything. No one wants that anymore. And this massive cover up of fraud and Nazi style enforcement by the FBI and massive purge and censorship where fraud can't be mentioned. No one wants the party that did it and it will never be forgotten.
Fight back with what? They cave to everything. No one wants that anymore. And this massive cover up of fraud and Nazi style enforcement by the FBI and massive purge and censorship where fraud can't be mentioned. No one wants the party that did it and it will never be forgotten.


I'm pretty sure Trump has been President for the last four years, loser.
Trump is not the Trump movement.

If Democrats and the Never Trump Rumps think getting rid of Trump means getting rid of economic nationalism and Trump supporters ‘they don’t get it.’ Which isn’t surprising since they still don’t it after four years.

I think Trump’s place is king maker anyway. I don’t want him to run again.
Fucking moron.
Trump is squashed like a bug.
He has no power, no money and no prospects.

I'm pretty sure Trump has been President for the last four years, loser.

Democrats still can't stop hating. Their four tear tantrum will stand for eternity . When one man stopped their crime spree at least temporarily. Beat by one man. And now trying to impeach so he cannot run again.:laugh: