McConnell is said to be pleased about impeachment, believing it will be easier to pur

How many seats did Pelosi lose in November?

The country doesn’t need this; it would further cheapen the impeachment process but it’s a ‘good’ political as far as I’m concerned because it could easily cost democrats more seats in the midterms.

If Biden does what he ran on he’ll be a lame duck after the midterms anyway. So maybe there’s nothing to lose. I suppose you can look at it that way.

Every political prediction you have made has been wrong, and of course you are wrong again. At least you are consistent.
Hey Trump did have his accomplishments and as I've stated previously had he not mismanaged the COVID-19 (and that has become personal for me now as both the Misses and I have just been diagnosed with COVID....and yes we both feel like shit but are doing ok....only low level flu symptoms but it's been going on for almost two weeks now with no let up) he very likely would have been re-elected.

I think Trump had some significant economic accomplishments prior to COVID, though a bit mixed, mainly the rise in manufacturing employment and a rise in hourly wages shows he worked to keep his word to his working class supporters. I also agreed with his tough stance on China though I did disagree with his trade policies as they ended up seriously hurting US exports, particularly in agriculture.

But in the end Trump was his own worst enemy with his divisive demagoguery and scape goating and his bungling of the civil unrest last summer and most importantly his mismanagement of COVID-19 by undermining his own public health professionals did him in.

But last weeks inciting his wingnut faction to riot during the count of the electoral college and his lies about voter fraud grew into an attack on some of our most important civial institutions and became an existential threat to our Republic...and that is what he will be remembered for.
Mott! I’m so sorry, wish I could make you some of my famous chicken soup. Hope you get better soon. Glad it doesn’t require hospitalization.
Hey Trump did have his accomplishments and as I've stated previously had he not mismanaged the COVID-19 (and that has become personal for me now as both the Misses and I have just been diagnosed with COVID....and yes we both feel like shit but are doing ok....only low level flu symptoms but it's been going on for almost two weeks now with no let up) he very likely would have been re-elected.

I think Trump had some significant economic accomplishments prior to COVID, though a bit mixed, mainly the rise in manufacturing employment and a rise in hourly wages shows he worked to keep his word to his working class supporters. I also agreed with his tough stance on China though I did disagree with his trade policies as they ended up seriously hurting US exports, particularly in agriculture.

But in the end Trump was his own worst enemy with his divisive demagoguery and scape goating and his bungling of the civil unrest last summer and most importantly his mismanagement of COVID-19 by undermining his own public health professionals did him in.

But last weeks inciting his wingnut faction to riot during the count of the electoral college and his lies about voter fraud grew into an attack on some of our most important civial institutions and became an existential threat to our Republic...and that is what he will be remembered for.

My sister, her partner, son and my d-i-l have all had it. They are all ok now so I know the score on that one!
Betrayal': Powerful GOP support for Trump's impeachment shows major Republican shift after Capitol riot

The expected House vote Wednesday on whether to again impeach President Donald Trump will stress major fractures within the Republican Party over supporting or defending him in the aftermath of a riot at the Capitol one week ago that left five dead.

All House Republicans supported Trump in December 2019, when House Democrats impeached him on charges of abuse of power and obstruction of Congress stemming from his dealings with Ukraine.

But the third most senior Republican in the House – Rep. Liz Cheney of Wyoming – said Tuesday she will vote to impeach Trump, a sign that at least a few in the GOP could join her in punishing the president. At least two other lawmakers announced Tuesday they would vote to impeach Trump.
Democrats never listen to me but here goes lol.

They shouldn’t do this regardless of what McConnell supposedly said. The Turtle may even be baiting them. Too many voters don’t want it and their anger will carry over to the midterms.

It’s going to be a bad political move and arguably worse than the first misguided impeachment that was ‘such a glaring success‘ democrats barley mentioned it during the campaign. It has all the appearances of some medieval characters exhuming a dead king and scattering his bones. Besides, it makes no sense: the whole point to impeachment is to try and score the removal and he’s gone in little over a week.

But when it comes to Trump, Democrats can’t help themselves. And when it comes to Nancy Pelosi she *really can’t help herself*. One of the damnedest things I’ve ever seen.

Mid-terms are two years away, American voters do not have such an attention span.

Politics aside, I do not care about the politics, this cannot be tolerated regardless of the political cost. Telling Americans you won, when its clear you did not is harmful to DEMOCRACY. Its very much the actions of a person looking to be a dictator.

As to McConnell, he lost his Senate due to Trump and he is making a political calculation that mortally wounding Trump now will help his party in the future. Trump is threatening all kinds of electable people with mid-terms. Mid-terms that will nominate less electable people. McConnell is simply calculating his grasp on power and has decided a future without Trump grants him more power.
This impeachment is COMPLETELY different IMHO. Because it will be supported by many Republicans, and it has a very good chance of resulting in a conviction. Republicans want to drive a stake through the heart of Trumpism so it can't reanimate in 2024. McConnell wants him gone permanently. Trump is done. It's over.

So, the first one wasn’t worth a shit lol?

The left and Trump haters have been dying for Trump supporters have something hung like this hung on them. And for 3 years and 50 weeks, they failed to deliver. Even as the Democrats militant arm caused billions of dollars of damage, destroyed city blocks, occupied [isn't that a form of insurrection?] precincts, injured 700 LEO’s and killed a dozen or so.

As of last week, democrats own all that. That’s the way the game is played now.

And what were democrats saying? Antifa is ‘an idea’. It’s “people doing what they do”. Kamala went as far to encourage the rioting—and nothing but crickets.

I was pissed off over the last week. The difference between me and democrats? I have a right to be.
So, the first one wasn’t worth a shit lol?

The left and Trump haters have been dying for Trump supporters have something hung like this hung on them. And for 3 years and 50 weeks, they failed to deliver. Even as the Democrats militant arm caused billions of dollars of damage, destroyed city blocks, occupied [isn't that a form of insurrection?] precincts, injured 700 LEO’s and killed a dozen or so.

As of last week, democrats own all that. That’s the way the game is played now.

And what were democrats saying? Antifa is ‘an idea’. It’s “people doing what they do”. Kamala went as far to encourage the rioting—and nothing but crickets.

I was pissed off over the last week. The difference between me and democrats? I have a right to be.

Which is why we don't give a fuck what you think any longer. I don't have the right to be angry that an angry mob broke into the capitol and killed a cop?

Two words. FUCK YOU.
Which is why we don't give a fuck what you think any longer. I don't have the right to be angry that an angry mob broke into the capitol and killed a cop?

Two words. FUCK YOU.

Anyone defending the violent overthrow of the government is an enemy of the United States.
Mott! I’m so sorry, wish I could make you some of my famous chicken soup. Hope you get better soon. Glad it doesn’t require hospitalization.

Thanks! We're doing ok....the Misses has gotten extremely grumpy the last couple of days which is a very good sign! :) We were lucky, so far just mild flu like symptons.
Definitely not the worst. But his true colors have shone through. He is a traitor, along with the rest. His defense of seditionists is transparent. Enough of that.

Correct. This is no longer about debate with Trump supporters. If you support the violent overthrow of the government you are a traitor.
My sister, her partner, son and my d-i-l have all had it. They are all ok now so I know the score on that one!

Yea it really seems to hammer folks who have pre-existing conditions or are immuno compromised. Though not always. A former co-workers husband contracted it and was the picture of health before and it killed him and several of my wifes co-workers contracted it and ended up in ICU. So even if you have COVID and the symptoms aren't severe you need to pay attention to them cause if they turn south things can get real bad real quick.
Democrats never listen to me but here goes lol.

They shouldn’t do this regardless of what McConnell supposedly said. The Turtle may even be baiting them. Too many voters don’t want it and their anger will carry over to the midterms.

It’s going to be a bad political move and arguably worse than the first misguided impeachment that was ‘such a glaring success‘ democrats barley mentioned it during the campaign. It has all the appearances of some medieval characters exhuming a dead king and scattering his bones. Besides, it makes no sense: the whole point to impeachment is to try and score the removal and he’s gone in little over a week.

But when it comes to Trump, Democrats can’t help themselves. And when it comes to Nancy Pelosi she *really can’t help herself*. One of the damnedest things I’ve ever seen.

The fucker lead a terrorist group on our capitol and we are supposed to just forget about it? His behavior is ok? The next president who wants to invade the capitol and kill cops can consider that acceptable? Fuck you and the trump shitheads won't be an issue in two years because trump will likely be a washed up broke piece of shit by then that any normal person will be embarrassed to say they voted for him. Trump is fucking done and only the biggest of assholes will give two shits about him in a matter of months.
Trump is not the Trump movement.

If Democrats and the Never Trump Rumps think getting rid of Trump means getting rid of economic nationalism and Trump supporters ‘they don’t get it.’ Which isn’t surprising since they still don’t it after four years.

I think Trump’s place is king maker anyway. I don’t want him to run again.

trump scared so many away from the republican party that any shithead spouting trumps garbage will never be elected to anything. You are an extremist shithead and noone will elect one of those again.
So, if he couldn't accomplish a fucking thing in four years, you think it would be best to give him ANOTHER four? That's the very definition of mental illness.

Trump accomplished a lot, middle class income went up 6,000 dollars a year. He started Opportunity Zones in Black neighborhoods. He was working on school choice to get Black children who the Democrats want to keep stupid in the terrible schools.Unemployment was the lowest ever. And he did not start a war.

Saying he did nothing makes you an uninformed ignorant asshole.