McConnell is said to be pleased about impeachment, believing it will be easier to pur

Democrats never listen to me but here goes lol.

They shouldn’t do this regardless of what McConnell supposedly said. The Turtle may even be baiting them. Too many voters don’t want it and their anger will carry over to the midterms.

It’s going to be a bad political move and arguably worse than the first misguided impeachment that was ‘such a glaring success‘ democrats barley mentioned it during the campaign. It has all the appearances of some medieval characters exhuming a dead king and scattering his bones. Besides, it makes no sense: the whole point to impeachment is to try and score the removal and he’s gone in little over a week.

But when it comes to Trump, Democrats can’t help themselves. And when it comes to Nancy Pelosi she *really can’t help herself*. One of the damnedest things I’ve ever seen.

He was impeached twice. He was not convicted due to party politics the first time. This one will be more interesting.
Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, the Republican leader, has told associates that he believes President Trump committed impeachable offenses and that he is pleased that Democrats are moving to impeach him, believing that it will make it easier to purge him from the party, according to people familiar with his thinking.

When even Republicans support impeachment... This does not look good for trump.

trump really should not have targeted Republicans for murder.
he has a movement. 74 million votes gotta go somewhere, and it aint going to the elitists

trump has lost 9% of that 74 million already, so that is 67 million. Lets say he sticks at that, he continues to be able to get 40% of the vote, but no more...

That would be the worst disaster possible for the Republicans. It is too much support to change their strategy, and too little to win general elections. They would become the "also ran" party. And that is McConnell's fear.

If he can get rid of trump, he hopes the trump voters will have nowhere else to go, and stay in the Republican Party. he then hopes he can add to that more votes and get up to 50% or more.
trump has lost 9% of that 74 million already, so that is 67 million. Lets say he sticks at that, he continues to be able to get 40% of the vote, but no more...

That would be the worst disaster possible for the Republicans. It is too much support to change their strategy, and too little to win general elections. They would become the "also ran" party. And that is McConnell's fear.

If he can get rid of trump, he hopes the trump voters will have nowhere else to go, and stay in the Republican Party. he then hopes he can add to that more votes and get up to 50% or more.
you dont understand populism. while of course many sheeple like yourself simply vote (D) or (R)
there are a large amount of Trump voters who are independent

I change partys all the time. I've supported Hillary ( before Libya), Obama ( before his manifest racialism)
and have voted 3rd party for Gary Johnson for POTUS

Modern Dems are an anathema because of their statism, and the power of the elites behind them
So I can just not vote, or vote 3rd party as much as Republican in 2024
trump has lost 9% of that 74 million already, so that is 67 million. Lets say he sticks at that, he continues to be able to get 40% of the vote, but no more...

That would be the worst disaster possible for the Republicans. It is too much support to change their strategy, and too little to win general elections. They would become the "also ran" party. And that is McConnell's fear.

If he can get rid of trump, he hopes the trump voters will have nowhere else to go, and stay in the Republican Party. he then hopes he can add to that more votes and get up to 50% or more.

Trump has also been through the worst two week period of any president since Lincoln so I wouldn’t put a lot of stock in his *present* numbers. Keep in mind Biden hasn’t done anything yet—there is much that he and the Democrats can screw up and the ‘Trump years’ can start looking pretty good in the not too distant future.

Again with democrats, they are a divided party. The only thing that has united democrats for four years has been Donald J. Trump. Ironically, it may be democrats that need Trump to stick around in order to hold their party together.

The AOC wing is ascendant and has all the energy. The problem is democrats can’t win a national election running on socialism. That’s why the DNC kicked Bernie to the curb in the primaries. It would have been an electoral massacre putting Bernie up against a pre-COVID Trump.

[thank you, CCP bastards]

The moderate wing [basically the democrat establishment] has broader appeal nationally but it’s doubtful democrats can win a national election without having their radical wing engaged.

What has kept them United?

Their shared hatred for the Bad Orange Man. With Trump out of the picture it will be like removing an 800# gorilla from the room. If nothing else, it will be interesting to see how it plays out.
He was impeached twice. He was not convicted due to party politics the first time. This one will be more interesting.

The evidence wasn’t strong enough to overcome the party politics lol.

The founders *intended* to make removal from office difficult for a reason: because the temptation would be for the opposing party to use impeachment as means to effect an electoral change and that power belongs in the hands of the people.

Basically, the first impeachment was a misguided effort that shouldn’t have occurred. Pelosi actually knew this, at one point.

This one is no better. In an actual trial democrats will need more than rhetoric in order to establish their predicate [that Trump incited the protesters to riot]. They are going to need evidence. Failing that, they can hope for enough squishy republicans to give a ‘virtue signal vote’ to remove Trump from office. Except he will no longer be there.

Like I said, this one is no better than the last; in fact, it’s arguably absurd. But these are democrats in the Trump era, so yeah.
The evidence wasn’t strong enough to overcome the party politics lol.

The founders *intended* to make removal from office difficult for a reason: because the temptation would be for the opposing party to use impeachment as means to effect an electoral change and that power belongs in the hands of the people.

Basically, the first impeachment was a misguided effort that shouldn’t have occurred. Pelosi actually knew this, at one point.

This one is no better. In an actual trial democrats will need more than rhetoric in order to establish their predicate [that Trump incited the protesters to riot]. They are going to need evidence. Failing that, they can hope for enough squishy republicans to give a ‘virtue signal vote’ to remove Trump from office. Except he will no longer be there.

Like I said, this one is no better than the last; in fact, it’s arguably absurd. But these are democrats in the Trump era, so yeah.
We all saw him do it on video you freak of nature. How can you be this ignorant?
Again Moron

Half of those were votes against Biden you idiot.

We all need to try & keep in mind that Boris aka anatta isn't attached or wedded to trump, honest, he said so.......

He is now a progressive liberal...:whome:

Can you tell??? :laugh::laugh::laugh:
Liz Cheney votes for Impeachment and Mich calls Trump a provocateur

the old guard interventionists and stagnant swamp monsters are the death knell of the Republicans
We all need to try & keep in mind that Boris aka anatta isn't attached or wedded to trump, honest, he said so.......

He is now a progressive liberal...:whome:

Can you tell??? :laugh::laugh::laugh:
CLASSIC LIBERAL not "progressive" anything

you need to pay attention instead of writing crap like calling me a progressive

'm a 60's liberal. Free Speech and Equal Access -even affirmative action where needed, now it's Approved Speech and Equal Outcomes -see the difference?
60' are classic liberals..Progressives are socialists/statists
CLASSIC LIBERAL not "progressive" anything

you need to pay attention instead of writing crap like calling me a progressive

60' are classic liberals..Progressives are socialists/statists

I am still a liberal Progressive cancel culture is illiberal ( intolerant restricting freedom of thought or behavior).
Dems are fascists. such are the times.. wise up

I think you are off your rocker...........:rolleyes: & pun intended
I think you are off your rocker...........:rolleyes: & pun intended
rofl... what is that expression ? "For Want of a Nail" :rolleyes:

In this case its want of a period (.) After the word liberal. so it says "Im still a liberal". period.

then the next word is the next sentence "Progressive cancel culture is illiberal " where i/cons make the case
Progressive is the antithesis of classic liberalism

meh. i appreciate being able to re-say it again;
it's key to understanding Progressive Dems are NOT 'liberals'
Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, the Republican leader, has told associates that he believes President Trump committed impeachable offenses and that he is pleased that Democrats are moving to impeach him, believing that it will make it easier to purge him from the party, according to people familiar with his thinking.

China Mitch never should have been allowed to be in the Senate to begin with.
rofl... what is that expression ? "For Want of a Nail" :rolleyes:

In this case its want of a period (.) After the word liberal. so it says "Im still a liberal". period.

then the next word is the next sentence "Progressive cancel culture is illiberal " where i/cons make the case
Progressive is the antithesis of classic liberalism

meh. i appreciate being able to re-say it again;
it's key to understanding Progressive Dems are NOT 'liberals'

Oh my word, how low can one apologist go, now it's the O' where the fuck is that dot".........

& don't even try & use that O' "like I missed my period" w/ me, nothing happened so stop right there.:mad: ;)

You damn progressives' will stop @ nothing in your pursuit of untruth & alternative facts.......