McConnell is said to be pleased about impeachment, believing it will be easier to pur

Trump accomplished a lot, middle class income went up 6,000 dollars a year. He started Opportunity Zones in Black neighborhoods. He was working on school choice to get Black children who the Democrats want to keep stupid in the terrible schools.Unemployment was the lowest ever. And he did not start a war.

Saying he did nothing makes you an uninformed ignorant asshole.

You were the one who claimed he didn't do anything to drain the swamp. The rest of your post is bullshit. The economy is in the tank.
You were the one who claimed he didn't do anything to drain the swamp. The rest of your post is bullshit. The economy is in the tank.

The economy is in the tank because of Covid. Biden will leave it there. Democrats like it when people are miserable. And Trump made it possible to fire some bureaucrats. They are a big part of the swamp.
Using extraconstitutional means to bash Trump is not going to go over well with the citizens who have been voting R, but then again the R's in Washington have put together a now long record of being useless lying cunts....what is one more betrayal.
No due process just like Kavanaugh. Democrats are the ones who do not follow the rule of law. Right now a clown show is going on. Impeachment is only happening so Trump cannot run again. They are abusing their power and the Constitution to get rid of the guy that beat them.
Definitely not the worst. But his true colors have shone through. He is a traitor, along with the rest. His defense of seditionists is transparent. Enough of that.

Please get over yourself.

The idiots who were responsible for last week need to be thrown in jail. If there’s someone here who defends them I don’t know who it is. If there’s a serious republican or Trump supporter who defends them—I don’t know who it is.

Democrats are determined to take us down a dark road over this by implicating garden variety Trump supporters over it.
disagree. no one other then Trump made economic nationalism
( as opposed to globalism, and capitulation to China) a policy point

Repubs are globalist, Dems are that as well as unwilling to check China except thru the WTO
( a meaningless paper tiger)

Nobody is going to confront China - the main target of economic nationalism

Yep, it is kinda funny to see ppl trying to roll w/ trumpism w/out trump........

If they wanna go w/ that, IMHO they are going to need to rebrand it & make it their own.. No one has even begun to do that that I have seen........
Fight back with what? They cave to everything. No one wants that anymore. And this massive cover up of fraud and Nazi style enforcement by the FBI and massive purge and censorship where fraud can't be mentioned. No one wants the party that did it and it will never be forgotten.

You should speak for yourself not everyone..

The system is built on compromise-no one gets their way all the time, did you miss the last election??

Unwillingness to do so leads to gridlock..
Hey Trump did have his accomplishments and as I've stated previously had he not mismanaged the COVID-19 (and that has become personal for me now as both the Misses and I have just been diagnosed with COVID....and yes we both feel like shit but are doing ok....only low level flu symptoms but it's been going on for almost two weeks now with no let up) he very likely would have been re-elected.

I think Trump had some significant economic accomplishments prior to COVID, though a bit mixed, mainly the rise in manufacturing employment and a rise in hourly wages shows he worked to keep his word to his working class supporters. I also agreed with his tough stance on China though I did disagree with his trade policies as they ended up seriously hurting US exports, particularly in agriculture. Most importantly Trump did not enlarge US involvement over seas, and worked to decrease current involvements which reduced the risk of escalation and he did not involve us in a foreign war. That is probably his most significant accomplishment.

But in the end Trump was his own worst enemy with his divisive demagoguery and scape goating and his bungling of the civil unrest last summer and most importantly his mismanagement of COVID-19 by undermining his own public health professionals did him in.

But last weeks inciting his wingnut faction to riot during the count of the electoral college and his lies about voter fraud grew into an attack on some of our most important civial institutions and became an existential threat to our Republic...and that is what he will be remembered for.

Hope you & the Misses continue to doing ok & recover well.......
You should speak for yourself not everyone..

The system is built on compromise-no one gets their way all the time, did you miss the last election??

Unwillingness to do so leads to gridlock..

No one? Are you forgetting about the establishment and the Deep State. They had their way and always did until Trump. That is why we had four years of hysterics. They had to cheat him, censor him, block any mention of fraud on social media and networks. But they are desperate for power. Too bad half the country knows there was massive fraud. It will never be lied away.
No one? Are you forgetting about the establishment and the Deep State. They had their way and always did until Trump. That is why we had four years of hysterics. They had to cheat him, censor him, block any mention of fraud on social media and networks. But they are desperate for power. Too bad half the country knows there was massive fraud. It will never be lied away.

trump was the establishment, one can not be any more establishment than the president of the usa, regardless of spin..... :|

There is no deep state, trump made it up, but if you believe it then you should consider the fact they are here & soon your mango messiah will not be.. As great as he was, he got the boot & impeached, again.....

Sad you believe all this crap, but I guess that is up to you..........

Over half the country wanted trump out & impeached...

Many in the gop did not vote against impeaching him......

trump is gone along w/ your dreams & illusions.....

My suggestion to you is simple, grow up or find another political messiah to cling to....

best of luck in the new year........
trump was the establishment, one can not be any more establishment than the president of the usa, regardless of spin..... :|

There is no deep state, trump made it up, but if you believe it then you should consider the fact they are here & soon your mango messiah will not be.. As great as he was, he got the boot & impeached, again.....

Sad you believe all this crap, but I guess that is up to you..........

Over half the country wanted trump out & impeached...

Many in the gop did not vote against impeaching him......

trump is gone along w/ your dreams & illusions.....

My suggestion to you is simple, grow up or find another political messiah to cling to....

best of luck in the new year........

He was sabotaged at every turn. He still kept promises. The first president in my lifetime to do that. Biden is not a legitimate president. Trump was and likely the last one because of the corrupt scum that sold our country out. And the stupid who believe they give one shit about them.
He was sabotaged at every turn. He still kept promises. The first president in my lifetime to do that. Biden is not a legitimate president. Trump was and likely the last one because of the corrupt scum that sold our country out. And the stupid who believe they give one shit about them.

Carlin tried to warn us now many years ago..."They dont care about YOU!".
He was sabotaged at every turn. He still kept promises. The first president in my lifetime to do that. Biden is not a legitimate president. Trump was and likely the last one because of the corrupt scum that sold our country out. And the stupid who believe they give one shit about them.

I am about done wasting time w/ you.........

You believe whatever floats your boat, it will keep you off the street hopefully.....

I can list lots trump did not do from the southern boarder to the coal mines of W Virginie..............

Hopefully trump is the last one......

You can go to your grave regretting what he did to himself, the world goes on.......:|