McConnell is said to be pleased about impeachment, believing it will be easier to pur

Sorry but you don’t have a lot of credibility on that score.

First, it can’t get much worse.

Second you’ve picked the peanuts out of Trumps shit every step of the way.

Next, you’ve failed to understand the consequences and the history of demagogues. Cause anyone who has is utterly not surprised in the least about what happened.

And since you failed to see that then inevitably you will fail to see that history has shown time and time again that the only way for a Republic and/or Democracy to deal with a demagogue like Trump is to promptly hold said demagogue and his enablers accountable for their attacks on Republican/Democratic institutions. Otherwise the precedent set will be repeated over and over again by politicians in the future who note that he got away with it.

So now the precedent must be set that no you will not get away with it.

So Mitt Romney was absolutely right. The only reconciliation Trump and his supporters need to hear is the cold hard truth. That Trump lied and misrepresented the truth over and over and over again. He lost an election that was fair, honest and with virtually no evidence whatsoever to verify his lies that there was any fraud that occurred that would have changed the outcome of the election.

So if you believed the lies and misrepresentations and you feel that you’re owed some form of reconciliation because his supporters were inflamed to commit an egregious act of treason well you’re sadly mistaken.

The only reconciliation you deserve is the truth. That truth being that Biden won this election fairly and honestly and it’s not our problem or our fault that you believed and supported Trumps lies.

We don’t owe you a damned thing because you believed the lies and the only reconciliation the faithful citizens of this nation owes you is the unvarnished truth.

Oh, it can get much worse.

Go ahead and impeach him.
Democrats never listen to me but here goes lol.

They shouldn’t do this regardless of what McConnell supposedly said. The Turtle may even be baiting them. Too many voters don’t want it and their anger will carry over to the midterms.

It’s going to be a bad political move and arguably worse than the first misguided impeachment that was ‘such a glaring success‘ democrats barley mentioned it during the campaign. It has all the appearances of some medieval characters exhuming a dead king and scattering his bones. Besides, it makes no sense: the whole point to impeachment is to try and score the removal and he’s gone in little over a week.

But when it comes to Trump, Democrats can’t help themselves. And when it comes to Nancy Pelosi she *really can’t help herself*. One of the damnedest things I’ve ever seen.

End thread.
disagree. no one other then Trump made economic nationalism
( as opposed to globalism, and capitulation to China) a policy point

Repubs are globalist, Dems are that as well as unwilling to check China except thru the WTO
( a meaningless paper tiger)

Nobody is going to confront China - the main target of economic nationalism

Economic nationalism is an idea. That would be like saying no one but John Doe could be a capitalist. We’ll have to disagree on that.

Politically, no one is going to get the Trump coalition to turn out besides someone who is willing to take on the principles of economic nationalism. I wouldn’t walk out my front door to vote for a Romney. Trump conservatives are nothing like leftists who will vote for an obvious placeholder like Biden just get the proper machinery installed. Or worse yet, shadow vote for the person behind him and hope the first person keels over before the end of their first term.

I think the left is actually aware of this. They don’t just want rid of Trump—they want rid of Trump supporters because his supporters have been the problem all along. Separate Trump from his supporters—you get rid of Trump. It was that simple and they tried their *damnedest* to do it for four years.

Think they don’t know this? Look at what they are doing: the tech oligarchs are doing a Soviet style purge of conservative voices from social media. The idiot lemmings in the electorate really think you ‘fight fascism’ by silencing your political opponents. Think about that. It’s almost tragically funny.

There are tens of millions of voters who really think like this. It/they are a big reason why this country is such a mess right now. But don’t think for a minute that democrat leaders think Trumpism begins and ends with Trump.

They know better and they are acting like they know better.
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They should not listen to you. Pelosi was against it the first time. She argued against it for purely political reasons. She is not a grand impeacher.
McConnell has not talked to Trump in months. Trump has refused his calls. They hate each other. Mitch has wrung everything out of Trump that he can. He can be honest now.

I was right the first time too lol.

Pelosi should have stayed against the first impeachment before she was for it. One thing you can bank on is Democrats overplaying their hand in situations like this. Probably comes with having their opinions reinforced by the media echo chamber.

They trivialized the impeachment process the first time and this will only further cheapen it because it has no practical effect. There is no practical reason to remove a president from office when he’s going to vacate the office in *days* anyway. Or is because Democrats want to ensure Trump doesn’t run in 2024? How is that a legitimate justification for it? Should voters not be allowed to decide that?

Also, the appearances suck. It looks vindictive—because it is vindictive. Too many voters don’t have the stomach for that sort of thing. Not every voter is a hide-bound Trump hater.

If Democrats do this it will come at a political price.
Sorry but you don’t have a lot of credibility on that score.

First, it can’t get much worse.

Second you’ve picked the peanuts out of Trumps shit every step of the way.

Next, you’ve failed to understand the consequences and the history of demagogues. Cause anyone who has is utterly not surprised in the least about what happened.

And since you failed to see that then inevitably you will fail to see that history has shown time and time again that the only way for a Republic and/or Democracy to deal with a demagogue like Trump is to promptly hold said demagogue and his enablers accountable for their attacks on Republican/Democratic institutions. Otherwise the precedent set will be repeated over and over again by politicians in the future who note that he got away with it.

So now the precedent must be set that no you will not get away with it.

So Mitt Romney was absolutely right. The only reconciliation Trump and his supporters need to hear is the cold hard truth. That Trump lied and misrepresented the truth over and over and over again. He lost an election that was fair, honest and with virtually no evidence whatsoever to verify his lies that there was any fraud that occurred that would have changed the outcome of the election.

So if you believed the lies and misrepresentations and you feel that you’re owed some form of reconciliation because his supporters were inflamed to commit an egregious act of treason well you’re sadly mistaken.

The only reconciliation you deserve is the truth. That truth being that Biden won this election fairly and honestly and it’s not our problem or our fault that you believed and supported Trumps lies.

We don’t owe you a damned thing because you believed the lies and the only reconciliation the faithful citizens of this nation owes you is the unvarnished truth.

Trump may be a lot of things but at least he stood up to the ChiComs, Biden has never done that and won't in the future. I predict that there will be a conflict over the South China Sea and Taiwan because SloJo is more interested in fighting non-existent wars and will only wake up and realise the real enemy when it's too late and you'll be well and truly fucked. Mark my words well Mott, less hubris and more humility is needed.
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Trump may be a lot of things by at least he stood up to the ChiComs, Biden has never done that and won't in future. I predict that there will be a conflict over the South China Sea and Taiwan because SloJo is more interested in fighting non-existent wars domestically when the real enemy is the CCP. Sadly I fear you've left it too late and you'll be well and truly fucked.


About a year from now no one will be talking about this. There is SO much Biden and Democrats can screw up and they likely will. I wish I could say I was even slightly optimistic.

About a year from now no one will be talking about this. There is SO much Biden and Democrats can screw up and they likely will. I wish I could say I was even slightly optimistic.

Let them enjoy their Pyrrhic victory, you can always rely on Slo Jo to fuck up, it's the only thing he's good at.
Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, the Republican leader, has told associates that he believes President Trump committed impeachable offenses and that he is pleased that Democrats are moving to impeach him, believing that it will make it easier to purge him from the party, according to people familiar with his thinking.
McConnell is also pleased when he's lucky enough to have a bowel movement, so...
Interesting. Republican leadership is "purging" Trump. Hence the ReTrumplicans have a choice.
Big, brave turtle man. He kept silent until after the Ga. run off was completed. Now it's safe to tell the truth? He's got nothing to lose, having already lost it all.
Democrats never listen to me but here goes lol.

They shouldn’t do this regardless of what McConnell supposedly said. The Turtle may even be baiting them. Too many voters don’t want it and their anger will carry over to the midterms.

It’s going to be a bad political move and arguably worse than the first misguided impeachment that was ‘such a glaring success‘ democrats barley mentioned it during the campaign. It has all the appearances of some medieval characters exhuming a dead king and scattering his bones. Besides, it makes no sense: the whole point to impeachment is to try and score the removal and he’s gone in little over a week.

But when it comes to Trump, Democrats can’t help themselves. And when it comes to Nancy Pelosi she *really can’t help herself*. One of the damnedest things I’ve ever seen.

The first impeachment didn't seem to bother voters since trump lost the election by 7 million votes, and the Senate control went to the Democrats. This impeachment should be no different. If you commit a crime, its not right to just ignore it.
The first impeachment didn't seem to bother voters since trump lost the election by 7 million votes, and the Senate control went to the Democrats. This impeachment should be no different. If you commit a crime, its not right to just ignore it.

How many seats did Pelosi lose in November?

The country doesn’t need this; it would further cheapen the impeachment process but it’s a ‘good’ political as far as I’m concerned because it could easily cost democrats more seats in the midterms.

If Biden does what he ran on he’ll be a lame duck after the midterms anyway. So maybe there’s nothing to lose. I suppose you can look at it that way.

Democrats still can't stop hating. Their four tear tantrum will stand for eternity . When one man stopped their crime spree at least temporarily. Beat by one man. And now trying to impeach so he cannot run again.:laugh:

So, if he couldn't accomplish a fucking thing in four years, you think it would be best to give him ANOTHER four? That's the very definition of mental illness.
How many seats did Pelosi lose in November?

The country doesn’t need this; it would further cheapen the impeachment process but it’s a ‘good’ political as far as I’m concerned because it could easily cost democrats more seats in the midterms.

If Biden does what he ran on he’ll be a lame duck after the midterms anyway. So maybe there’s nothing to lose. I suppose you can look at it that way.

You are not 'the country' and you don't speak for 'the country'. You speak for the cult you belong to. The rest of us, who are NOT cult members, want Trump removed from office. You lose. We win. Trump will never hold another political office, and his businesses are in the toilet. Multiple entities are waiting to perp walk him. This is your hero. You must be so proud.
The first impeachment didn't seem to bother voters since trump lost the election by 7 million votes, and the Senate control went to the Democrats. This impeachment should be no different. If you commit a crime, its not right to just ignore it.

This impeachment is COMPLETELY different IMHO. Because it will be supported by many Republicans, and it has a very good chance of resulting in a conviction. Republicans want to drive a stake through the heart of Trumpism so it can't reanimate in 2024. McConnell wants him gone permanently. Trump is done. It's over.
How many seats did Pelosi lose in November?

The country doesn’t need this; it would further cheapen the impeachment process but it’s a ‘good’ political as far as I’m concerned because it could easily cost democrats more seats in the midterms.

If Biden does what he ran on he’ll be a lame duck after the midterms anyway. So maybe there’s nothing to lose. I suppose you can look at it that way.

Try telling those ignorant pricks that helium come from oil wells, MRI scanners and NMR spectroscopy wouldn't work without it. As indeed the production of semiconductor chips which rely on its inert properties to stop contamination. Fibre optics, scuba diving, hard drives, arc welding, air bags and suicide are other uses. Plastics, pharmaceuticals, lubricants and host of other products come from oil, the US allowed China to gain a near monopoly on rare earths, do they want to do the same with helium?
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Economic nationalism is an idea. That would be like saying no one but John Doe could be a capitalist. We’ll have to disagree on that.

Politically, no one is going to get the Trump coalition to turn out besides someone who is willing to take on the principles of economic nationalism. I wouldn’t walk out my front door to vote for a Romney. Trump conservatives are nothing like leftists who will vote for an obvious placeholder like Biden just get the proper machinery installed. Or worse yet, shadow vote for the person behind him and hope the first person keels over before the end of their first term.

I think the left is actually aware of this. They don’t just want rid of Trump—they want rid of Trump supporters because his supporters have been the problem all along. Separate Trump from his supporters—you get rid of Trump. It was that simple and they tried their *damnedest* to do it for four years.

Think they don’t know this? Look at what they are doing: the tech oligarchs are doing a Soviet style purge of conservative voices from social media. The idiot lemmings in the electorate really think you ‘fight fascism’ by silencing your political opponents. Think about that. It’s almost tragically funny.

There are tens of millions of voters who really think like this. It/they are a big reason why this country is such a mess right now. But don’t think for a minute that democrat leaders think Trumpism begins and ends with Trump.

They know better and they are acting like they know better.
agree there is MAGA movement, and it's not based on Trump as a person.

In fact I've always supported Trump and put up with the person, because the idea of economic nationalism
is so 100% spot on, and there isn't anyone else .
Somebody smart mighht pick it up. Rubio get the threat of China

I for one will never vote for a worthless establishment, and voting for the Fascists Dems
is laughable for anyone concerned with civil liberties.
So where do I go? 3rd party i guess since the duopoly without Trump is the Swamp
. Or is because Democrats want to ensure Trump doesn’t run in 2024? How is that a legitimate justification for it? Should voters not be allowed to decide that?
Dems dont respect voters wishes -see my sig, Trump has been "illegitimate" since before he was sworn in
Trump may be a lot of things but at least he stood up to the ChiComs, Biden has never done that and won't in the future. I predict that there will be a conflict over the South China Sea and Taiwan because SloJo is more interested in fighting non-existent wars and will only wake up and realise the real enemy when it's too late and you'll be well and truly fucked. Mark my words well Mott, less hubris and more humility is needed.

Hey Trump did have his accomplishments and as I've stated previously had he not mismanaged the COVID-19 (and that has become personal for me now as both the Misses and I have just been diagnosed with COVID....and yes we both feel like shit but are doing ok....only low level flu symptoms but it's been going on for almost two weeks now with no let up) he very likely would have been re-elected.

I think Trump had some significant economic accomplishments prior to COVID, though a bit mixed, mainly the rise in manufacturing employment and a rise in hourly wages shows he worked to keep his word to his working class supporters. I also agreed with his tough stance on China though I did disagree with his trade policies as they ended up seriously hurting US exports, particularly in agriculture. Most importantly Trump did not enlarge US involvement over seas, and worked to decrease current involvements which reduced the risk of escalation and he did not involve us in a foreign war. That is probably his most significant accomplishment.

But in the end Trump was his own worst enemy with his divisive demagoguery and scape goating and his bungling of the civil unrest last summer and most importantly his mismanagement of COVID-19 by undermining his own public health professionals did him in.

But last weeks inciting his wingnut faction to riot during the count of the electoral college and his lies about voter fraud grew into an attack on some of our most important civial institutions and became an existential threat to our Republic...and that is what he will be remembered for.