McMaverick goes ballistic on his wife


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Book: McCain temper boiled over in '92 tirade, called wife a 'cunt'

John McCain's temper is well documented. He's called opponents and colleagues "shitheads," "assholes" and in at least one case "a fucking jerk."

But a new book on the presumptive Republican nominee will air perhaps the most shocking angry exchange to date.

The Real McCain by Cliff Schecter, which will arrive in bookstores next month, reports an angry exchange between McCain and his wife that happened in full view of aides and reporters during a 1992 campaign stop. An advance copy of the book was obtained by RAW STORY.

Three reporters from Arizona, on the condition of anonymity, also let me in on another incident involving McCain's intemperateness. In his 1992 Senate bid, McCain was joined on the campaign trail by his wife, Cindy, as well as campaign aide Doug Cole and consultant Wes Gullett. At one point, Cindy playfully twirled McCain's hair and said, "You're getting a little thin up there." McCain's face reddened, and he responded, "At least I don't plaster on the makeup like a trollop, you cunt." McCain's excuse was that it had been a long day. If elected president of the United States, McCain would have many long days.


No hackery here! 16 year old hearsay about a bad word, and detective cypress unearths the breakthrough story! Lets all now vote for some other douchebag that we hate and be proud we didn't vote for a crusty old war mongering fossil because someone said that someone said he said "cunt" in 1992!

Cypress, you deserve a pulitzer.
Three reporters from Arizona, on the condition of anonymity

Anonymous reporters.

Now there's a respectable source if there ever was one.

And like it even matters if it's true...

If you have someone follow me around all day for my whole career you'll probably hear quite a few words dirtier than that.
Wow he should have been nicer to her. Doesn't he know that drug addled people sometimes say things without thinking. She was probably high on stolen pain killers and just said the first thing that came to junky mind.
Three reporters from Arizona, on the condition of anonymity

Anonymous reporters.

Now there's a respectable source if there ever was one.

And like it even matters if it's true...

If you have someone follow me around all day for my whole career you'll probably hear quite a few words dirtier than that.
Would you call your mom a cunt? Your girlfriend? Your sister? No you wouldn't. Your internal editor would be online and you might think it but you wouldn't say it. Especially if you were in front of people. Shows SOME judgment problems. That, I think, was the jist of this. If it is true it shows a lack of judgment.
Would you call your mom a cunt? Your girlfriend? Your sister? No you wouldn't. Your internal editor would be online and you might think it but you wouldn't say it. Especially if you were in front of people. Shows SOME judgment problems. That, I think, was the jist of this. If it is true it shows a lack of judgment.
IF it is true. IF is the biggest two-letter word in the English language.

Very doubtful it is true. Would have come out long before now had it happened. Most likely this is just one of many opening shots in what is undoubtedly going to be the longest and dirtiest presidential race yet.

You thought 2004 was bad? Just wait! Clinton and Obama are already flinging it hard and fast - at each other. Only time they agree is when they have something to say about McCain.

I'm tired just thinking of it. Maybe I'll spend the next 8 months in a backwoods cabin. Hike into town on election day and hike out again for another two weeks.
Would you call your mom a cunt? Your girlfriend? Your sister? No you wouldn't. Your internal editor would be online and you might think it but you wouldn't say it. Especially if you were in front of people. Shows SOME judgment problems. That, I think, was the jist of this. If it is true it shows a lack of judgment.

Your whole argument is baseless until the "IF" part comes out to be true. Stop being such a spaz.
Well, firstly, i want to remind everyone that there was no tape-recording of Hillary Clinton yelling out "that fucking Jew" but I've yet to meet a republican who didn't believe the story. In fact, I believe the story.

Now about this...we'll probably never know if it's true. But it's so weird to me, because just last night, I was talking to my friend about McCain and about how MoDo finally wrote something worth reading when she reported that his nickname in high school was "McNasty". In high School. So it looks as if McCain went into Vietnam a nasty prick, and he can't blame his pow years for it.

And then I was saying how I put that together with the fact that he was a serial cheater on his first wife, the fact that I absolutely believed that the screwed that lobbyist, and you could tell by how she disappeared, and that it looked to me like there was a reason why his current wife is a dope addict with a rap sheet.

We all do what we have to do to survive.

In other words - I believe John McCain is a woman-abusing nastly little prick. And yeah, I think this story is probably true. But we'll never have a tape of it, so all we can do is take our own measure of the man. And we're all entitled to hold our own opinons on that.
Well, in McShame's defense she was a pill junkie at that time. Junkies can bring out the worst in people. My feelings about him are unchanged and I don't care if the story is true or not, McShame is a warmonger.

and btw its no "If"

"GOP presidential candidate John McCain's wife Cindy took to the airwaves last week, recounting for Jane Pauley (on "Dateline") and Diane Sawyer (on "Good Morning America") the tale of her onetime addiction to Percocet and Vicodin, and the fact that she stole the drugs from her own nonprofit medical relief organization."
IF it is true. IF is the biggest two-letter word in the English language.

Very doubtful it is true. Would have come out long before now had it happened. Most likely this is just one of many opening shots in what is undoubtedly going to be the longest and dirtiest presidential race yet.


haha! apologists have such great insight.

"GOP presidential candidate John McCain's wife Cindy took to the airwaves last week, recounting for Jane Pauley (on "Dateline") and Diane Sawyer (on "Good Morning America") the tale of her onetime addiction to Percocet and Vicodin, and the fact that she stole the drugs from her own nonprofit medical relief organization."

No hackery here! 16 year old hearsay about a bad word, and detective cypress unearths the breakthrough story! Lets all now vote for some other douchebag that we hate and be proud we didn't vote for a crusty old war mongering fossil because someone said that someone said he said "cunt" in 1992!

Cypress, you deserve a pulitzer.

Can I get off the couch now Dr. Freud? Thanks for the free psychoanalysis though!

The world of politics is filled with "ifs". Yeah, its an "if" that he said it. We embarked on a three trillion dollar war, based on a series of dubious "ifs". Personally I think McCain said it. And calling your wife that word is almost grounds for divorce, at least the women I've been involved with.

And, yeah, I hate McCain. Sorry if that bothers you. I pretty much hate anyone who cheerled us into this clusterfuck of a war and continues to cheerlead it.

So, if you'll forgive me, I'd like to continue mocking war mongers! Thanks, beefy!
Well, in McShame's defense she was a pill junkie at that time. Junkies can bring out the worst in people. My feelings about him are unchanged and I don't care if the story is true or not, McShame is a warmonger.

and btw its no "If"

"GOP presidential candidate John McCain's wife Cindy took to the airwaves last week, recounting for Jane Pauley (on "Dateline") and Diane Sawyer (on "Good Morning America") the tale of her onetime addiction to Percocet and Vicodin, and the fact that she stole the drugs from her own nonprofit medical relief organization."

Well, that’s true but it brings us to the chicken and egg question: What came first? Her being a junkie, or his abusiveness? And the truth is we don’t know. And we’ll likely never know. The only thing I’m glad of is that it’s not a relationship I’m in.

All of that aside, ask yourself this: Michelle Obama has been charged with stealing drugs to support her drug habit.

What happens to Obama's candidacy?

That question is for McCain boot-lickers. The rest of us know the answer. Do you? Will you own it?
I am being serious. Neither John McCain nor Barack Obama should be judged on the behavior of their respective families. It is true that they will be, but they shouldn't be.

Well, what's true is that Obama would have to drop out, but McCain hasn't even had to address this. He might have to, but so far he's been given a pass.

And yep, race plays a part. (although I really think Theresa Heinz Kerry would have been attacked with this too)
LOL, remember a couple of weeks ago when Michelle said that for the first time in her life she was proud of her country? LOL, remember all the flack from the right about her not being patriotic enough? Ummmmm, okay. We buy that AT
Well, what's true is that Obama would have to drop out, but McCain hasn't even had to address this. He might have to, but so far he's been given a pass.
I'm not arguing with you. What I am saying is that it shouldn't be that way.

And yep, race plays a part. (although I really think Theresa Heinz Kerry would have been attacked with this too)

Of course race plays a part. This is America.