McMaverick goes ballistic on his wife

Trollop, I could see. The C word is another story. You just don't do that.

My bf would never call me either. He doesn’t call names, ever. I like that about him a lot. In fact, he’s taught me to think three times before I open my own mouth.

But only to him, so nobody get your hopes up around here, you bunch of slow-witted, socially retarded, dumbasses!
True, but we will never know, will we?

True..... we will never no anything other than this anonymously sourced comment came from SIXTEEN years ago.

Talk about desperation on the part of Gumby. Apparently he could not find anything more current than 1992 to bash McCain with.
John McCain's temper is well documented. He's called opponents and colleagues "shitheads," "assholes" and in at least one case "a fucking jerk."
McCain's face reddened, and he responded, "At least I don't plaster on the makeup like a trollop, you cunt."

You mean McCain sometimes talks like Hillary? My God... how could we possibly elect someone like that?

BTW, did he throw any ashtrays or lamps at his spouse, as Hillary has?

Based on their track records, my money is on McCain coming out ahead in the kindness-to-others contest.

But of course, the OP was only faking any interest in Presidential candidates abusing their spouses. If he actually cared, he'd have been complaining about Hillary too, and louder. Clearly he just wants to find excuses to bash McCain, regardless of other candidates doing the same or worse.
You mean McCain sometimes talks like Hillary? My God... how could we possibly elect someone like that?

BTW, did he throw any ashtrays or lamps at his spouse, as Hillary has?

Based on their track records, my money is on McCain coming out ahead in the kindness-to-others contest.

But of course, the OP was only faking any interest in Presidential candidates abusing their spouses. If he actually cared, he'd have been complaining about Hillary too, and louder. Clearly he just wants to find excuses to bash McCain, regardless of other candidates doing the same or worse.

Ok Damo, and all the rest of you who have acted like I’m crazy for considering political ideology to be a dealbreaker….THIS post right here, ought to go a good long way to explaining to you why I do not, ever, under any circumstances…date cons.
Ok Damo, and all the rest of you who have acted like I’m crazy for considering political ideology to be a dealbreaker….THIS post right here, ought to go a good long way to explaining to you why I do not, ever, under any circumstances…date cons.

That implies that the person you are quoting is representative of a group of people. The loud annoying ones never are.
As usual, hating a group of people is easy: hating a person is hard.

P.S. The quoted individual is crazy, though.
You mean McCain sometimes talks like Hillary? My God... how could we possibly elect someone like that?

BTW, did he throw any ashtrays or lamps at his spouse, as Hillary has?

Based on their track records, my money is on McCain coming out ahead in the kindness-to-others contest.

But of course, the OP was only faking any interest in Presidential candidates abusing their spouses. If he actually cared, he'd have been complaining about Hillary too, and louder. Clearly he just wants to find excuses to bash McCain, regardless of other candidates doing the same or worse.


I bet your the type of person normal people avoid at parties. This is just plain weird.

What is it with cons and their psychobabble and psycho analysis?
I am being serious. Neither John McCain nor Barack Obama should be judged on the behavior of their respective families. It is true that they will be, but they shouldn't be.
I agree that their BEHAVIOR should have nothing to do with their being president. What should be looked into is the lengths that McCain went to to clear Cindy McCain, including having the local prosecutor put pressure on the reporters reporting her drug habit and theft. McCain used every ounce of political influence he had. Personally responsibility be damned. She is a thief and had she been John McShmoe's wife she would have ended up with a criminal record.
I agree that their BEHAVIOR should have nothing to do with their being president. What should be looked into is the lengths that McCain went to to clear Cindy McCain, including having the local prosecutor put pressure on the reporters reporting her drug habit and theft. McCain used every ounce of political influence he had. Personally responsibility be damned. She is a thief and had she been John McShmoe's wife she would have ended up with a criminal record.

Taking on the risk of damaging his political career to fight to protect his family.... yeah... that is a bad trait. :cool:
I agree that their BEHAVIOR should have nothing to do with their being president. What should be looked into is the lengths that McCain went to to clear Cindy McCain, including having the local prosecutor put pressure on the reporters reporting her drug habit and theft. McCain used every ounce of political influence he had. Personally responsibility be damned. She is a thief and had she been John McShmoe's wife she would have ended up with a criminal record.

Those are the sorts of things that should be considered, yes.
Taking on the risk of damaging his political career to fight to protect his family.... yeah... that is a bad trait. :cool:
He was protecting his family yes. His family member that STOLE from an organization of which she was the head. I deal with lots of people who are the family members of my clients and when they really do get caught breaking the law 9 out of 10 times they want their family member to take responsibility for the actions that got them into trouble. If using political capital is ok is paying off cops? Is hiring thugs to intimidate witnesses ok? I mean in the vein of fighting to protect my family that would be cool yeah? It is only that tenth person that will do anything regardless of the morals ethics or legality to try to get their family member off. I guess JMc is just number 10.
He was protecting his family yes. His family member that STOLE from an organization of which she was the head. I deal with lots of people who are the family members of my clients and when they really do get caught breaking the law 9 out of 10 times they want their family member to take responsibility for the actions that got them into trouble. If using political capital is ok is paying off cops? Is hiring thugs to intimidate witnesses ok? I mean in the vein of fighting to protect my family that would be cool yeah?

It depends…is your name Hillary or John?
Would you call your mom a cunt? Your girlfriend? Your sister? No you wouldn't. Your internal editor would be online and you might think it but you wouldn't say it. Especially if you were in front of people. Shows SOME judgment problems. That, I think, was the jist of this. If it is true it shows a lack of judgment.

Really? Lack of judgement?

You know what I think is bad judgement? Sitting through a sermon where a man calls Italians "garlic noses" and says "GOD DAMN AMERICA!"

The "this shows poor judgement, so he shouldn't be president", because someone hasn't been a fucking angel throughout their whole life, argument is a dumb one that will only be accepted by the other sides biggest hacks. I know of men who've done great things and changed the world far to the better who've done far worse things. Like Winston Churchill, who drank a pint of whiskey a day, and was addicted to opium in college.
Three personal insults in response to my post, zero attempts to point out where it was wrong.

Pretty much the norm for this board. :D
THIS post right here, ought to go a good long way to explaining to you why I do not, ever, under any circumstances…date cons.

Because none of them will have anything to do with you, after finding our what an irrational, vindicative, foul-mouthed hysteric you are?

Just asking, since you brought it up.