

Verified User
G'day folks

Let me begin by stating that I am a conservative. I began life as a Lefty (sigh, yeah, I know) but as I progressed through life, learning as I went, I reached a stage where I RAN to the right as fast as I could. I belong to no religion (religion is a social construction for social man deciding how the society he lives in should behave), so please don't tie conservatism with religion with me. However, that is not to say I don't believe in a Higher Power, I do, just not the version(s) everyone else believes in.

I am a High School History/English teacher in a State school (I also teach Geography, which I dislike intensely but have no option but to do the best I can). If I had my time to do again, and I knew what I know now and I had the money, I would absolutely, without doubt, home-school my kids. I am a conservative teacher surrounded by Left-wing teachers and, trust me, it makes for interesting staff room discussions, although I have reached the point where more and more, I no longer bother to discuss things. Being the sole voice of reason means its usually not worth the effort and energy!

I am fanatically pro-Israel, nothing more to be said. I am anti pre-born baby execution (aka abortion), nothing more to be said on that one either.

I believe that the biggest danger to western society is Islam, and for that I will undoubtedly be accused of Islamophobia ("A word created by Fascists and used by cowards to manipulate morons" - Christopher Hitchens).

While I am appreciative of some areas of progress made in the last few decades, I miss the respect, self-respect, decency, good manners, resilience, independence and strength of both will and character that we have thrown away to create our modern world (my middle name should be 1950s).

I have never been, am not now and never will be a feminist. I favour a mother with babies and/or young children, being a traditional stay-at-home, homemaker. Women have always had power, just not control, and the hand that rocks the cradle really does rule the world!

I do not like Trump, but I almost fell to my knees in gratitude and thanked the Powers That Be when Clinton failed to become President.

I do not put people on ignore and have never used an ignore thingo, wouldn't know where to find it. Personally, I find ignore to be somewhat infantile.

I rarely post, I prefer to read the responses of others, although that could change in the future. At my age (65), I really do not have the energy or inclination to carry on arguing/debating with anyone. I read and think "Ok, you're a moron without a clue", or "Yep, I agree, you know what you are talking about". Some would probably say that I lack the skills to argue/debate proficiently and intelligently.

My hobbies are reading, which I do every morning before work and every night. Unfortunately, so far, publishers are not enthusiastic about my writing (although the last publisher called my novel intriguing). I also etch on glass and mirrors.

Well, that's about it on me.

Hello and welcome LadyMoonlight,

Thanks for introducing yourself. It's nice to know a few things about the people who frequent this place, and I am envious that you feel comfortable to provide such insight. I am more reserved about the personal information I choose to provide.

I am glad to hear English is still taught. The propensity of so many posters to bypass correctness, almost is if it were out of style, is saddening.

I suspect from your mention of using the Ignore Feature you read my intro post. If not, suffice to say that I may be it's most extensive user. If you'd like to learn more about why I chose to do that, and you didn't read it, I explain my reasoning there. The Topic title contains a typo misspelling of the word 'civil.'

It is only understandable that for lurking there is less reason to consider using the Ignore feature. Flames are never directed at lurkers. If you decide to begin posting more here you will inevitably encounter someone who will unload on you. That places you in a position. If you continue to allow it, you become an enabler for that behavior. I simply choose not to do that. It's become all too common since we elected President Trump, as if he has made it OK. I say no, it is not OK. I thus defy him. I am doing as Michelle Obama advised. When they go low, I go high.

I am impressed that you have written novels. I've begun one, but lost interest. I am far more into non-fiction, but I had an idea for a fictional plot and began laying it out before leaving off with it. Hang in there. I hope you do get published one day.

I'm liberal, and was a strong supporter of Bernie. I didn't campaign for him, although I previously did for President Obama. He didn't turn out to be what I had hoped, but I'm glad he was elected. I think we are better off for having him than we would have been with Senator McCain. I also opposed Governor Romney, having been taken in by some of the liberal propaganda about him, but I have since learned more about him and wonder if he might have done better for us than President Obama did in his second term.

My hobbies are more physical. I almost never read non-fiction, preferring to stay well-informed politically, so most of my reading has to do with politics. I also grow as much of my own food as possible in my own organic garden.

I have noticed that since President Trump has taken over the news cycle, and allows his ego to dominate it with trash talk, that trash talking has become quite the fad. It has increased under his leadership, and I do not think that makes America great at all. So I oppose it. You choose to simply not post; I choose to engage in my own way. I believe merit-based argument is far more credible than obscenity-laced aggression.

Engaging in political conversations and debates causes me to do a great amount of research. This leads to being very well informed. When posting in a Forum like this, opponents will prompt one to back up what they say with evidence. This leads to searching for credible sources to fortify one's view. The result is an education in how to vet information. This has become crucial with the advent of fake news. This enhanced ability to separate the credible from the fake leads me to tear apart the arguments of many conservative posts. Effective debating is a matter of clarifying fact, and dismissing false opinion, particularly those purported as 'fact.'

This also provides the ability to vet sources I intend to post and avoid having my sources called out as heavily slanted. If I can find what supports my views from the most credible sources, it gives me more confidence in my views. We have a lot of right wing radio talk shows in the USA. Most of them are pretty bad about whipping up hatred of liberals, Muslims, the impoverished, any form of socialism, freedom of sexual orientation, religion, and on and on. Conspiracy theories abound. We get people coming in here saying some of the most incorrect stuff, usually unsupported by fact. It's gratifying to point out the errors.

I also believe abortion should be avoided, but favor maintaining that as a choice. I always have to laugh when I see auto tags which say 'Choose life.' I think to myself: 'Fine, but in order to choose life, one must *have* a choice, mustn't one?'

I would love it if our economy would allow more mothers to stay at home, and for family values to be stronger. The problem I see there is we do not have enough socialism mixed in with our capitalism. Europe allows a mandatory 6 weeks paid leave after childbirth, usually paid for by the government through taxes. The USA does very little on this front. We have a law supporting family leave which favors the rich. If a family can afford it, a new mother is allowed to take 6 weeks unpaid leave and cannot be fired for doing this. Needless to say, this does nothing for the working class. Is it any wonder that affluent families tend to stay together more than less wealthy families? And yet to listen to the conservatives it's all about lack of family values. Having parents working and commuting to so many shifts that they never get to spend time with children does not lead to having 'family values.' But that is exactly what the businesses owned by those same conservatives expect out of workers.

America has a terrible way of polarizing issues, and that holds us back. Climate change, for instance, was once a personal view not particularly aligned with liberal/conservative factions, but has in recent years become highly politicized. Which is absurd. Climate change is physics. Whether it is or is not occurring, what we think about it does not affect that. But the way it has become so polarized in the USA just shows the power of propaganda.

I hope you do chose to begin posting more. I intend to build a repertoire of intellectual friends here who can engaged in political discussions while maintaining the utmost of mutual respect.

Either way, Thanks for sharing.
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Welcome. I've never understood how anyone can be a conservative once they have lived life a bit? But then again in America conservative is just an ideology and an opposing position rather than a considered life style or philosophy. I try to use 'American conservative' for the word meaning here is surely different than other places in which it may consist of genuine thoughtful and considered values. Egads that sounds presumptuous but I'll stick to it.

And homeschooling is brainwashing on another level. Life is other people and learning from other people. Life is social.

I want to attach a few links, not for Me but to challenge or maybe just plant a seed in another reader that life is complicated and openness and inclusion are good things. I hope the top two aren't too harsh?

And a few of my threads.

Conservatism [Republicans today] in a Nutshell

A man is lost in the woods and it starts snowing, off in the distance he sees a cabin. Slowly he makes his way only to find a locked gate, he rings the bell and a voice asks what he wants. He tells the voice his plight and is told by the voice that there is a church down the road and that they will pray for him.

Libertarianism [Socially liberal republicans today] in a Nutshell

The snow continues and growing more tired and cold, the man sees another cabin, struggling he barely makes it, he knocks and finally opens the door to warm himself. There is a full kettle of hot soup, he helps himself. Soon out of a back room comes a man, he scolds the man and tells him to leave as this is private property. The man stumbles out the door.

Liberalism in a Nutshell

Nearly exhausted the man sees a third cabin. Slowly he makes his way, opens the door and warms himself. There is soup in a kettle and he helps himself. From a back room a woman enters, she sits down next to him and they talk. He sleeps the night on the floor and the next morning goes on his way.
Welcome. I've never understood how anyone can be a conservative once they have lived life a bit? But then again in America conservative is just an ideology and an opposing position rather than a considered life style or philosophy. I try to use 'American conservative' for the word meaning here is surely different than other places in which it may consist of genuine thoughtful and considered values. Egads that sounds presumptuous but I'll stick to it.

And homeschooling is brainwashing on another level. Life is other people and learning from other people. Life is social.

I want to attach a few links, not for Me but to challenge or maybe just plant a seed in another reader that life is complicated and openness and inclusion are good things. I hope the top two aren't too harsh?

And a few of my threads.

Conservatism [Republicans today] in a Nutshell

A man is lost in the woods and it starts snowing, off in the distance he sees a cabin. Slowly he makes his way only to find a locked gate, he rings the bell and a voice asks what he wants. He tells the voice his plight and is told by the voice that there is a church down the road and that they will pray for him.

Libertarianism [Socially liberal republicans today] in a Nutshell

The snow continues and growing more tired and cold, the man sees another cabin, struggling he barely makes it, he knocks and finally opens the door to warm himself. There is a full kettle of hot soup, he helps himself. Soon out of a back room comes a man, he scolds the man and tells him to leave as this is private property. The man stumbles out the door.

Liberalism in a Nutshell

Nearly exhausted the man sees a third cabin. Slowly he makes his way, opens the door and warms himself. There is soup in a kettle and he helps himself. From a back room a woman enters, she sits down next to him and they talk. He sleeps the night on the floor and the next morning goes on his way.

Consider killing yourself.
Midcan is wrong. The liberal would insist that the man go find government assistance, since that's what we pay taxes for, and that personal charity is inadequate for doing anything meaningful for this poor man.

The conservative would have helped the man out, and then called the church in the morning to get contacts for Christian services.

The libertarian would have shot the man in defense of the property. :D
Midcan is wrong. The liberal would insist that the man go find government assistance, since that's what we pay taxes for, and that personal charity is inadequate for doing anything meaningful for this poor man.

The conservative would have helped the man out, and then called the church in the morning to get contacts for Christian services.

The libertarian would have shot the man in defense of the property. :D

Or pelted him with moldy apples for his amusement, thereby giving the man food while extracting a service from him in return.
Midcan is wrong. The liberal would insist that the man go find government assistance, since that's what we pay taxes for, and that personal charity is inadequate for doing anything meaningful for this poor man.

The conservative would have helped the man out, and then called the church in the morning to get contacts for Christian services.

The libertarian would have shot the man in defense of the property. :D

The libertarian would have helped the man but not think it was a virtue to do so.
I had to throw egg at the libertarian, in hopes that Midcan will re-enact his failed "Libertarianism in a Nutshell" threads from back on FP. Unfortunately, we don't have the full contingent of libertarians around (Ironhead, Stringy, IH8, Beefy, etc.) to proverbially bash his head into the pavement the way FP did at the time.
G'day folks

Let me begin by stating that I am a conservative. I began life as a Lefty (sigh, yeah, I know) but as I progressed through life, learning as I went, I reached a stage where I RAN to the right as fast as I could. I belong to no religion (religion is a social construction for social man deciding how the society he lives in should behave), so please don't tie conservatism with religion with me. However, that is not to say I don't believe in a Higher Power, I do, just not the version(s) everyone else believes in.

I am a High School History/English teacher in a State school (I also teach Geography, which I dislike intensely but have no option but to do the best I can). If I had my time to do again, and I knew what I know now and I had the money, I would absolutely, without doubt, home-school my kids. I am a conservative teacher surrounded by Left-wing teachers and, trust me, it makes for interesting staff room discussions, although I have reached the point where more and more, I no longer bother to discuss things. Being the sole voice of reason means its usually not worth the effort and energy!

I am fanatically pro-Israel, nothing more to be said. I am anti pre-born baby execution (aka abortion), nothing more to be said on that one either.

I believe that the biggest danger to western society is Islam, and for that I will undoubtedly be accused of Islamophobia ("A word created by Fascists and used by cowards to manipulate morons" - Christopher Hitchens).

While I am appreciative of some areas of progress made in the last few decades, I miss the respect, self-respect, decency, good manners, resilience, independence and strength of both will and character that we have thrown away to create our modern world (my middle name should be 1950s).

I have never been, am not now and never will be a feminist. I favour a mother with babies and/or young children, being a traditional stay-at-home, homemaker. Women have always had power, just not control, and the hand that rocks the cradle really does rule the world!

I do not like Trump, but I almost fell to my knees in gratitude and thanked the Powers That Be when Clinton failed to become President.

I do not put people on ignore and have never used an ignore thingo, wouldn't know where to find it. Personally, I find ignore to be somewhat infantile.

I rarely post, I prefer to read the responses of others, although that could change in the future. At my age (65), I really do not have the energy or inclination to carry on arguing/debating with anyone. I read and think "Ok, you're a moron without a clue", or "Yep, I agree, you know what you are talking about". Some would probably say that I lack the skills to argue/debate proficiently and intelligently.

My hobbies are reading, which I do every morning before work and every night. Unfortunately, so far, publishers are not enthusiastic about my writing (although the last publisher called my novel intriguing). I also etch on glass and mirrors.

Well, that's about it on me.

I swear I have read this post before

maybe I met you at another site?
I had to throw egg at the libertarian, in hopes that Midcan will re-enact his failed "Libertarianism in a Nutshell" threads from back on FP. Unfortunately, we don't have the full contingent of libertarians around (Ironhead, Stringy, IH8, Beefy, etc.) to proverbially bash his head into the pavement the way FP did at the time.

crap I forgot all about FP

and then here
Thank you for your welcome.
Don’t take it personally. Billy is a site mod and says that to everyone. It’s probably The friendliest thing he will say to you. Billy is the least biased and fairest person on JPP. He hates everyone equally.
Billy is also an Iraq war veteran who served as a Marine and has earned mucho respect from me...even if he is from Michigan.

I’m Mott. I’m a former Eisenhower Republican, pretty much an extinct breed. I left the GOP primarily due to their tacit tolerance of racist and bigots, and due to the utter incompetence of the Bush administration and its immoral invasion of Iraq and their embracing of the only economic system that’s as spectacular a failure as communism, Supply Side Economics.

I’m civil to all who are civil to me except for those who are openly racist for whom I do not have any respect for.

I to am a bibliophile though my background is in science. I also have a warped sense of humor. I look forward to spirited yet civil debate with you.
Consider killing yourself.

LOL Thanks for that anything that makes the world funny is worth a thanks.

"To listen to someone is to put oneself in his place while he is speaking. To put oneself in the place of someone whose soul is corroded by affliction, or in near danger of it, is to annihilate oneself It is more difficult than suicide would be for a happy child. Therefore the afflicted are not listened to. They are like someone whose tongue has been cut out and who occasionally forgets the fact. When they move their lips no ear perceives any sound. And they themselves soon sink into impotence in the use of language, because of the certainty of not being heard ... And the afflicted are nearly always equally deaf to one another; and each of them, constrained by the general indifference, strives by means of self-delusion or forgetfulness to become deaf to his own self." Simone Weil
We can always use another female conservative voice here. You say you are a teacher. Be prepared to be accused of being a sock. Anyway Welcome.
I had to throw egg at the libertarian, in hopes that Midcan will re-enact his failed "Libertarianism in a Nutshell" threads from back on FP. Unfortunately, we don't have the full contingent of libertarians around (Ironhead, Stringy, IH8, Beefy, etc.) to proverbially bash his head into the pavement the way FP did at the time.

Thanks Threedee, it is nice to know one is read and remembered. And while many will only deny and whine, there is that individual, that person still open to thinking that may think just a bit differently with eyes open. Some post for them.

I keep lots of old posts and odd writings as the same nonsense repeats itself like some old tired thought.
For Threedee, enjoy

Originally posted on

Libertarianism in a nutshell II

Rand's mother receives excellent care during her pregnancy
rand is born in a public education university hospital
he is well cared for in corporate day care
his parents have health insurance through work
he lives in a neighborhood in which the tax code provides good schools
he attends public school and his parents can afford tutors if needed
his grandparents provide funds for college
he attends a state college and graduates with a business degree
in college he joins a libertarian group
a friend of his father recommends him to a colleague for a job interview
he lands a job
he marries a woman of similar background
they have two children
he repeats much of the life of his parents but enters politics
he runs as a republican libertarian
his campaign stresses libertarian principles of freedom
hard work and the free market are the forces that matter
the election is close
rand wins
he enters during a time of excessive budget deficits
an enormous budget package includes reduced taxes and a reduction in entitlements
rand true to his libertarian creed votes yes
his is the deciding vote
protesters hold signs of disagreement in the streets
breakfast and lunch services are stopped for many children
loans are limited for education funds
early child care is reduced
health care also receives a large cutback
rand has been true to his libertarian creed
after all he made it on his own didn't he?


"The most fundamental problem with libertarianism is very simple: freedom, though a good thing, is simply not the only good thing in life. Simple physical security, which even a prisoner can possess, is not freedom, but one cannot live without it. Prosperity is connected to freedom, in that it makes us free to consume, but it is not the same thing, in that one can be rich but as unfree as a Victorian tycoon's wife. A family is in fact one of the least free things imaginable, as the emotional satisfactions of it derive from relations that we are either born into without choice or, once they are chosen, entail obligations that we cannot walk away from with ease or justice. But security, prosperity, and family are in fact the bulk of happiness for most real people and the principal issues that concern governments." Robert Locke