
I am somewhat confused, as I have just joined this site. If others write like me, then they must be wonderful writers, yes?:cool:

I enjoy the way you two write. You guys take the time to go into detail, and I don't have to sort through the typical lefty grammar and punctuation problems. You two are an asset to this community.
Save this post when righties whine

That's because you are a low information moron on steroids who never gets much of anything right but thinks he's winning. Yes, you really are that Fucking dumb.

Such intelligence, so articulate, you can actually read minds, they'll really be impressed when you get to third grade. LOL No need to read down, it's nap time. LOL

Welcome, I am glad to see that you are waking up from the lefty condition. I woke from the lefty condition as well, which is why I know you still have a long way to go. Once I reached the point of running to the right, the run went on for about a decade.

OMG you mean I am not well, who knew, waking open to the promise of a new day with hope and not resentment is a bad thing, who knew, living well and raising happy open minded, freedom loving children and grandkids is not a good thing, who knew, paying your taxes and contributing to the nation is bad, who knew, serving in the military is bad, who knew, living in a nation of labor laws, minimum wage, safe food is bad, who knew, living in a nation of Medicare, Medicaid, social security, Head Start, CHIP, FMLA, SNAP, WIC, of healthcare for the elderly and children is bad, who knew, a land where religion is an individual choice and woman's health and family decisions are hers not the government's, is a bad thing, who knew, who knew....

Or on the other hand one could destroy healthcare, outsource jobs under the banner of a free market, outsource social security, eliminate minimum wage, hide from the draft like Trump, end food programs for children, remove marriage equality, hurt our veterans because they are transgender, lower taxes for the rich, give speeches and do nothing on infrastructure, kowtow to the NRA, vote single issues, are good things... I think I'll remain not well, it's a nice traditional American place to be....



This is by far the best book on conservatism for anyone in the audience interested in a bit of reality. Whiners all.

Right wingers are not the most intelligent people but you'd think by now they'd realize they are being played by 'dark money'. 'White Trash' is a fascinating read too, lots of history. LBJ got that one right.

Poor whites:

Conservatism explained:

"Liberals demand that the social order should in principle be capable of explaining itself at the tribunal of each person's understanding." Jeremy Waldron

Threedee see here:
OMG you mean I am not well, who knew, waking open to the promise of a new day with hope and not resentment is a bad thing, who knew, living well and raising happy open minded, freedom loving children and grandkids is not a good thing, who knew, paying your taxes and contributing to the nation is bad, who knew, serving in the military is bad, who knew, living in a nation of labor laws, minimum wage, safe food is bad, who knew, living in a nation of Medicare, Medicaid, social security, Head Start, CHIP, FMLA, SNAP, WIC, of healthcare for the elderly and children is bad, who knew, a land where religion is an individual choice and woman's health and family decisions are hers not the government's, is a bad thing, who knew, who knew....

Or on the other hand one could destroy healthcare, outsource jobs under the banner of a free market, outsource social security, eliminate minimum wage, hide from the draft like Trump, end food programs for children, remove marriage equality, hurt our veterans because they are transgender, lower taxes for the rich, give speeches and do nothing on infrastructure, kowtow to the NRA, vote single issues, are good things... I think I'll remain not well, it's a nice traditional American place to be....

Wow, all that from a look in my eyes...
Nope, not me.

It is unfortunate that proper English is going out of style, but contrary to popular tweet, it lives on.
Worldwide there appears to be a revival of right wing ideology. Causes include immigration, automation, religion, less opportunity etc etc Name your own. I am currently reading a book on psychological testing which led me to the site at bottom. This test is for conservatives. Enjoy and if open minded give us your result. Article first though.

"Where his words resonated with me, it would make me aware of hidden currents of cruelty in my own thinking. I grew up in a conservative rust belt suburb and hated it, and I loathe populist sanctimony that treats my stultifying hometown as more authentically American than the vibrant city I escaped to. So I felt a guilty shudder of satisfaction reading Williamson’s vituperative 2016 attack on the dysfunctional small towns that supported Donald Trump." (“If you want to live, get out of Garbutt.”)

"Our country desperately needs a mighty leader who will do what has to be done to destroy the radical new ways and sinfulness that are ruining us."

[This is an interactive version of the Right-wing Authoritarianism Scale.]
Worldwide there appears to be a revival of right wing ideology. Causes include immigration, automation, religion, less opportunity etc etc Name your own. I am currently reading a book on psychological testing which led me to the site at bottom. This test is for conservatives. Enjoy and if open minded give us your result. Article first though.

"Where his words resonated with me, it would make me aware of hidden currents of cruelty in my own thinking. I grew up in a conservative rust belt suburb and hated it, and I loathe populist sanctimony that treats my stultifying hometown as more authentically American than the vibrant city I escaped to. So I felt a guilty shudder of satisfaction reading Williamson’s vituperative 2016 attack on the dysfunctional small towns that supported Donald Trump." (“If you want to live, get out of Garbutt.”)

"Our country desperately needs a mighty leader who will do what has to be done to destroy the radical new ways and sinfulness that are ruining us."

[This is an interactive version of the Right-wing Authoritarianism Scale.]

Another massive pile of CRAP from the CRAP Flooder himself. The dishonest efforts of the left to dupe the American people are tireless. Why would someone choose to crapflood an introduction thread? Moron.

But we get it; you leftists hate the fact that you keep losing while moronically thinking you represent the majority opinions in this country.
I had to throw egg at the libertarian, in hopes that Midcan will re-enact his failed "Libertarianism in a Nutshell" threads from back on FP. Unfortunately, we don't have the full contingent of libertarians around (Ironhead, Stringy, IH8, Beefy, etc.) to proverbially bash his head into the pavement the way FP did at the time.

Midcan is a woman!
G'day folks

Let me begin by stating that I am a conservative. I began life as a Lefty (sigh, yeah, I know) but as I progressed through life, learning as I went, I reached a stage where I RAN to the right as fast as I could. I belong to no religion (religion is a social construction for social man deciding how the society he lives in should behave), so please don't tie conservatism with religion with me. However, that is not to say I don't believe in a Higher Power, I do, just not the version(s) everyone else believes in.

I am a High School History/English teacher in a State school (I also teach Geography, which I dislike intensely but have no option but to do the best I can). If I had my time to do again, and I knew what I know now and I had the money, I would absolutely, without doubt, home-school my kids. I am a conservative teacher surrounded by Left-wing teachers and, trust me, it makes for interesting staff room discussions, although I have reached the point where more and more, I no longer bother to discuss things. Being the sole voice of reason means its usually not worth the effort and energy!

I am fanatically pro-Israel, nothing more to be said. I am anti pre-born baby execution (aka abortion), nothing more to be said on that one either.

I believe that the biggest danger to western society is Islam, and for that I will undoubtedly be accused of Islamophobia ("A word created by Fascists and used by cowards to manipulate morons" - Christopher Hitchens).

While I am appreciative of some areas of progress made in the last few decades, I miss the respect, self-respect, decency, good manners, resilience, independence and strength of both will and character that we have thrown away to create our modern world (my middle name should be 1950s).

I have never been, am not now and never will be a feminist. I favour a mother with babies and/or young children, being a traditional stay-at-home, homemaker. Women have always had power, just not control, and the hand that rocks the cradle really does rule the world!

I do not like Trump, but I almost fell to my knees in gratitude and thanked the Powers That Be when Clinton failed to become President.

I do not put people on ignore and have never used an ignore thingo, wouldn't know where to find it. Personally, I find ignore to be somewhat infantile.

I rarely post, I prefer to read the responses of others, although that could change in the future. At my age (65), I really do not have the energy or inclination to carry on arguing/debating with anyone. I read and think "Ok, you're a moron without a clue", or "Yep, I agree, you know what you are talking about". Some would probably say that I lack the skills to argue/debate proficiently and intelligently.

My hobbies are reading, which I do every morning before work and every night. Unfortunately, so far, publishers are not enthusiastic about my writing (although the last publisher called my novel intriguing). I also etch on glass and mirrors.

Well, that's about it on me.

I hope to give you FACTS

sorry to hear you fell into a bag of lies as you aged
Sorry, sunshine, but the "Facts" as leftwits understand them, are not what the wise and educated would call accurate! I do like, and believe, the classic adage (attributed to many, including Winston Churchill from whom it did not originate)..."If you're not a Liberal at 20 you have no heart, if you're not a Conservative at 40, you have no brains."
Sorry, sunshine, but the "Facts" as leftwits understand them, are not what the wise and educated would call accurate! I do like, and believe, the classic adage (attributed to many, including Winston Churchill from whom it did not originate)..."If you're not a Liberal at 20 you have no heart, if you're not a Conservative at 40, you have no brains."

Unfortunately in America...if at any age you are an American probably means you are a person of dubious character, often a racist and a misogynist...and probably someone whose motto is: I've got mine...screw you.

Whoever wrote that adage you quoted had no idea that American conservatism would become the piece of garbage is has become.
Are you saying that there are no decent American conservatives? Way to stereotype! I was under the impression that, according to Lefties, one cannot judge "moderate Muslims" and tar them with the same broad brush as the "extremist Muslims"; one cannot judge the many by the few of any race. Not that way with conservatives though, right? Are all conservative women misogynists? No American conservatives ever donate to any charities to help those who need help?
A conservative is one who wishes to conserve traditional values. Feminists worked towards the breakdown of the traditional nuclear family and they got it...I see the results in the classroom on a daily basis. We have the society we have today in western nations such as America and Australia of weak, pampered kids full of "anxiety" and "depression" and {insert latest trendy thing here} thanks to the lack of conservative values. Anyone who does not agree with the latest trendy thing...Oh, today I think I am a male but yesterday I was a condemned and socially isolated with the possibility of losing their friends, their job, their future. No free speech unless it is approved Lefty speech.
I should probably stop now because I will start to rave on forever! I shall leave you with the thought that Orwell was prophetic.
Are you saying that there are no decent American conservatives?

NO! Never said that...never intimated that. In fact, if you read my words...I suggest the exact opposite.

Way to stereotype!

Perhaps a remedial reading course would head you in a different direction.

I was under the impression that, according to Lefties, one cannot judge "moderate Muslims" and tar them with the same broad brush as the "extremist Muslims"; one cannot judge the many by the few of any race. Not that way with conservatives though, right? Are all conservative women misogynists? No American conservatives ever donate to any charities to help those who need help?

I'm assuming you have a point...and eventually will get to it.

A conservative is one who wishes to conserve traditional values. Feminists worked towards the breakdown of the traditional nuclear family and they got it...I see the results in the classroom on a daily basis. We have the society we have today in western nations such as America and Australia of weak, pampered kids full of "anxiety" and "depression" and {insert latest trendy thing here} thanks to the lack of conservative values. Anyone who does not agree with the latest trendy thing...Oh, today I think I am a male but yesterday I was a condemned and socially isolated with the possibility of losing their friends, their job, their future. No free speech unless it is approved Lefty speech.
I should probably stop now because I will start to rave on forever! I shall leave you with the thought that Orwell was prophetic.

Oh, well. Maybe you will make sense in your next post.
Hello LadyMoonlight and Frank,

Um Frank, I do believe you are being a bit rough on the lady. The content of one's character has nothing to do with their political views. There are very good and moral people on both sides of the political spectrum. And there are also perfectly reprehensible people on both sides as well.

LadyMoonlight, you kind of asked for it by rattling off that old nonsensical meaningless shallow meme.

Most of us, when we take a good hard look at our lives and the people we know personally, can probably find examples of very good people on both sides of politics. Do you even know the politics of everyone you are acquainted with? I am not always so forward as to ask, and most people don't frequently come right out and tell you.

I bet most of us would be surprised to learn that our circles of friends, people we admire and respect, include various political views.

I've been chatting politics online for over a decade. During that time I have learned quite a bit about who feels this way and who feels that way. I've genuflected and tried to learn some lessons. How do the people who chat online compare with real life acquaintances and friends?

We are all unique. We all have our reasons for believing the things we do. We would all like to think we are the good people and those who believe otherwise are bad, but who are we to decide? Are others who believe differently not allowed to feel the same way that we do about good and bad? What is good and bad, exactly?

It gets complicated very quickly.

The best we can do is rationalize why we feel a certain way, but avoid being overly judgemental of others for feeling the way they do. And that can actually work in our favor if it allows honest dialog without making things personal.

That way we can kick all the ideas around and examine the merits and drawbacks of each together.

We must be able to talk about these things in order to arrive at policy. And we must have policy.

It is precisely these many views which together allow us to formulate our direction, knowing that we have not ignored any concerns.

Which is why I say Diversity Makes Greatness.

The rush to dismiss the other side, without hearing their rationale is like saying you can easily judge a book by it's cover.
Hello LadyMoonlight and Frank,

Um Frank, I do believe you are being a bit rough on the lady. The content of one's character has nothing to do with their political views. There are very good and moral people on both sides of the political spectrum. And there are also perfectly reprehensible people on both sides as well.

LadyMoonlight, you kind of asked for it by rattling off that old nonsensical meaningless shallow meme.

Most of us, when we take a good hard look at our lives and the people we know personally, can probably find examples of very good people on both sides of politics. Do you even know the politics of everyone you are acquainted with? I am not always so forward as to ask, and most people don't frequently come right out and tell you.

I bet most of us would be surprised to learn that our circles of friends, people we admire and respect, include various political views.

I've been chatting politics online for over a decade. During that time I have learned quite a bit about who feels this way and who feels that way. I've genuflected and tried to learn some lessons. How do the people who chat online compare with real life acquaintances and friends?

We are all unique. We all have our reasons for believing the things we do. We would all like to think we are the good people and those who believe otherwise are bad, but who are we to decide? Are others who believe differently not allowed to feel the same way that we do about good and bad? What is good and bad, exactly?

It gets complicated very quickly.

The best we can do is rationalize why we feel a certain way, but avoid being overly judgemental of others for feeling the way they do. And that can actually work in our favor if it allows honest dialog without making things personal.

That way we can kick all the ideas around and examine the merits and drawbacks of each together.

We must be able to talk about these things in order to arrive at policy. And we must have policy.

It is precisely these many views which together allow us to formulate our direction, knowing that we have not ignored any concerns.

Which is why I say Diversity Makes Greatness.

The rush to dismiss the other side, without hearing their rationale is like saying you can easily judge a book by it's cover.

I am 81 years old, white, and of European decent. I work at a golf course in one of the wealthiest, most conservative counties in the United States. My fellow workers are all about my age...white...and of European decent. I golf four days a week...with golfing partners my age and background. Damn near EVERY friend and work companion I have is extreme right wing.

We do not talk politics often...they know my position...I am not especially shy!

My brother and my late late mother and father...and several of my cousins are hard line conservatives.

I love 'em all. I'd back each in a fight to the best of my ability.

My post to Lady Moonlight was a reflection of her making assumptions about me that did not comport with what I actually wrote.

Yo...Lady Moonlight: If I was too forceful or even seemingly out-of-line...I apologize.

My feelings for American conservatism (NOT American conservatIVES) is extremely negative. I see American conservatism as a cancer growing on the American body politic. My comments about it will almost always be barbed, because I see no area for reconciliation right now between where I think we should be going as a nation and as a society...and where American conservatism wants it to go.
Hello Frank,

I am 81 years old, white, and of European decent. I work at a golf course in one of the wealthiest, most conservative counties in the United States. My fellow workers are all about my age...white...and of European decent. I golf four days a week...with golfing partners my age and background. Damn near EVERY friend and work companion I have is extreme right wing.

We do not talk politics often...they know my position...I am not especially shy!

My brother and my late late mother and father...and several of my cousins are hard line conservatives.

I love 'em all. I'd back each in a fight to the best of my ability.

My post to Lady Moonlight was a reflection of her making assumptions about me that did not comport with what I actually wrote.

Yo...Lady Moonlight: If I was too forceful or even seemingly out-of-line...I apologize.

My feelings for American conservatism (NOT American conservatIVES) is extremely negative. I see American conservatism as a cancer growing on the American body politic. My comments about it will almost always be barbed, because I see no area for reconciliation right now between where I think we should be going as a nation and as a society...and where American conservatism wants it to go.

That's precisely where I draw the line. It's the views I judge, not the people holding them. Now, of course, if people are mean and nasty I don't want to talk to them, don't want to hear them make up hurtful things about me. And I don't want to allow myself to slide downward into such pettiness.

If I did that, how could I really believe that MY views are correct? My views are driven by altruism. I see conservative views as driven by selfishness. Conservative thinking appears to me to want to purport to be altruistic, but really it's a mask for saying we treat all the same, which means we don't ask any more of the rich than we do of the poor. Well, I am sorry. No, I do not agree with that. I believe the rich must contribute more to society because if they don't then society basically doesn't have much at all. It is the rich who make society any more than mediocre. The rich and powerful can feel a certain pride in what society has accomplished with their help, but they cannot shirk their responsibility to use their wealth and power for good.

Now there are a lot of rich white conservatives who freely give of themselves and give to the poor. And that's they way they want it. They want to be free to give if they feel like it or not give if they don't. The problem is there is just not enough voluntary giving. Humanity would not be as advanced if the rich kept all their wealth and power to themselves. I submit that the rich have an obligation to give more than the poor. Most governments operate on that principle.