
I am 81 years old, white, and of European decent. I work at a golf course in one of the wealthiest, most conservative counties in the United States. My fellow workers are all about my age...white...and of European decent. I golf four days a week...with golfing partners my age and background. Damn near EVERY friend and work companion I have is extreme right wing.

We do not talk politics often...they know my position...I am not especially shy!

My brother and my late late mother and father...and several of my cousins are hard line conservatives.

I love 'em all. I'd back each in a fight to the best of my ability.

My post to Lady Moonlight was a reflection of her making assumptions about me that did not comport with what I actually wrote.

Yo...Lady Moonlight: If I was too forceful or even seemingly out-of-line...I apologize.

My feelings for American conservatism (NOT American conservatIVES) is extremely negative. I see American conservatism as a cancer growing on the American body politic. My comments about it will almost always be barbed, because I see no area for reconciliation right now between where I think we should be going as a nation and as a society...and where American conservatism wants it to go.

No need to apologise for stating your opinion.
Unfortunately in America...if at any age you are an American probably means you are a person of dubious character, often a racist and a misogynist...and probably someone whose motto is: I've got mine...screw you.

Whoever wrote that adage you quoted had no idea that American conservatism would become the piece of garbage is has become.

The left wrote it.
The left wrote it.

Hello Evmetro,

Here's more of what I said surrounding the single sentence you replied to:

The content of one's character has nothing to do with their political views. There are very good and moral people on both sides of the political spectrum. And there are also perfectly reprehensible people on both sides as well.

And in the next post you cite your evidence of why you disagree with my statement.

Unfortunately in America...if at any age you are an American probably means you are a person of dubious character, often a racist and a misogynist...and probably someone whose motto is: I've got mine...screw you.

Whoever wrote that adage you quoted had no idea that American conservatism would become the piece of garbage is has become.

The left wrote it.

No, 'The left' didn't write that. Frank wrote that. It is every bit as absurd to stereotype the entire left based on what one person said as it would be to stereotype the right. It is as I said. Both sides have good people and both sides have bad people.

And further, both sides have good people who sometimes make a mistake and say things they later regret. One mistaken statement doesn't make one a bad person.
Hello Evmetro,

Here's more of what I said surrounding the single sentence you replied to:

And in the next post you cite your evidence of why you disagree with my statement.

No, 'The left' didn't write that. Frank wrote that. It is every bit as absurd to stereotype the entire left based on what one person said as it would be to stereotype the right. It is as I said. Both sides have good people and both sides have bad people.

And further, both sides have good people who sometimes make a mistake and say things they later regret. One mistaken statement doesn't make one a bad person.

Political views have a lot to do with one's character.
I had to throw egg at the libertarian, in hopes that Midcan will re-enact his failed "Libertarianism in a Nutshell" threads from back on FP. Unfortunately, we don't have the full contingent of libertarians around (Ironhead, Stringy, IH8, Beefy, etc.) to proverbially bash his head into the pavement the way FP did at the time.
Smallest book in the world is titled “Significant Accomplishments by Libertarians.”
Smallest book in the world is titled “Significant Accomplishments by Libertarians.”

Longest book in the world is titled "List of Victims of Communism." Actually, its accomplishments are probably shorter than your book, come to think of it. At least libertarians have the American Revolution.
Longest book in the world is titled "List of Victims of Communism." Actually, its accomplishments are probably shorter than your book, come to think of it. At least libertarians have the American Revolution.

I would have though the longest book in the world is titled "List of Victims of Islam"..."List of Victims of Communism" being the second longest book :cool:
Unfortunately in America...if at any age you are an American probably means you are a person of dubious character, often a racist and a misogynist...and probably someone whose motto is: I've got mine...screw you.

Yes, those are certainly admirable qualities. Now what are our flaws?
Sorry, sunshine, but the "Facts" as leftwits understand them, are not what the wise and educated would call accurate! I do like, and believe, the classic adage (attributed to many, including Winston Churchill from whom it did not originate)..."If you're not a Liberal at 20 you have no heart, if you're not a Conservative at 40, you have no brains."

Oh no! You had been doing so well. You had been courteous and receptive to courteousy and now this ham handed euphemism. That won’t do. Do you think you can dissect us with this blunt little instrument Lady Moonlight?
I would have though the longest book in the world is titled "List of Victims of Islam"..."List of Victims of Communism" being the second longest book :cool:
Moot point. Though they may be evil, murderous and have committed heinous acts unlike libertarians they have actually done something.
Midcan is wrong. The liberal would insist that the man go find government assistance, since that's what we pay taxes for, and that personal charity is inadequate for doing anything meaningful for this poor man.

The conservative would have helped the man out, and then called the church in the morning to get contacts for Christian services.

The libertarian would have shot the man in defense of the property. :D

Liberals realize limitations in charity, and realize there reach is on the graces of only those involved. Personal graces are the best, but there reach is minimal. Charity is sometimes corrupt as well. That money the conservatives insist on gifting to the richest of the rich, is a contradiction their whining anyway. It's not like people are draining from the government. Stuff was paid into things specifically for these purposes. My parents, and grandparents paid in with a guarantee of assistance if needed. It's the government that keeps stealing from these things to pay for war, and tax breaks.

Everyone that says rely on charity, I want to hear about all their charitable donations. Those living just within their means aren't jumping at donating, because they can barely deal with their own needs. I've been around church charity stuff a lot, and see the type of people in need. Mom always tried to help beyond our means some times, and we've given room, and board to people in need before. In truth, If I didn't have assistance for medications, and doctors, I'd be up a creek without a paddle, thanks to all my issues going on.

Put simply; relying on peoples graces doesn't work, because people are becoming less gracious, and more selfish than ever. Ever since 9/11, this country has been the country of me, myself, and I. We are more prideful, and greedy than most.
Longest book in the world is titled "List of Victims of Communism." Actually, its accomplishments are probably shorter than your book, come to think of it. At least libertarians have the American Revolution.

Our founding fathers libertarians? Bwahahahahahahahahaha. Yea right;)
Liberals realize limitations in charity, and realize there reach is on the graces of only those involved. Personal graces are the best, but there reach is minimal. Charity is sometimes corrupt as well. That money the conservatives insist on gifting to the richest of the rich, is a contradiction their whining anyway. It's not like people are draining from the government. Stuff was paid into things specifically for these purposes. My parents, and grandparents paid in with a guarantee of assistance if needed. It's the government that keeps stealing from these things to pay for war, and tax breaks.

Everyone that says rely on charity, I want to hear about all their charitable donations. Those living just within their means aren't jumping at donating, because they can barely deal with their own needs. I've been around church charity stuff a lot, and see the type of people in need. Mom always tried to help beyond our means some times, and we've given room, and board to people in need before. In truth, If I didn't have assistance for medications, and doctors, I'd be up a creek without a paddle, thanks to all my issues going on.

Put simply; relying on peoples graces doesn't work, because people are becoming less gracious, and more selfish than ever. Ever since 9/11, this country has been the country of me, myself, and I. We are more prideful, and greedy than most.

Just since 9/11? Wasn't the 1980s the decade of greed, and an entire batch of misfits called the Me Generation.