Medicare should be allowed to negociate prices, heres why

DR's come to the US from Canada because they can make more money.
but if we pay the same as Canada, do you think they will go back ?
Doctors are able to do what you described above, here in Canada. That is, they are able to test and treat people in the same hospital. The doctor who inevitably treats the patient may vary because not all doctors practice the same specialty, but that's normal, isn't it? In some situations, there are specialty centres attached to some hospitals ie eye institute, but the doctor you see at any city hospital will more than likely not be performing retna surgery - not all eye procedures are performed at the eye institue, either. I was unaware of any legislation that prevented doctors from testing and treating patients at the hospital where they have 'rights' (I forget what the technical term for it is). This might be the case with MRIs, I'm not sure.

The rest I agree with. Prarie doctors protested like mad when health care was socialized. I would go for a two teir system.
The legislation makes it so that not all testing equipment is duplicated in every hospital. I thought I had explained this. Duplication drives up costs.
Why are monopsonies so horrible when it is not really one, like Wal-Mart, but fine when it is complete like the government? Single payer will lead to virtually total control by the government.
Why are monopsonies so horrible when it is not really one, like Wal-Mart, but fine when it is complete like the government? Single payer will lead to virtually total control by the government.

It doesn't have to, provided a balance is struck in a two-tier system.
Why are monopsonies so horrible when it is not really one, like Wal-Mart, but fine when it is complete like the government? Single payer will lead to virtually total control by the government.

so ?
the govt is supposed to be us.

By the People and for the People.

strange that I did not read anywhere in there the word corporations.
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Libertarians were waiting for one nation in the world to propose thier healthcare scheme too. The USA took the bait and look at where it is now. No thanks guys.
There is no place for a profit first structure when it comes to healthcare. That structure defeats the human purpose of the endevor. Some goals for mankind dont mix well with that ideology. We have to find a way to make it a Health first structure. Profit must bend to health here and that is just a fact for anyone who has a connection to other humans.

The profit margines in our current health system are very large and have grown pretty substancially over the last 20 years. There is room in this endevor for profits to still be made yet Health placed first if we are smart enough to structure it correctly. More and More Americans Believe we are Smart enough to structure it correctly. I am just too sick of people who insist us Americans are just too stupid to make it work.
healthcare would be shit without corporate pharma's.
Nothing's big will happen, but keep whinning its funny shit.
Desh, profit is a good thing. Without we'd all be living in caves and the only healthcare we'd get would be coming from witchdoctors.