Megan Kelly Sends The Donald To The Showers Megan Kelly Super Hero!


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It appears The Donald, the self-aggrandizing, arrogant blowhard is starting to show his true colors. He’s petrified at the thought of facing his vastly intellectual superior Megan Kelly and her endless arsenal of hardballs she can and will throw at phony politicians and babbling baboons like The Donald that brags he made his fortune bribing politicians and his idiot followers will still love him and vote for him even if he shoots people in the streets.

She's also frightening to the leftist bunch who were so afraid that none of them showed up. Remember back in the day when Obama was so afraid that he didn't show up to a debate on Fox News? Well the entire bunch of them feared Megyn so they all ran. Trump's in "good company" there.
She's also frightening to the leftist bunch who were so afraid that none of them showed up. Remember back in the day when Obama was so afraid that he didn't show up to a debate on Fox News? Well the entire bunch of them feared Megyn so they all ran. Trump's in "good company" there.

you are so not damo
heres the dealo righties

the Donnald has got you by the short and curlies

he can walk away from the republican party with your base or he can take the right time to completely steal the name and everything from the masters who own it now.

he has been playing you like a fiddle

the tune is getting better

the tune may just make the American people dance the happy dance
look at you owned fools thinking your going to run megan Kelly

you forgot what this is all about.

he is making you chose fox or the donnald.

around 30 percent of your base has already chosen the donnald over Fox.


you have so overplayed your hand this time.

I told you you could NOT cheat enough to win this time
you guys got played BIG TIME

you guys got played BIG TIME


Maybe, lets see if he gets the nomination. At least they have been lampooned thus far, "played" will require his nomination.
he doesn't need he republican nomination.

he doesnt get it?

he walks away with their base and without the name.
Id love to see the epic battle of Cruz v. Sanders.

Classic Dark v. Light. You could not find two more opposite candidates, in style, ideology, and image.

You chose which is dark and which is light.... I am with Sanders.
they are doomed this go around

It proves why the republican partys racist factless base can be anyone tool who willing to be their racist hero and tell them
"hey your not a racists you just rightly hate American of color because they are bad people"
they are doomed this go around

It proves why the republican partys racist factless base can be anyone tool who willing to be their racist hero and tell them
"hey your not a racists you just rightly hate American of color because they are bad people"

I think you should be cautious, its very early to predict doom to anyone. I learned that lesson, when they nominated GWB I thought "they" were doomed... it turned out we all were, Especially over 4000 American heroes.
Trump is bleeding into his trousers.

Not according to the polls.

I suspect that any intelligent campaign operative would know that tomorrow nights debate would have been when the opposing campaigns had planned to lay into Trump with all their daggers on things they have held back.

Trump simply manufactured a reason or excuse to avoid being there and having to answer back.


It seems to me Trump feels he has the nomination sewed up and is already "etch-a-sketching" or tacking leftward. If this is the case he would prefer a debate that would require him to give more hard core right wing sound bites to the Democrats for the General Election.
I think you should be cautious, its very early to predict doom to anyone. I learned that lesson, when they nominated GWB I thought "they" were doomed... it turned out we all were, Especially over 4000 American heroes.

the donnald owns their base

the base confirmed it.

he could shoot someone even Rodger Ailes
He does respect Putin, and there is "no evidence Putin had that reporter killed."
It appears The Donald, the self-aggrandizing, arrogant blowhard is starting to show his true colors. He’s petrified at the thought of facing his vastly intellectual superior Megan Kelly and her endless arsenal of hardballs she can and will throw at phony politicians and babbling baboons like The Donald that brags he made his fortune bribing politicians and his idiot followers will still love him and vote for him even if he shoots people in the streets.

