Megan Kelly Sends The Donald To The Showers Megan Kelly Super Hero!

It appears The Donald, the self-aggrandizing, arrogant blowhard is starting to show his true colors. He’s petrified at the thought of facing his vastly intellectual superior Megan Kelly and her endless arsenal of hardballs she can and will throw at phony politicians and babbling baboons like The Donald that brags he made his fortune bribing politicians and his idiot followers will still love him and vote for him even if he shoots people in the streets.


Every time that someone starts another "Trump" complaint, I imagine that it then fades out and you hear the following monologue:

"You unlock this door with the key of imagination. Beyond it is another dimension—a dimension of sound, a dimension of sight, a dimension of mind. You're moving into a land of both shadow and substance, of things and ideas. You've just crossed over into the Twilight Zone."

The big question is will Fox split screen Trumps event with the Trumpless debate in order to mitigate the loss of viewership or will Ailes stonewall the Donald and lose the ratings?
I predict the latter and even though the GOP field will have a wonderful Trump bashing session ratings will fall off after the first 15 minutes and Trumps poll numbers will remain high.
Pass the popcorn.

Can you relate to us what "THE RATINGS" were for the Democrat debates and why they refused to debate on FOX in prime time?
She actually is better than most of the candidates in the race. And better looking than all of them.

I really hate her, "your talking bullshit" face.

Instead of calling people out, she gives them this look that I cant stand. Its passive aggressive. People who support her agenda love it, because its un-rebuttable. How do you rebut a look?
Every time that someone starts another "Trump" complaint, I imagine that it then fades out and you hear the following monologue:

"You unlock this door with the key of imagination. Beyond it is another dimension—a dimension of sound, a dimension of sight, a dimension of mind. You're moving into a land of both shadow and substance, of things and ideas. You've just crossed over into the Twilight Zone."


Duh! I think it's Trump doing the complaining I simply pointed out what a pussy he really is and what a giant of strength Megyn Kelly is. I think she likely pictures the pig Donald on his knees.
I really hate her, "your talking bullshit" face.

Instead of calling people out, she gives them this look that I cant stand. Its passive aggressive. People who support her agenda love it, because its un-rebuttable. How do you rebut a look?

I come from the land of passive-aggressiveness, so I probably wouldn't even notice it. :cof1:
the donnald is playing you like a fiddle.

he now owns at least a third of your party base outright.

your party is powerless
Duh! I think it's Trump doing the complaining I simply pointed out what a pussy he really is and what a giant of strength Megyn Kelly is. I think she likely pictures the pig Donald on his knees.

When she pictures him on his knees, is she on all fours in front of him?? :D
She's also frightening to the leftist bunch who were so afraid that none of them showed up. Remember back in the day when Obama was so afraid that he didn't show up to a debate on Fox News? Well the entire bunch of them feared Megyn so they all ran. Trump's in "good company" there.

Proving Fox is much more willing to ask the important questions to both sides.
When she pictures him on his knees, is she on all fours in front of him?? :D

She's standing in front of him feeding him crow biscuits. She's vastly superior intellectually over the slobbering dog Donald and one hell of a lot better looking.