Megan Kelly Sends The Donald To The Showers Megan Kelly Super Hero!

Not according to the polls.

I suspect that any intelligent campaign operative would know that tomorrow nights debate would have been when the opposing campaigns had planned to lay into Trump with all their daggers on things they have held back.

Trump simply manufactured a reason or excuse to avoid being there and having to answer back.


It seems to me Trump feels he has the nomination sewed up and is already "etch-a-sketching" or tacking leftward. If this is the case he would prefer a debate that would require him to give more hard core right wing sound bites to the Democrats for the General Election.

he had his base confirm to him that it was his back they were ready to have and no one elses.

I could stand on 5th street and shoot someone

his support increased guys after that remark.

he owns that base now

they will only be republican loyal if trump tells them to be.

he owns a third of the party
No Trump = no viewers

The also ran can shoot all the spit balls they want no one will know.
Trump is in a unique position in that he does not require the media. They hate that. A lot.
No Trump = no viewers

The also ran can shoot all the spit balls they want no one will know.
Trump is in a unique position in that he does not require the media. They hate that. A lot.

I will now be making an effort to watch to see how it goes without Trump, I would not have watched if he was in because Ive seen that show a few times already.
adopt the republican platform

She already did that. John McCain and Lindsey Graham got her to arm the rebels in Libya and Syria that turned out to be ISIS and they killed 4 Americans. Hillary is McCain's & Graham's little sister.:cof1:
She already did that. John McCain and Lindsey Graham got her to arm the rebels in Libya and Syria that turned out to be ISIS and they killed 4 Americans. Hillary is McCain's & Graham's little sister.:cof1:

Oh, and I forgot to mention, her name is spelled Megyn. She's from the generation of kids whose parents thought spelling differently created a unique name.

No Trump = no viewers

The also ran can shoot all the spit balls they want no one will know.
Trump is in a unique position in that he does not require the media. They hate that. A lot.

Bullshit! I'm having a Megyn Kelly party at my house and we're sending her a Super Woman costume.
This is so much fun to watch.
Who would have guessed we'd live to see the day when Fux Snooze would be doing battle with the republicon front-runner for ratings points?

The dragon is devouring itself and tickets to watch it happening are free.
Oh, and I forgot to mention, her name is spelled Megyn. She's from the generation of kids whose parents though spelling differently created a unique name.


There is no one spelling. Point taken about different for difference's.sake
Had 4 Katlyn's on a team once all different all acceptable.
Megyn Kelly hurt Trump's mangina and now he's afraid to be in the room with her "taking advantage" of him.
The big question is will Fox split screen Trumps event with the Trumpless debate in order to mitigate the loss of viewership or will Ailes stonewall the Donald and lose the ratings?
I predict the latter and even though the GOP field will have a wonderful Trump bashing session ratings will fall off after the first 15 minutes and Trumps poll numbers will remain high.
Pass the popcorn.