Melania and Barron Trump are staying in New York City


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That's probably a good move on Melania's part, it's not like she has been to finishing school?
Could you see her hosting and entertaining the Queen of England among others? I think Trump's daughter will act as hostess at the Whitehouse?

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That's probably a good move on Melania's part, it's not like she has been to finishing school?
Could you see her hosting and entertaining the Queen of England among others? I think Trump's daughter will act as hostess at the Whitehouse?

She is the queen of the UK and head of state to 15 other countries. You Septics are so ignorant.

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REVEALED: Melania Trump outright lied under oath about having a college degree

Now it seems, new evidence shows that Trump may have lied about her degree under oath, which would make her guilty of perjury.

The case involved a now-defunct caviar skincare line, which recalls Melania Trump promoted on “Good Morning America,” her husband’s show “The Apprentice” and on CNBC, but ultimately never made it to the market. The contract Trump had with a cosmetic company called New Sunshine LLC imploded when friend Steve Hilbert was fired from the company by another Trump friend, John Menard.

The extensive investigation about the bizarre world of cosmetics outlines a business catastrophe that ended up in court, where Trump was asked to testify. She revealed the frustration and anger with the company that never launched a product she worked so hard to promote around the world. But the kicker comes when the attorneys were asking Trump basic questions about who she was and where she was from.

“Would you please explain to the Judge your formal education including what schools you attended and from which you graduated?” the attorney requested.

“I attended and graduated from design school, from fashion and Industrial Design School and also attended, graduated from architecture degree, bachelor degree,” she testified under oath.

As was revealed in July after Trump’s plagiarism scandal, that isn’t an accurate account of Trump’s educational background. She does not have an architecture degree, nor did she graduate with a bachelor’s degree.

Perjury is a criminal offense punishable up to five years in prison and fines for a federal case, and at least a year in prison for state crimes.

Not just a slut .. but a really dumb one to boot.

Washington (CNN)A series of high-profile breaches and warnings from national intelligence leaders has elections directors in critical battleground states seeking federal help against possible cyberattacks.
Officials in Pennsylvania and Ohio tell CNN they are working closely with the Department of Homeland Security to protect their elections systems from cyberattacks and breaches.

Ohio is going one step further.
"We even asked the National Guard to attempt to penetrate our databases," said Joshua Eck, a spokesman for Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted. "We've had a number of really positive tests. It has gone well and we've been able to find vulnerabilities and fix them."
A pair of cyberattacks on Illinois' and Arizona's voter registration databases over the summer spurred the Obama administration to ring the alarm bells for states as they prepare for what has already been a chaotic campaign.
And top Democrats on the House and Senate intelligence committees publicly accused the Russian government of seeking to alter the election.
"Based on briefings we have received, we have concluded that the Russian intelligence agencies are making a serious and concerted effort to influence the U.S. election," Sen. Dianne Feinstein and Rep. Adam Schiff, of California, said Thursday.
Russian intelligence agencies behind US election hacks, lawmakers say
Cybersecurity experts say the prospect of "rigging" the election, and changing the outcome, is practically impossible. Elections are decentralized: 50 states, plus the District of Columbia, run their own operations, not to mention the thousands of counties across the country that play a major role at the local level.
Different jurisdictions use different voting machines, It isn't plausible for hackers to breach them all in one fell swoop -- penetrating one election system in North Carolina has no impact on Colorado. Furthermore, most voting machines aren't connected to the Internet, which inoculates them from outside intrusions.
But hackers could still cause plenty of havoc in November, with attacks on registration systems or government websites reporting the results on election night. Many news organizations pull their results from those sites.
"Think about the chaos you could cause if you get one TV network calling the election for one candidate, and another network calling the election for the other," said Professor Herbert Lin, a cybersecurity expert at Stanford University. "If your intent is to sow doubt and uncertainty, at least in the short term, affecting the media reporting could be really problematic
She knows her husband fairly well, she wants to wait and see if he can keep this job before uprooting the entire family...

Does Barron even go to school? I thought he was homeschooled by a hired teacher.
:0) Class and grace LMAO

Children all over the planet can get a good look at the First Slut's pussy anytime they want to.
Fuck me rigid, gender feminists are always talking about slut shaming yet this is exactly what you are doing here!! Talk about hypocrisy, sorry you haven't a leg to stand on!!!!

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