Melania and Barron Trump are staying in New York City

Is it me, or does the first lady elect have the worst boob job on the planet, those things look like rocks.
interesting to see all the sexism in this thread from the usual hypocrites.

First, two wrongs don't make a right.

When you call melania a whore or have protest signs saying "Rape melania" you are just as bad as those you despise and you expose yourselves as insincere on these issues.

I for one have no problems with either michelle or melania. Don't you liberals have anything better to do than trash the first lady?
Trump best hide his skank in a bomb shelter to keep her from all that's coming her way.


Oh the shame .. Law degree and graduation from the most prestigious schools in America with high honors .. vs .. an uneducated eurotrash whore that has her pussy plastered all over planet earth for all the world's children to see.

mr.equality, ladies and gentlemen.

Also all the board feminists will have zero problem with those comments because it's against the other team.
:0) That's ignorant.

After all the hate you assholes threw at Obama's wife .. YOU don't have a leg to stand on.

The hypocrisy is you whining about it.
I have never said anything about Michelle Obama, but here you are talking about her pussy and calling her ignorant

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Fuck you dummy.

Let me guess how many times you defended Mrs. Obama from right-wing attacks .. how about NONE.

... run away little boy.
So let's see now, you are defending your misogyny and racism by saying that others do it as well. Now that's a really powerful argument, for hypocrites at least.

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.. they've already clearly shown how they would have treated Mrs. Obama.

The right wing’s hideous crusade against Michelle Obama has completely fallen apart
For years, the likes of Rush Limbaugh have lobbed racist, sexist invective at the First Lady. But it didn't matter

Payback is painful.
I would say you'd have to be pretty desperate to use a lunatic like her to bolster your argument.

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At Princeton she majored in Sociology with a minor in African-American studies...real difficult. Then from Harvard got a law degree which she did nothing with. One thing for sure is that she's got more brains than Barry who's kept his Columbia and Harvard academic records locked up in secret...he didn't do so well. She and Barry finally paid off $120k in student loans in 2004 (I think) from royalties from Barry's book (which he didn't actually write) Dreams Of My Father. Barry's terrorist mentor wrote it.

Ayers declared to the National Journal reporter, "Yes, I wrote Dreams from My Father."

"Here’s what I’m going to say," Ayers said, according to a report in Talking Points Memo. "This is my quote. Be sure to write it down: Yes, I wrote Dreams from My Father. I ghostwrote the whole thing. I met with the president three or four times, and then I wrote the entire book."

TPM reported that Ayers then released the National Journal reporter’s arm, beamed "In Marxist triumph," and said, "And now I would like the royalties."

In an encounter at Reagan National Airport in October 2009 with conservative blogger Anne Leary, who did not even ask the question, Ayers declared, "Yes, I wrote Dreams from My Father … Michelle [Obama] asked me to."

Melania speaks 6 languages, attended college for a while, then stopped and began modeling.

I don't have any problem with the choices either of them made. What? You against the right for a woman to "choose"?
Can you imagine how insane the Evangelicals would have gone if the Democrats elected a man who was married to a former porn star to the White House?

How would the family values crowd have reacted if the Democrats elected a man with children from three wives, one born out of wedlock?
So you feel that is sufficient justification to indulge in some slut shaming of your own, how PC of you. Obviously you are one of those that believe that womens rights only apply to hairy arsed feminists.

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2016 is the year all those nagging liberals claiming sexism, racism, etc were full of shit and didn't actually believe it.
interesting to see all the sexism in this thread from the usual hypocrites.

First, two wrongs don't make a right.

When you call melania a whore or have protest signs saying "Rape melania" you are just as bad as those you despise and you expose yourselves as insincere on these issues.

I for one have no problems with either michelle or melania. Don't you liberals have anything better to do than trash the first lady?

Thank-you...logic prevails.
with a ten foot pole?.....but then, I've been told I'm a misogynist so I expect you enlightened feminists would react differently......
Yes it is truly enlightening to see how all these PC warriors act when they deal with a woman they don't like. I think that pretty much tells you everything you need to know about their core values. When I was railing against Miley Cyrus grabbing her pussy onstage in front of nine year old girls, the likes of Darla and Rana were telling me that she was a liberated woman in charge of her destiny. What unctuous crap these people spout, truly sickening.

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interesting to see all the sexism in this thread from the usual hypocrites.

First, two wrongs don't make a right.

When you call melania a whore or have protest signs saying "Rape melania" you are just as bad as those you despise and you expose yourselves as insincere on these issues.

I for one have no problems with either michelle or melania. Don't you liberals have anything better to do than trash the first lady?
It is truly revealing as to just how hypocritical these arseholes are, the Darlaks truly make me sick.

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