Melania and Barron Trump are staying in New York City

:0) Class and grace LMAO

Children all over the planet can get a good look at the First Slut's pussy anytime they want to.

You really are an angry assed mean bastard- spiteful acting. You'd rater have had one of the most corrupt politicians of the civilized world. Talk about classless.
Originally Posted by Jarod View Post

Can you imagine how insane the Evangelicals would have gone if the Democrats elected a man who was married to a former porn star to the White House?

As, I mentioned in a prior post...the past is the past. I'm not so shallow as to vote for or against a man because of his wife's past. It's about the present beliefs, policies and actions of the candidate and spouse. Honestly...all these self-righteous vitriolic libs judging peoples' pasts. What's done is done. Evangelicals voted for this man because we know that every human being is redeemable. Unforgiveness and bitterness have killed more people that naked pictures.
"The moving finger writes and having written moves on." Omar Khayyam's The Rubaiyat
Originally Posted by Jarod View Post

Can you imagine how insane the Evangelicals would have gone if the Democrats elected a man who was married to a former porn star to the White House?

As, I mentioned in a prior post...the past is the past. I'm not so shallow as to vote for or against a man because of his wife's past. It's about the present beliefs, policies and actions of the candidate and spouse. Honestly...all these self-righteous vitriolic libs judging peoples' pasts. What's done is done. Evangelicals voted for this man because we know that every human being is redeemable. Unforgiveness and bitterness have killed more people that naked pictures.
"The moving finger writes and having written moves on." Omar Khayyam's The Rubaiyat

I honestly don't count it against her for being a porn star, I don't hold that against her. I care about the Hypocrisy of the Right. I am not making fun of her, but those who are such hypocrites. I don't like that she lied about her education and I don't like that she married for money, but the pornography does not bother me.
Post some pictures of your wife's tits so we can see what you get to chew on at night!

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She has never allowed nude photos of herself in the public domain, its a certain amount of self respect.
Again, like I said, it does not bother me that she was a porn star, in fact I kinda think it gives her a unique perspective.

I don't like that she is a liar who lied about her education.

I don't like that she married for money. Those two things are immoral to me.
The Republicans can no longer claim "morality" with a straight face. Look at their President. The party has embraced him, he's theirs now. They try to run from GWB but hes still hung around their neck and Trump will be also.

I think Trump being elected, in many ways, will be better for the progressive agenda than had HRC been elected.

If W made President Obama possible....

What will T bring us?
Yes it is truly enlightening to see how all these PC warriors act when they deal with a woman they don't like. I think that pretty much tells you everything you need to know about their core values. When I was railing against Miley Cyrus grabbing her pussy onstage in front of nine year old girls, the likes of Darla and Rana were telling me that she was a liberated woman in charge of her destiny. What unctuous crap these people spout, truly sickening.

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Exactly! The party of hypocrites, AKA the democratic party.