Melania and Barron Trump are staying in New York City

REVEALED: Melania Trump outright lied under oath about having a college degree

Now it seems, new evidence shows that Trump may have lied about her degree under oath, which would make her guilty of perjury.

The case involved a now-defunct caviar skincare line, which recalls Melania Trump promoted on “Good Morning America,” her husband’s show “The Apprentice” and on CNBC, but ultimately never made it to the market. The contract Trump had with a cosmetic company called New Sunshine LLC imploded when friend Steve Hilbert was fired from the company by another Trump friend, John Menard.

The extensive investigation about the bizarre world of cosmetics outlines a business catastrophe that ended up in court, where Trump was asked to testify. She revealed the frustration and anger with the company that never launched a product she worked so hard to promote around the world. But the kicker comes when the attorneys were asking Trump basic questions about who she was and where she was from.

“Would you please explain to the Judge your formal education including what schools you attended and from which you graduated?” the attorney requested.

“I attended and graduated from design school, from fashion and Industrial Design School and also attended, graduated from architecture degree, bachelor degree,” she testified under oath.

As was revealed in July after Trump’s plagiarism scandal, that isn’t an accurate account of Trump’s educational background. She does not have an architecture degree, nor did she graduate with a bachelor’s degree.

Perjury is a criminal offense punishable up to five years in prison and fines for a federal case, and at least a year in prison for state crimes.

Not just a slut .. but a really dumb one to boot.
So now you are misogynistic and racist, no wonder you are big friends with the Suckee Fuckee aka Darla.

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Fuck me rigid, gender feminists are always talking about slut shaming yet this is exactly what you are doing here!! Talk about hypocrisy, sorry you haven't a leg to stand on!!!!

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:0) That's ignorant.

After all the hate you assholes threw at Obama's wife .. YOU don't have a leg to stand on.

The hypocrisy is you whining about it.
So now you are misogynistic and racist, no wonder you are big friends with the Suckee Fuckee aka Darla.

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Fuck you dummy.

Let me guess how many times you defended Mrs. Obama from right-wing attacks .. how about NONE.

... run away little boy.
how would you have treated Mrs Obama if she had naked pictures everywhere

Let the record show that I wouldn't even mention any misguided stuff done by anybody from 25 years ago. I stick with the things closer to the present. Evidently there are a lot folks here that never did shameful things from age 18 to 25 or so. So, evidently now they feel the need to expose those who have.

The pictures wouldn't be everywhere, if those who enjoy them wouldn't put them out there. So, stop decrying them...chill out and enjoy them without the whining hypocrisy.

There are some pictures I enjoy just to have a good laugh.

Hairy armpits are always good for a laugh......




MO was not a successful lawyer. She received a law degree, but didn't do much with it. She was what was known in Chicago as a "Jesse Hire". An "untouchable hire", meaning this is someone on the City payroll who can never be fired or even disciplined in any way because their employment was a political favor to someone. These types of hires weren't expected to do magazines all day, take a few lunch breaks, etc. She actually hated being a lawyer.

Then a fellow "Jesse hire" Valerie Jarrett took her over to the U of C Medical Center to "work." They wanted Barry's wife on the payroll so that they could funnel money to him through her as rewards for steering legislation towards passage that would benefit U of C. This is how Chicago works.

Michelle didn’t do any more work at the Medical Center than she did for the City and her job duties involved trying to keep black people from going to the emergency room at the hospital for treatment without insurance and instead go to these sub-par "medical clinics" that the Medical Center wanted them steered towards instead. At one point, Michelle received a ridiculously large raise right around the time that the U of C received a massive funding infusion for the Medical Center from Springfield, where Barry was on his way to becoming a United States Senator. Surely this was just a coincidence and was not a way for U of C to buy favor from the next US Senator representing Illinois by dramatically increasing his wife’s pay to over $300,000/year for doing relatively nothing all hmm.

After Michelle vacated her position in 2007 to join the Obama presidential campaign full-time the Medical Center did not bother replacing her and eventually eliminated her old job since there was no need for this position or the expenditure as it was only there in the first place to buy influence from Michelle’s husband.
They attacked Michelle Obama for wearing a sleeveless dress.

Now they have an admitted gold digging porn star as first lady.
Can you imagine how insane the Evangelicals would have gone if the Democrats elected a man who was married to a former porn star to the White House?

How would the family values crowd have reacted if the Democrats elected a man with children from three wives, one born out of wedlock?
MO was not a successful lawyer. She received a law degree, but didn't do much with it. She was what was known in Chicago as a "Jesse Hire". An "untouchable hire", meaning this is someone on the City payroll who can never be fired or even disciplined in any way because their employment was a political favor to someone. These types of hires weren't expected to do magazines all day, take a few lunch breaks, etc. She actually hated being a lawyer.

Then a fellow "Jesse hire" Valerie Jarrett took her over to the U of C Medical Center to "work." They wanted Barry's wife on the payroll so that they could funnel money to him through her as rewards for steering legislation towards passage that would benefit U of C. This is how Chicago works.

Michelle didn’t do any more work at the Medical Center than she did for the City and her job duties involved trying to keep black people from going to the emergency room at the hospital for treatment without insurance and instead go to these sub-par "medical clinics" that the Medical Center wanted them steered towards instead. At one point, Michelle received a ridiculously large raise right around the time that the U of C received a massive funding infusion for the Medical Center from Springfield, where Barry was on his way to becoming a United States Senator. Surely this was just a coincidence and was not a way for U of C to buy favor from the next US Senator representing Illinois by dramatically increasing his wife’s pay to over $300,000/year for doing relatively nothing all hmm.

After Michelle vacated her position in 2007 to join the Obama presidential campaign full-time the Medical Center did not bother replacing her and eventually eliminated her old job since there was no need for this position or the expenditure as it was only there in the first place to buy influence from Michelle’s husband.


Oh the shame .. Law degree and graduation from the most prestigious schools in America with high honors .. vs .. an uneducated eurotrash whore that has her pussy plastered all over planet earth for all the world's children to see.
And, blame the leftys for promoting it. Get over it.

Dude, it's just getting started. :0)

Blame the morons who attacked Michelle Obama .. or not .. I don't give a fuck.

Trump best hide his skank in a bomb shelter to keep her from all that's coming her way.
Harvard educated lawyer v. lying College dropout turned gold digging porn star