Men opposing universal medical

This thread is directed to those who call themselves a man while opposing universal health coverage. The link is to a video showing an attractive, 45 year old lady advertising for a husband so she can get on his medical plan.

[ame=""]YouTube- Husband for Health Care[/ame]

Divorced, her COBRA coverage running out, she will not be able to afford the necessary medical treatments. In order to live she has to, for all intents and purposes, prostitute herself. So, I have one request. I'd like to hear your definition of "man" or what traits you feel define a man. Does it include watching your female citizens having to prostitute themselves in order to live?

So, to all you "real men", as many of you describe yourselves, who whine about losing quality care such as private rooms and b!tch about having to pay a few extra dollars in tax if a universal plan is adopted please let me know your definition of a "man". Obviously words like chivalry and gallantry, words normally associated with men of honor, will have no place in your definition.
This thread is directed to those who call themselves a man while opposing universal health coverage. The link is to a video showing an attractive, 45 year old lady advertising for a husband so she can get on his medical plan.

YouTube- Husband for Health Care

Divorced, her COBRA coverage running out, she will not be able to afford the necessary medical treatments. In order to live she has to, for all intents and purposes, prostitute herself. So, I have one request. I'd like to hear your definition of "man" or what traits you feel define a man. Does it include watching your female citizens having to prostitute themselves in order to live?

So, to all you "real men", as many of you describe yourselves, who whine about losing quality care such as private rooms and b!tch about having to pay a few extra dollars in tax if a universal plan is adopted please let me know your definition of a "man". Obviously words like chivalry and gallantry, words normally associated with men of honor, will have no place in your definition.

Now that you've become so desperate that you found the need to play the gender card, can we assume that you'll be playing the race card next??
Now that you've become so desperate that you found the need to play the gender card, can we assume that you'll be playing the race card next??

Sometimes things have to be broken down into bits people understand. If it was a black women in the video I suppose I'd be accused of already playing the race card.

The fact is by opposing universal medical those things happen and will continue to happen. Maybe if people can actually see what is happening rather than talking in abstracts it might help. Then again, when it comes to greed caring tends to go out the window.
Sometimes things have to be broken down into bits people understand. If it was a black women in the video I suppose I'd be accused of already playing the race card.

The fact is by opposing universal medical those things happen and will continue to happen. Maybe if people can actually see what is happening rather than talking in abstracts it might help. Then again, when it comes to greed caring tends to go out the window.

doesn't this kind of go against all that 'feminism' crap, where woman can make their own careers? Why does it always then fall back to men when women find that they can't make it on their own?

Personally, I think the use of the gender card was all drama and hyperbole because it doesn't really apply in real life.
doesn't this kind of go against all that 'feminism' crap, where woman can make their own careers? Why does it always then fall back to men when women find that they can't make it on their own?

Personally, I think the use of the gender card was all drama and hyperbole because it doesn't really apply in real life.

I assume by your response you don't hold a door for a lady either. Talking about real life would you say there's any occasion when you would defer to a lady or is the term "gentleman" outdated?

I have a question. Let's say passengers have to abandon ship and enter life boats. Usually it's women and children first. Should we change that to children first and the women and men get on the life boats on a first-come/first served basis?
I assume by your response you don't hold a door for a lady either. Talking about real life would you say there's any occasion when you would defer to a lady or is the term "gentleman" outdated?
I'd say you assume too much. I'm sometimes accused of being too much of a gentleman.

I have a question. Let's say passengers have to abandon ship and enter life boats. Usually it's women and children first. Should we change that to children first and the women and men get on the life boats on a first-come/first served basis?
I can't answer for others, but I personally would do what I can to make sure my wife was safely aboard one, then i'd do what I could for others.
I will vouch for you. You have always been a gentleman to me. There is no such thing as being too much of a gentleman.

I'd say you assume too much. I'm sometimes accused of being too much of a gentleman.

I can't answer for others, but I personally would do what I can to make sure my wife was safely aboard one, then i'd do what I could for others.
Sometimes things have to be broken down into bits people understand. If it was a black women in the video I suppose I'd be accused of already playing the race card.

The fact is by opposing universal medical those things happen and will continue to happen. Maybe if people can actually see what is happening rather than talking in abstracts it might help. Then again, when it comes to greed caring tends to go out the window.

Odd how you immediatly apply greed to anything that has to do with people keeping what they have and not just giving to those that don't have.

Why are you being greedy with your home??
You could probably house 3 or 4 homeless people with you, if you would just make the space.
doesn't this kind of go against all that 'feminism' crap, where woman can make their own careers? Why does it always then fall back to men when women find that they can't make it on their own?

Yo man, I know plenty of dudes who are on their wives health insurance plan, because hers is either better than his, or he doesn't have any at all.

Personally, I think the use of the gender card was all drama and hyperbole because it doesn't really apply in real life.

Cheers to you, for having a trouble free life, and for never being in any desperate situations. Trust fund baby, perhaps?

In this fucked up, every man for himself, republican health care system we have, people are forced to take desparate measures. The woman has a life threatening medical condition, and in the wonderful world of consevative healthcare solutions , its her fault that she can't get insurance. Even when for-profit insurance companies won't touch her. In your wonderful world, these things may never happen and fly under your radar. But I can totally vouch that people do desparate things to get health insurance, including but not limited to marrying someone who has health insurance.
Yo man, I know plenty of dudes who are on their wives health insurance plan, because hers is either better than his, or he doesn't have any at all.

Cheers to you, for having a trouble free life, and for never being in any desperate situations. Trust fund baby, perhaps?
wise people usually keep their mouths shut, especially when they don't know what they are talking about. Trouble free? hardly. in fact, if you had the same troubles i'm going through right now, I imagine you'd be screaming bloody murder about healthcare reform. As it stands, i'm manning up and trying to do it on my own. Why don't you have the stones to do the same?

In this fucked up, every man for himself, republican health care system we have, people are forced to take desparate measures. The woman has a life threatening medical condition, and in the wonderful world of consevative healthcare solutions , its her fault that she can't get insurance. Even when for-profit insurance companies won't touch her. In your wonderful world, these things may never happen and fly under your radar. But I can totally vouch that people do desparate things to get health insurance, including but not limited to marrying someone who has health insurance.

like i said, when you don't know what you're talking about, your mouth is better left shut.
Odd how you immediatly apply greed to anything that has to do with people keeping what they have and not just giving to those that don't have.

When it comes to life's necessities I'm strange that way.

Why are you being greedy with your home??
You could probably house 3 or 4 homeless people with you, if you would just make the space.

HA! I'll never try that again. Years ago I met a young woman panhandling who told me she didn't have a home so I said she could come to my place and we'd figure something out.

Anyway, we were having a drink in the living room when my girl friend came home. After a quick evaluation it was determined the young lady was a resident of a home down the street which was a half-way house run by a psychiatric hospital. She couldn't find her way home.

After making a few phone calls and the staff from the hospital came to get her the ensuing conversation between my girlfriend and I resulted in my never, ever offering such assistance again.
When it comes to life's necessities I'm strange that way.

HA! I'll never try that again. Years ago I met a young woman panhandling who told me she didn't have a home so I said she could come to my place and we'd figure something out.

Anyway, we were having a drink in the living room when my girl friend came home. After a quick evaluation it was determined the young lady was a resident of a home down the street which was a half-way house run by a psychiatric hospital. She couldn't find her way home.

After making a few phone calls and the staff from the hospital came to get her the ensuing conversation between my girlfriend and I resulted in my never, ever offering such assistance again.
You're lucky she didn't whomp your niave ass with a knotted plow line!!
wise people usually keep their mouths shut, especially when they don't know what they are talking about. Trouble free? hardly. in fact, if you had the same troubles i'm going through right now, I imagine you'd be screaming bloody murder about healthcare reform. As it stands, i'm manning up and trying to do it on my own. Why don't you have the stones to do the same?

So we'll put you down as being for the health plan. Great! :)
You're lucky she didn't whomp your niave ass with a knotted plow line!!

Then there was the time I was driving downtown and a gal was hitchhiking. I told my girlfriend I was going to give her a lift.

"She's not hitchhiking. She's soliciting," my girlfriend enlightened me and as I slowed down the "hitchhiker" saw my girlfriend in the car and walked back to the entrance of a building.

Live and learn.
When it comes to life's necessities I'm strange that way.

HA! I'll never try that again. Years ago I met a young woman panhandling who told me she didn't have a home so I said she could come to my place and we'd figure something out.

Anyway, we were having a drink in the living room when my girl friend came home. After a quick evaluation it was determined the young lady was a resident of a home down the street which was a half-way house run by a psychiatric hospital. She couldn't find her way home.

After making a few phone calls and the staff from the hospital came to get her the ensuing conversation between my girlfriend and I resulted in my never, ever offering such assistance again.

For #1; I guess you have no problem in putting your hand in other people's pockets, even when it's univited.

For #2; Now you're just being greedy and selfish.