Men opposing universal medical

Well, if you put it that way obviously 3D's needs should come first. Surely being "unsettled" and out of snacks can't be compared to the emotional crisis being endured by a young man having no sex.

Sometimes I wonder how people think.

You're the one that said unsettled and snacks, not me.
try 'Man!'

maybe you've never actually seen one before. That may be why it's so difficult for you to comprehend.

I've known plenty of people claiming to be a "man" when the more accurate definition is "controller".

ah, i'm seeing it now. You don't have any idea what it's like to survive on your own or provide for yourself. Your parents did you a huge disservice by raising you to depend upon government assistance. What happens to you when government is not around to provide for you?

Actually I've done quite well, thank-you. :)

The government provides services which I pay for through taxes. Companies, too big to fail, come and go along with people's money. The government is always there. Not to worry.
I've known plenty of people claiming to be a "man" when the more accurate definition is "controller".
yeah, my father was one of them. I don't consider 'controllers' to be men either.

Actually I've done quite well, thank-you. :)
i'm having a hard time believing that right now.

The government provides services which I pay for through taxes. Companies, too big to fail, come and go along with people's money. The government is always there. Not to worry.

one day, those blinders will be yanked off. I sincerely hope you have some sort of friends or family safety net when you realize that the government is not always there. From my own personal experience, the government doesn't give two shits about you or yours. They are about themselves first and foremost. Once government feels secure, then they will consider looking out for you. I've seen too many people, myself included, fall through the cracks and get ignored by that very government.
Then I wonder what word would be appropriate. You live with someone whose life depends on medication and the procurement of that medication rests solely on your ability to provide it, yet, you are against a universal medical plan.

You must have quite the ego, huh? You like having her life in your hands? A universal plan would bring closer the possibility of the government ensuring her medication and you are against that? If so, then you are correct. "Ass" isn't the appropriate word. I'm not sure what word would adequately fit the circumstances.

We should absolutely expect the people of the US to step in and protect our fellow citizens from death. If you are moral, you'll agree, and if you aren't, you're a murderer and your opinion doesn't matter.
We should absolutely expect the people of the US to step in and protect our fellow citizens from death. If you are moral, you'll agree, and if you aren't, you're a murderer and your opinion doesn't matter.

'people of the US'.......are you referring to our government agencies and it's employees?
You just crossed a line, that you should have left alone, you sanctimonious windbag.
But rather then me pointing it out to you, I'll let him do it.

Hey, sweety. Get a grab on things and, no, I'm not talking about my testicles. :rofl:

Now that you're smiling every person I know, without exception, who complains about taxes are more than capable of paying them.

Let me tell you a little story. When I sold one of my revenue properties I had to pay capital gains tax. My "friends" all commented on the injustice of it. (They knew the selling price as it's public knowledge.)

So, the tax I paid could have put a new automobile in my driveway. So what. The land value increased. I did nothing, absolutely nothing, to cause that increase. Why would I object to paying taxes on money I didn't even work for?

Sanctimonious windbag? I'm sick of greedy people crying about helping others. I'm sick of greedy, selfish, egotistical a$$es who think they worked harder than anyone else, sacrificed more, struggled more, were more deserving. It becomes nauseous after a while.

But I still like you. :)
Hey, sweety. Get a grab on things and, no, I'm not talking about my testicles. :rofl:

Now that you're smiling every person I know, without exception, who complains about taxes are more than capable of paying them.

Let me tell you a little story. When I sold one of my revenue properties I had to pay capital gains tax. My "friends" all commented on the injustice of it. (They knew the selling price as it's public knowledge.)

So, the tax I paid could have put a new automobile in my driveway. So what. The land value increased. I did nothing, absolutely nothing, to cause that increase. Why would I object to paying taxes on money I didn't even work for?

Sanctimonious windbag? I'm sick of greedy people crying about helping others. I'm sick of greedy, selfish, egotistical a$$es who think they worked harder than anyone else, sacrificed more, struggled more, were more deserving. It becomes nauseous after a while.

But I still like you. :)

Why keep any of the money you didn't earn and didn't work for?

The Salvation Army would put it to good use you hypocrite....

Give till it hurts...its one stops you from paying more than you owe in taxes....if it feels so damn good just do your brothers keeper, its good for the soul they say.
Now that you're smiling every person I know, without exception, who complains about taxes are more than capable of paying them.
reducing even some of my taxes would allow me to purchase MORE of that necessary medication we were talking about earlier.

Let me tell you a little story. When I sold one of my revenue properties I had to pay capital gains tax. My "friends" all commented on the injustice of it. (They knew the selling price as it's public knowledge.)

So, the tax I paid could have put a new automobile in my driveway. So what. The land value increased. I did nothing, absolutely nothing, to cause that increase. Why would I object to paying taxes on money I didn't even work for?
so you have enough money to buy and sell property, yet feel that I should pony up my money as well so that we can have a government run (read that as crappy) insurance program? :palm:
Why keep any of the money you didn't earn and didn't work for?

The Salvation Army would put it to good use you hypocrite....

Give till it hurts...its one stops you from paying more than you owe in taxes....if it feels so damn good just do your brothers keeper, its good for the soul they say.

Unfortunately, it's necessary for programs to be implemented. I can not help everyone. Besides, the advantage of a government program is the people who give know there is someone there to help them if need be. That encourages giving. We can not expect one to give when they know if misfortune strikes there is no help for them.
Unfortunately, it's necessary for programs to be implemented. I can not help everyone. Besides, the advantage of a government program is the people who give know there is someone there to help them if need be. That encourages giving. We can not expect one to give when they know if misfortune strikes there is no help for them.

your naivete' is almost endearing. Too bad it's just seriously misplaced in this instance.
reducing even some of my taxes would allow me to purchase MORE of that necessary medication we were talking about earlier.

so you have enough money to buy and sell property, yet feel that I should pony up my money as well so that we can have a government run (read that as crappy) insurance program? :palm:

Let's be clear here. I purchased property before the developers moved into the neighborhood. "For Sale" and "For Rent" signs were hanging off buildings like ornaments. I didn't have a lot of money then and, while I have more now, I am not what one would consider wealthy.

The majority of people became wealthy due to a combination of timing and circumstance. In other words, luck. Otherwise, one would simply copy what the others did. Also, in many cases they filled a niche.

Lastly, government medical is not crappy. Research other countries. You've been lied to, deliberately misinformed.

In most countries with universal plans you wouldn't have to worry about needed medication. It is made affordable to all.

There are a number of posters here who live in countries with universal plans. Why would they lie to you? If medical reform is important to you at the very least do some serious research. You owe it to yourself.
Unfortunately, it's necessary for programs to be implemented. I can not help everyone. Besides, the advantage of a government program is the people who give know there is someone there to help them if need be. That encourages giving. We can not expect one to give when they know if misfortune strikes there is no help for them.

Necessary? I'll decide what programs have to be implemented with my money, not you, not Obama, and not elitist do gooders...
Just get your hands out of my pockets and we'll get alone just fine....I don't expect you to finance my charities and you shouldn't expect me to finance yours....this isn't a commune....
your naivete' is almost endearing. Too bad it's just seriously misplaced in this instance.

It all depends on ones government. After eight years of a government telling people they can't depend on their government what is one to expect?

People do count on their governments and it's becoming more and more wide spread. Society is changing. Besides, people don't mind paying taxes for services. The problem is paying taxes and not receiving services.
Necessary? I'll decide what programs have to be implemented with my money, not you, not Obama, and not elitist do gooders...
Just get your hands out of my pockets and we'll get alone just fine....I don't expect you to finance my charities and you shouldn't expect me to finance yours....this isn't a commune....

Where is your sense of "community"?