Men who are physically strong are more likely to have right wing political views

How in the world can you claim to know the reason why most black Americans vote for democrats? And you can CLAIM your opinions are based upon personal one-on-one conversations with Jesus, for all I care, that STILL doesn't make those opinions magically turn into facts.
It is a fact of human nature, exploited by the Democrat Party. Brilliant move.
Yes, it just outlines the hypocracy of the liberals, using money for political/personal gain and whatnot. It doesn't argue that conservatives are any different.

We have a one party state, my dear Klansman. Don't act as if the republicans and democrats are diametrically opposed on everything.

Klansman? Cite.
1a : the cogency of evidence that compels acceptance by the mind of a truth or a fact
b : the process or an instance of establishing the validity of a statement especially by derivation from other statements in accordance with principles of reasoning

5: a piece of information presented as having objective reality
Your opinion that the majority of blacks vote democrat because "they get free stuff" is unsupported by any proof whatsoever.
As I have stated many times, people often vote against their economic self interest because other issues are more important to them. Even if some blacks DO receive an economic benefit from democratic policies, there is no data to suggest that those benefits were the primary reason for their voting decision. And to suggest that a majority of blacks receive an economic advantage from the democrats that would be so great as to outweigh any other issues that might be more important to the is, clearly a white trash, racist, opinionated, point of view.
That's the definition of fact. Your opinion does not meet that definition. Sorry.

Actually, I've established the validity of my theory in accordance with principles of reasoning. You've simply said that you disagree, and have failed to offer no reasonable alternate theory.
And I have stated, and many polls and studies will support, that people vote against their economic self interest all the time. Therefore people vote for reasons other than their economic self interest. Therefore, as I have said and said again, your assertion as some sort of "fact" that the majority of blacks in America vote for democrats "because they get free stuff" is despicably racist, and yet, the predictable answer from a redneck nigger hating chunk of white trash like you.
Once more the true essence of this Democrat is revealed, with all its ugliness.
it's most certainly how you come across. It's quite clear you think that blacks in America are ALL too stupid to figure out just what a marvelous organization the GOP really is, and that they have ALL decided to just vote for the democrats, because we "give them free stuff" so they don't have to work. Funny thing is... We both know you don't have the cojones to walk into the Tobacco Road chapter of the NAACP and TELL them that.
it's most certainly how you come across. It's quite clear you think that blacks in America are ALL too stupid to figure out just what a marvelous organization the GOP really is, and that they have ALL decided to just vote for the democrats, because we "give them free stuff" so they don't have to work. Funny thing is... We both know you don't have the cojones to walk into the Tobacco Road chapter of the NAACP and TELL them that.
Woohoo old yellowstain calling the kettle..........a coward!!!

Indoctrination is something liberals have down to an art form.
That is a fact.
The lies told by dems are part of the reason, the hate they whip up!
Plus the violence they would unleash against race traitors and Uncle Tom negros might play a part.

Many blacks vote democrat because of the intimidation they suffer at the hands of fanatical liberal totalitarians............ Like Yellowstain.
it's most certainly how you come across. It's quite clear you think that blacks in America are ALL too stupid to figure out just what a marvelous organization the GOP really is, and that they have ALL decided to just vote for the democrats, because we "give them free stuff" so they don't have to work. Funny thing is... We both know you don't have the cojones to walk into the Tobacco Road chapter of the NAACP and TELL them that.

The Democrat Party's strategy works with any special interest group, be it gays, illegals, blacks, unions, corporations, etc. Give a group special privileges and individuals in that group will overwhelmingly support you.
It's human nature to support someone who gives you free stuff. It's also human nature to slack off when your basic needs are provided for. The Democrat Party has exploited these human traits and focused them on blacks; this strategy has been much more successful than their past initiatives (slavery, segregation, terrorism) at destroying black families.

The Democrat Party's strategy works with any special interest group, be it gays, illegals, blacks, unions, corporations, etc. Give a group special privileges and individuals in that group will overwhelmingly support you.

Is it human nature when the republican party gives "free things" to special interest groups like corporations, oil companies, anti-abortion entities, and anti-gay groups? Give a group special privileges and that group will overwhelmingly support you.
Is it human nature when the republican party gives "free things" to special interest groups like corporations, oil companies, anti-abortion entities, and anti-gay groups? Give a group special privileges and that group will overwhelmingly support you.
and what,I wonder, are the "special privileges" afforded to blacks in America that are not also afforded to white citizens? What IS all this "free stuff" given out based upon skin color?