Mentally Ill? Maybe the killer was just evil.

What do you think makes people just evil?
Some people are just born that way, with no conscience. Look at Ted Bundy, Jeffrey Dahmer, etc. All sane, all remorseless and no conscience. Dressing it up by calling it mental illness doesn't change any of that.
There is a legal distinctions between a mentally ill person and a criminally insane person.
There are no indications Lanza's shooting spree was due to mental illness.

He was just a bad person, a bad seed who was filled with rage and jealousy and he planned this.
Some people are just born that way, with no conscience. Look at Ted Bundy, Jeffrey Dahmer, etc. All sane, all remorseless and no conscience. Dressing it up by calling it mental illness doesn't change any of that.

It isn't dressing it up, it is called science and the more we understand about the brain the more we understand "evil" and being "born that way"
It isn't dressing it up, it is called science and the more we understand about the brain the more we understand "evil" and being "born that way"
On the contrary, we know very little about the human brain. It is the most complex organ in the body.

Where is the science that proves Lanza was 'mentally ill'? What is the condition? He knew exactly what he was doing. Why are you defending this POS?
On the contrary, we know very little about the human brain. It is the most complex organ in the body.

Where is the science that proves Lanza was 'mentally ill'? What is the condition? He knew exactly what he was doing. Why are you defending this POS?

I don't know Lanza's history, I doubt you do, either. Neuroscience is making amazing discoveries too numerous and complicated to go into here, besides, I am not a neurologist and do not understand most of it, but read as much as I can because of friends who have been dramatically impacted by a mentally ill person in their family.

I think you speak from a very uninformed position, embracing a lot of old stereotypes from what you have posted.
Yes, it is much more palatable and comforting to pretend 'he didn't know whut he wuz doing'. Puleeeze.

I didn't claim that he didn't know what he was doing, no one has made that claim to my knowledge, except you thinking people are making that claim by claiming he may be mentally ill, which isn't saying he didn't know what he was doing, there are a great many mentally I'll people who know exactly what they are doing, then some who are delusional, and then others are are just "insane".
On the contrary, we know very little about the human brain. It is the most complex organ in the body.

Where is the science that proves Lanza was 'mentally ill'? What is the condition? He knew exactly what he was doing. Why are you defending this POS?

We? You have repeatedly provem your ignorance of all matters related to mental health. This thread provides further ample proof. Read a fucking book you ignorant fool. It isn't rocket science.
We? You have repeatedly provem your ignorance of all matters related to mental health. This thread provides further ample proof. Read a fucking book you ignorant fool. It isn't rocket science.

Small wonder that you've failed to notice that the article comes from the Guardian, which is to all intents and purposes the UK social workers' inhouse magazine.
There are some things that are positive and some things are negative.But the concept of" good and evil" The powers of Light vs the powers of darkness is wholly a religious superstition .
Correct. Is a lion 'evil' when he kills his prey?

Is any parasite 'evil' when they take over a host organism?
Small wonder that you've failed to notice that the article comes from the Guardian, which is to all intents and purposes the UK social workers' inhouse magazine.

Oh my! It must be correct then. Stargazer; brilliant deduction. Idiot.
Your comment is about as repulsive as it could be. :palm:

I agree, but there is more to this story, like my father commented about that woman in TX that drove the car into the lake drowning her kids. His first statement when that was first on the news that she did it. There was an abnormal relationship between this mother and Lanza