‘Metaphysical Experiments’ Probe Our Hidden Assumptions About Reality

My precognition told me you would post this, or maybe you're too predictable.
Question for you and other trolls: Why do you never start your own threads? And insist on discussing your interests that have nothing to do with my thread?
I have a good understanding of metaphysics, so that's why I'm here on your thread.
No, you have absolutely no understanding of metaphysics as a part of philosophy. Nothing in the post I made refers to metaphysics in your sense. I suspect you are profoundly mentally ill.
No, you have absolutely no understanding of metaphysics as a part of philosophy. Nothing in the post I made refers to metaphysics in your sense. I suspect you are profoundly mentally ill.
Use your mind to tell me which parapsychology tests I took part in.
I find your constant trolling boring. Say something besides insults.
I assert you cannot show meaningful relevance of this topic to any other facet of life.

prove me wrong.

I suppose I'm pro locality.

twinning is said to span space and time, but gravity is more local and relevant.