MI/FL Do over?

Hillary was hinting this morning that they should be counted as is, which is ridiculous. She said the way the votes were held already was "fair."

The FL politicians are screaming about "disenfranchisement,"' but they were a lot quieter on that when THEY made the decision to break the rules that they agreed to, knowing what the consequences would be.

All of that said, I think it would benefit Obama to have any kind of re-vote in both states. He'd probably win MI, and he'd come closer in FL than people seem to think. It would take that whole argument off the table for Clinton.
Oh - and Hillary certainly wasn't talking about "letting every vote count" when her campaign agreed to disqualify FL & MI in September...
He's already set to win it without counting Mi/Fl and he's going along with the rules that were set about beforehand. She can sit there and scream about the results if she wants to, but all that does is futher highlight her tendency to make bad decisions and then not want to take the consequences and/or responsibility for them and blame others for her decisions. i.e. Iraq
I think Obama will look bad if the DNC decides something, and he fights it.

Howard Dean set him up for this by being so weak on the issue; they made a decision in the fall, and they should stick by it. By opening the floodgates, he really blew it for everyone (except for Hillary)
Florida and Michigan have to be seated somehow because if they are not I fear that voters in those states will stay home in some smallish number. Michigan CANNOT possibly be seated. She was the ONLY candidate on the ballot and that was AFTER all the camps had agreed to pull their names off but she didn't. Mail in in florida is not bad but obama is going to have to send workers back out into the field and get accurate addresses for voters so that people are not missed. Something has to be done. I don't think a recount in either state hurts him much, and he may very well win Michigan.
By doing a revote, they risk pissing off voters that were not already pissed by the dumb decision to eliminate all delegates and they may not soothe the originally disgruntled.
Florida and Michigan have to be seated somehow because if they are not I fear that voters in those states will stay home in some smallish number. Michigan CANNOT possibly be seated. She was the ONLY candidate on the ballot and that was AFTER all the camps had agreed to pull their names off but she didn't. Mail in in florida is not bad but obama is going to have to send workers back out into the field and get accurate addresses for voters so that people are not missed. Something has to be done. I don't think a recount in either state hurts him much, and he may very well win Michigan.

They knew that going in and if that's what was agreed upon then they should stick to what they originally planned. It makes the democrats look even weaker than they already do. If they can't come up with a solid primary plan and stick to it, how in the he** do you expect them to enact domestic policy?
This was stuck in the middle of a voting reform bill for FL. It was voted yes on by almost all in the FL house. The people who wrote this into the law KNEW it would fuck FL primaries. I cant find anything about it before the vote took place. I think it was shoved into the middle of this bill about reforming the machine voting process on purpose by someone.
This was stuck in the middle of a voting reform bill for FL. It was voted yes on by almost all in the FL house. The people who wrote this into the law KNEW it would fuck FL primaries. I cant find anything about it before the vote took place. I think it was shoved into the middle of this bill about reforming the machine voting process on purpose by someone.

Well, they made their beds, now they have to lie in them.
who wrote the bill and who stuck this in the middle of a bill designed to end the FL voting machine paperless trail?
who wrote the bill and who stuck this in the middle of a bill designed to end the FL voting machine paperless trail?

Are you saying someone stuck the bill to move Florida's primary into another bill and it wasn't debated on?
hillary camp is putting all sorts of stipulations in what they will accept in Florida and MI.. all of which to her benefit.. more example of how she operates.

Obama is willing to do what the what people decide so long as its fair.

The mail in vote is only being accepted by the clinton camp if they ONLY send it to Democrate registered voters. For Michigan she will not accept a caucus.

Also i dont know how many of you know this but the hillary camp has also convinced Puerto Rico to change from caucus to Primary and move date up.. not to mention shes behind the scenes trying to finagle it so that that primary is winner takes all.
Are you saying someone stuck the bill to move Florida's primary into another bill and it wasn't debated on?

Go find the bill that was passed by the FL lesislature to effect this change.

It was stuffed into a bill that was designed to end FLs shitty machine voting.
Go find the bill that was passed by the FL lesislature to effect this change.

It was stuffed into a bill that was designed to end FLs shitty machine voting.

I still don't get the point you are trying to make. That one person decided to move up Florida's primary and snuck in this bill and now the whole states screwed?
hillary camp is putting all sorts of stipulations in what they will accept in Florida and MI.. all of which to her benefit.. more example of how she operates.

Obama is willing to do what the what people decide so long as its fair.

The mail in vote is only being accepted by the clinton camp if they ONLY send it to Democrate registered voters. For Michigan she will not accept a caucus.

Also i dont know how many of you know this but the hillary camp has also convinced Puerto Rico to change from caucus to Primary and move date up.. not to mention shes behind the scenes trying to finagle it so that that primary is winner takes all.

Chap - do you have links for this? Not doubting, but I think any one of these claims on their own would be pretty big news, especially Puerto Rico...
i say u split Florida and Michigan 50/50 or you have a new primary/caucus. None of this shady mail fraud voting that Hillary is drooling over.
I think AMERICA is getting a real display of how democrats operate via this election and how they are changing rules mid-stream..
