Michael Steele becomes first black RNC chairman

oh yeah it was.

"U.S. Senate candidate Michael S. Steele got an endorsement last week from a guy named Mfume . It came at a rally of Democrats for Steele in Baltimore, where Steele supporters waved signs and grabbed bumper stickers that said "Steele Democrat."

No Democrats who are elected officials in Maryland showed up, and afterward they said the entire event was meant to confuse voters.

The Mfume endorsement? It came not from the former Democratic candidate for the seat Kweisi Mfume but from his son Michael . And those signs? Well, Steele is no Democrat."

lol at the dems that fell for it and held his signs. Kind of epic ownage but still shows his character.


It sure seems the Oreo cookie thing didnt REALLY happen.

[edit] Oreo cookie incident
After a September 26, 2002 gubernatorial debate, which had occurred without reported incident, Paul Schurick, Ehrlich's communications manager, claimed that the Townsend campaign handed out Oreo cookies to the audience.[7] Five days after the debate, Steele said that one or more Oreo cookies had rolled to his feet during the debate suggesting a racist statement against him, that of being black on the outside and white on the inside like an Oreo. "Maybe it was just someone having their snack, but it was there," Steele said. "If it happened, shame on them if they are that immature and that threatened by me." At the time of the debate, Schurick had not mentioned any such incident, but in November 2005 he claimed "It was raining Oreos... They were thick in the air like locusts. I was there. It was very real. It wasn't subtle."[8] In a November 2005 Hannity and Colmes appearance, Steele agreed with Hannity that cookies were thrown at him.[9] Neil Duke of the Baltimore NAACP, who moderated the debate, praised the "passionate audience" and noted their "derisive behavior"[7] but did not see such behavior. "Were there some goofballs sitting in [the] right-hand corner section tossing cookies amongst themselves and acting like sophomores, as the legend has it?" Duke said. "I have no reason to doubt those sources; I just didn't see it."[8][10][11] The operations manager of the building where the debate was held, interviewed three years after the event by The Baltimore Sun, disputed Steele's claim and said "I was in on the cleanup, and we found no cookies or anything else abnormal. There were no Oreo cookies thrown."[8] Some eyewitnesses including AP reporter Tom Stuckey who was at the event have said cookies were handed out.[12] Other eyewitnesses could not corroborate Steele and Schurick's claim.[13][14]

silly girl, your own source is inconclusive as to whether it happened or not, some saw it, some did not. you're so full of hate you can't even see clearly.
There is a nice sidelight in this though. That being that the Rs cant use racist jokes against Obama anymore without looking like even bigger taintwallows.

nice false generalization about an entire group of people based on the actions of a few...

all dems are adulterers because of clinton :rolleyes:
The operations manager of the building where the debate was held, interviewed three years after the event by The Baltimore Sun, disputed Steele's claim and said "I was in on the cleanup, and we found no cookies or anything else abnormal. There were no Oreo cookies thrown."

Five days after the debate, Steele said that one or more Oreo cookies had rolled to his feet during the debate suggesting a racist statement against him, that of being black on the outside and white on the inside like an Oreo. "Maybe it was just someone having their snack, but it was there," Steele said. "If it happened, shame on them if they are that immature and that threatened by me." At the time of the debate, Schurick had not mentioned any such incident, but in November 2005 he claimed "It was raining Oreos... They were thick in the air like locusts. I was there. It was very real. It wasn't subtle."[8] In a November 2005 Hannity and Colmes appearance, Steele agreed with Hannity that cookies were thrown at him.[9]

Now in 2002 dont you think someone could have taken a picture of this rain of Oreos he claims?

Then there is the FACT that his story kept changing about one or two and then Locusts of Oreos.

Hes maufacturing racial incidents fella plain and simple.
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hopefully the dem racists won't resort to such ugliness like this again:

Such attacks against the first black man to win a statewide election in Maryland include pelting him with Oreo cookies during a campaign appearance, calling him an "Uncle Tom" and depicting him as a black-faced minstrel on a liberal Web log.

Operatives for the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee (DSCC) also obtained a copy of his credit report -- the only Republican candidate so targeted.

But black Democrats say there is nothing wrong with "pointing out the obvious."

"There is a difference between pointing out the obvious and calling someone names," said a campaign spokesman for Kweisi Mfume, a Democratic candidate for U.S. Senate and former president of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People.

State Sen. Lisa A. Gladden, a black Baltimore Democrat, said she does not expect her party to pull any punches, including racial jabs at Mr. Steele, in the race to replace retiring Democratic U.S. Sen. Paul S. Sarbanes.

"Party trumps race, especially on the national level," she said. "If you are bold enough to run, you have to take whatever the voters are going to give you. It's democracy, perhaps at its worse, but it is democracy."

Delegate Salima Siler Marriott, a black Baltimore Democrat, said Mr. Steele invites comparisons to a slave who loves his cruel master or a cookie that is black on the outside and white inside because his conservative political philosophy is, in her view, anti-black.

"Because he is a conservative, he is different than most public blacks, and he is different than most people in our community," she said. "His politics are not in the best interest of the masses of black people."

During the 2002 campaign, Democratic supporters pelted Mr. Steele with Oreo cookies during a gubernatorial debate at Morgan State University in Baltimore.


Would it be fair to say that Steele compared tem-sell research to Nazi holocaust experiments .. which is what he said?

Would it be fair to say that when Steele was asked why he was attending a fundraiser at a golf club that didn't allow non-whites to play there he said, "It's not an issue because I don't play golf" .. which is what he said?

Are people supposed to leave Steele alone because he's black?
Would it be fair to say that Steele compared tem-sell research to Nazi holocaust experiments .. which is what he said?

Would it be fair to say that when Steele was asked why he was attending a fundraiser at a golf club that didn't allow non-whites to play there he said, "It's not an issue because I don't play golf" .. which is what he said?

Are people supposed to leave Steele alone because he's black?

do you have links?

and no. no one said that and i don't believe that...
do you have links?

and no. no one said that and i don't believe that...

I always have links to support everything I say ...

5 Facts About the New RNC Chair

Former Maryland Lt. Governor Michael Steele was just elected chairman of the RNC. Here are five facts about the new leader of the Republican party:

1. Steele compared stem cell research to Nazi experiments during the Holocaust.

2. Steele bused in homeless African Americans from Philadelphia to distribute literature in inner-city Baltimore that featured a "Sample Democratic Ballot" with votes for Steele and former Gov. Bob Ehrlich, along with photos of prominent black Democrats.

3. Steele once described that "R" next to his name as a "scarlet letter," complaining that being a Republican was hurting his electoral chances.

4. Steele was endorsed by Mike Tyson during his run for Senate. When Tyson, who used to be married to Steele's half sister, pleaded no contest to assault in Montgomery County in 1998, Steele was on hand to support him.

5. Steele defended former Gov. Bob Ehrlich's decision to hold a $100,000 fundraiser at a country club that did not allow non-white members, saying that the club's membership's policies were "not an issue" because "I don't play golf."
This is a GREAT day for the American people.

Kids will look at these men for the next few years and realize the the two most powerful politicians in the US are black.

This is good for America.

ZERO effect on the state of black America.

More a placebo for white America to feel better about this country and our past.

ZERO effect on the state of black America.
So I'm confused Yurt...you are happy because a liberal Republican is now your party's leader. or you are proud because he is black...which is it?
What the fuck is wrong with the Republicans nominating one of them. Bad enough we got one for a president. Waiting for the day when Obama makes the death of Colonel Sanders a national holiday and replaces the eagle with a watermelon as the symbol of our country. /sarc

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He is pretty liberal and you Republicans are happy just because he is black?... Dumbasses, I'd be pissed if I was a Republican.

Not at all. He is moderate but that is not a bad thing. He is smart and skilled and is an excellent communicator which is what the Republican Party needs right now. He also happens to be black which is irrelevent but since 'image' matters...

Steele is a great pick.
ZERO effect on the state of black America.

More a placebo for white America to feel better about this country and our past.

ZERO effect on the state of black America.


You are completetly wrong here.

Do you know how implanting this will be on children everywhere of all colors?

There will be children who will actually wonder if they can be non black and lead a party.

We are talking about hte children of today Back not the past.

They will see the Most powerful man in the world is an elegant ,handsome, brilliant, thoughtful black man.

They will see that his main competitor is a Intelligent, goodlooking, more liberal than his base black man.

They are children and see it through a childrens world frame. I can bet you there will be children who will think being black Helps you get into high office. Funny thing is ,its now true.

Fucking A I love my country.
Not at all. He is moderate but that is not a bad thing. He is smart and skilled and is an excellent communicator which is what the Republican Party needs right now. He also happens to be black which is irrelevent but since 'image' matters...

Steele is a great pick.

He is pretty much pro assault weapons ban and some other stuff so make yourself feel good if you want but your party elected a very moderate (liberal) and retards like Yurt are praising the pick on the basis of his blackness.
He is pretty much pro assault weapons ban and some other stuff so make yourself feel good if you want but your party elected a very moderate (liberal) and retards like Yurt are praising the pick on the basis of his blackness.

Well since I've never voted based on a weapons ban issue nor do I really think one's stance on a weapons ban issue matters if you are attempting to lead a party since its more about leadership then how you stand on a particular policy issue I'm very happy with Steele.
He is pretty much pro assault weapons ban and some other stuff so make yourself feel good if you want but your party elected a very moderate (liberal) and retards like Yurt are praising the pick on the basis of his blackness.

you effing liar, where did i praise this pick?

and where did i this alleged praise say anything about the color of his skin.

either show it or apologize for your liberal lie
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I always have links to support everything I say ...

5 Facts About the New RNC Chair

Former Maryland Lt. Governor Michael Steele was just elected chairman of the RNC. Here are five facts about the new leader of the Republican party:

1. Steele compared stem cell research to Nazi experiments during the Holocaust.

2. Steele bused in homeless African Americans from Philadelphia to distribute literature in inner-city Baltimore that featured a "Sample Democratic Ballot" with votes for Steele and former Gov. Bob Ehrlich, along with photos of prominent black Democrats.

3. Steele once described that "R" next to his name as a "scarlet letter," complaining that being a Republican was hurting his electoral chances.

4. Steele was endorsed by Mike Tyson during his run for Senate. When Tyson, who used to be married to Steele's half sister, pleaded no contest to assault in Montgomery County in 1998, Steele was on hand to support him.

5. Steele defended former Gov. Bob Ehrlich's decision to hold a $100,000 fundraiser at a country club that did not allow non-white members, saying that the club's membership's policies were "not an issue" because "I don't play golf."

now you have me thinking...

some of the above are out of context, but others....hmmmm