Michigan and Florida News


Well, this is some cluster-fuck isn’t it? Everyone wants to blame the Clintons, but don’t underestimate the complete buffoonery of the Democratic party as a whole, including at the state level. It’s as if, as the year began, they took a look at the predictions for the 08 election, and said, “they say we can’t lose. I say we can beat those odds, just watch this.”

I suppose this is considered bad news for the Clinton campaign, since apparently they will only seat half the delegates. It’s not going to change the so-called popular vote argument though. Though when you have one person on the ballot in Michigan and one person who wasn’t on the ballot, I think that’s pretty self-evident.

Democrats Advised to Seat Half of Disputed Delegates
Democratic Party lawyers have determined that no more than half the delegates from Florida and Michigan can be seated at the party’s August convention, dealing a blow to Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton’s efforts to seat the full delegations from those states.

The rules committee of the Democratic National Committee meets on Saturday to determine whether to seat the delegates from these states, which were penalized for holding early primaries.
In asking that the full delegations from these states be seated, Mrs. Clinton hopes to narrow Senator Barack Obama’s delegate edge and make the case that by including the votes from these states, she will have more of the popular vote in the nominating contests, an assertion that has come under some dispute. But the party’s legal analysis, contained in a 38-page memo to the committee, says the committee can either seat only 50 percent of the delegates or seat them all but give them only half a vote, which amounts to the same thing.

Whatever the committee decides about the delegates may not be a big factor in Mrs. Clinton’s pursuit of the nomination. Even if she were awarded all the delegates in proportion to her popular vote in those states — her best-case scenario — she could not overtake Senator Obama’s delegate lead.

It is not entirely clear what the Obama campaign intends to ask for at the meeting but Mr. Obama has said he wants the delegates seated. His top aide, David Axelrod, has said that the campaign could go “half-way” on any compromise.

The important goal for the Clinton campaign is to include the popular votes from those two disputed states in its overall vote tally. The Clinton campaign is already doing this, but because Michigan and Florida have been stripped of their delegates, an air of illegitimacy hangs over their votes and her opponents do not recognize their popular vote.

If the rules committee seats even half the delegates from those states, that could confer some legitimacy on the Clinton’s inclusion of those votes in their overall tally, although a Clinton aide said that the campaign does not feel it needs the seating of the delegates to legitimize the popular vote. Those votes have been counted and certified by the secretaries of state in both states, the aide said, and the rules committee cannot alter that.

The rules committee’s meeting is important because it needs to address the decisions by Michigan and Florida to move up their primaries in violation of party rules. The committee stripped the states of their delegates as punishment for doing so. If it restores the delegates, even at half strength, it may send a message to other states that next time they can violate the calendar without serious consequences, in effect a license for chaos.

So the committee is in a box in trying to figure out how to respect the voters in Florida and Michigan, who were not responsible for this potential disenfranchisement, while still honoring voters in 48 other states where officials followed the rules.
Wow. I swear, if that weasel manages to steal the nomination, they will have lost my vote for a very long time. Why even bother if they know she's not going to win. Michigan shouldn't even be considered. What the fck are they doing?
The Rebutlikens used to have a slicker organization than the demoncrats. That was pre bush though. Reagans 11th commandment, which is now just a damned piece of paper.
Wow. I swear, if that weasel manages to steal the nomination, they will have lost my vote for a very long time. Why even bother if they know she's not going to win. Michigan shouldn't even be considered. What the fck are they doing?

The AP article I read this morning stated that even if the full delegates' votes from the two states were allowed, Hillary could not mathematically secure the nomination. I think that this is not much more than a conciliatory gesture toward Michigan and Florida, within the legal framework of the DNC.
The AP article I read this morning stated that even if the full delegates' votes from the two states were allowed, Hillary could not mathematically secure the nomination. I think that this is not much more than a conciliatory gesture toward Michigan and Florida, within the legal framework of the DNC.

well, if they are seated and they don't alter the results of the election fine. Appease them. But if it changes the results we have problems.
Yeah I am not sure I have the stomach for pullling the lever for hitlary. I sure as heck can't vote for McSame.
Wow. I swear, if that weasel manages to steal the nomination, they will have lost my vote for a very long time. Why even bother if they know she's not going to win. Michigan shouldn't even be considered. What the fck are they doing?

I think they have to reach some sort of deal about Michigan and Florida because the voters of those swing states will be pissed off if their votes don’t count. This, is what I mean when I say that the Democratic party is messed up. I thought so from the first second I heard about this pure stupidity. You don’t ever disenfranchise the voters from two SWING STATES, because you don’t like something that the state party did. This should never have went down the way it did from the beginning. Obviously, the popular vote from Michigan is a joke, since only one of them was on the ballot.
well, if they are seated and they don't alter the results of the election fine. Appease them. But if it changes the results we have problems.

Nothing is going to change the results, and in fact, this ruling which states that the party cannot seat the full delegations, is the ruling the Clinton campaign did not want. This is actually a good ruling for Obama. Nothing is going to stop her from lying about the popular vote though Tiana.
I think they have to reach some sort of deal about Michigan and Florida because the voters of those swing states will be pissed off if their votes don’t count. This, is what I mean when I say that the Democratic party is messed up. I thought so from the first second I heard about this pure stupidity. You don’t ever disenfranchise the voters from two SWING STATES, because you don’t like something that the state party did. This should never have went down the way it did from the beginning. Obviously, the popular vote from Michigan is a joke, since only one of them was on the ballot.

oye vey.

our political choices are just so fundamentally flawed.
Nothing is going to change the results, and in fact, this ruling which states that the party cannot seat the full delegations, is the ruling the Clinton campaign did not want. This is actually a good ruling for Obama. Nothing is going to stop her from lying about the popular vote though Tiana.

Do you think she'll win her seat in NY again? I have heard rumblings that this may cost her support. I don't think it will though.
Do you think she'll win her seat in NY again? I have heard rumblings that this may cost her support. I don't think it will though.

No, she’ll keep that seat. They’d have to come up with some challenger. I mean, I’d look at them, if they could find one. I voted for her primary challenger in 06, Jonathon Tasini, even though SF once accused me of making him up, he really existed, and he ran, and I voted for him. He was anti-war. But I think she’s too strong here for this to really make a big enough impact.
No, she’ll keep that seat. They’d have to come up with some challenger. I mean, I’d look at them, if they could find one. I voted for her primary challenger in 06, Jonathon Tasini, even though SF once accused me of making him up, he really existed, and he ran, and I voted for him. He was anti-war. But I think she’s too strong here for this to really make a big enough impact.

That's the impression I have. And when this is all said and done, given the initial support she had, I don't think she'll lose the support she had. But then again, look at Bobby Kennedy. You never know what could happen.
lol i get this movie like vision of Denver and Hillary is recorded backstage giving the order snuff out obama and it gets put over the loud speaker.

She is so blood thirsty for power its almost sickening.
lol i get this movie like vision of Denver and Hillary is recorded backstage giving the order snuff out obama and it gets put over the loud speaker.

She is so blood thirsty for power its almost sickening.

Now that would make my year.

(the Hillary getting caught saying something like that, NOT Obama getting killed)