Michigan Democratic Primary Rules-Certified Vote Changed

Well, that part I agree with. There is no landslide coming. A lot of people are in a for a big surprise.

I feel as if, the Democrats heard that Vegas had odds of 2000 to 1 of a Republican taking the white house post-bushfuckupworstpresident ever, and took it as a freaking challenge. They are truly the stupidest mf’ers I have ever seen. And I post on message boards! They have completion like indisputable and bb!

Add to that these fucking Clinton partisans who are just going never shut the fuck up because they didn’t get what they want, and I just know I’m going to be listening to that squeaky mf Crazy Eyes McCain for the next four years, and worse, a lot of women and children will be dead because of it. I really wish I could kick somebody’s ass. Hard.

The ass kicking unfortunately will have to be virtual....

:mun: :BKick:
I thought it was you the Obamaites, that were saying that the superdelegates should not count and they should vote for who the citizens of their states voted for, when the superdelegates vote....?????

hmmmmm, me thinks you are singing a different song now, how come?

I mean, you got keNnedy and kerry as superdelegates giving their vote to obama.... and massachusetts voted nearly 70% towards Hillary? And then you got Rockafeller and byrd who are super delegates from West Virginia where Hillary won 2/3's of the citizen's vote there....so WHAT GIVES???

aHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, now the rules are to be followed and the super delegates can make their own choice, but the unpledged delegates in Michigan CAN NOT....

hypocrisy, at its best imo BAC....


I've long ago concluded that you aren't interested in democratic victory in November, nor are you interested in "votes counting", facts. or evidence .. you have yet to address one single question asked of you.

In the interest of not seeming offensive or "sexist" to you, I've pretty much avoided posting to you. I tried this time hoping to come to some civil balance, but that is entirely impossible as you continue to post unfounded and frankly, kind of silly comments that have already been proven false.

I prefer to agree to disagree with you and leave it at that.
Your comments are confusing and you are showing signs of falling to the mindfuck.

First you agree the Clintons would exploit anything they can, then you suggest the DNC handed tham an issue. Which one is it?

The DNC conducted its business as best they could and are doing what is necessary to move into the general. What they Clintons want or don't want is secondary to the needs of the party and the country. No amount of Clinton ass-kissing would have prevented them from doing exactly as they are short of handing them the nomination .. SURELY YOU KNOW THAT .. that is, unless you're under the spell .. or just happy about the rancor in the Democratic Party.

Additionally, the DNC hasn't pushed Michigan to McCain by any stretch and if you're paying close attention to the party, not the circus, you'd recognize it moving away from Clinton control .. which made the party its weakest .. and there are the losses to prove it.

get real

Clearly your rose tinted glasses are what is confusing you. Yes, the Clintons were likely to find a way to continue the extension of her campaign. But that does not mean the DNC had to hand them an issue on a silver platter... which they clearly did. (though again, those rose tinted glasses may make it difficult for an Obama worshipper to see)

No, the DNC did not handle that the best way they could. As you and others have stated, this is over. MI delegates are not going to make things break for Hillary. All the DNC had to do was say... ok, Hillary gets the number of delegates based on those that voted for her. As for the uncommitted, they could have gone one of two ways... make them unpledged, which would leave it in the hands of the delegates. Or they could have said, Obama gets 80-90% of uncommitted and Hillary remaining.

Bottom line, they could have given Obama 50% of the uncomitted and it would not have made a difference in his winning the nomination. Yet, they toss out the vote... and yes, it was real no matter how much the kool-aid producers tell you it wasn't... and use an EXIT POLL to tell voters what they really meant.

They handed her a nice gift wrapped opportunity to make this an issue that Hillary supporters could argue.... legitimately. Because only an Obama worshipper would think that the DNC handled this well.

If you think Michigan isn't going to be a swing state this year, then you are in for a rude awakening. Especially if this move by the DNC has a lingering effect on Hillary supporters to the point that they stay home or even more drastically vote for McCain.

Yes, your party is moving away from Clinton control. So? That doesn't mean they aren't screwing the pooch in their handling of the breakup. There are amicable breakups and hostile breakups. Which leads you to question... why are they shooting for a hostile one? (and yes, Clintons are not making it easy, but the DNC should be careful before pissing off the followers of the one Dem family to have actually resided in the White House since Carter)
I've long ago concluded that you aren't interested in democratic victory in November, nor are you interested in "votes counting", facts. or evidence .. you have yet to address one single question asked of you.

In the interest of not seeming offensive or "sexist" to you, I've pretty much avoided posting to you. I tried this time hoping to come to some civil balance, but that is entirely impossible as you continue to post unfounded and frankly, kind of silly comments that have already been proven false.

I prefer to agree to disagree with you and leave it at that.

You should attempt to re-read the thread without the Obama glasses on. Take a look at how many lefties have completely avoided addressing Care's points on the DNC charter, on the tossing out the vote, etc....

Yourself included.
I've long ago concluded that you aren't interested in democratic victory in November, nor are you interested in "votes counting", facts. or evidence .. you have yet to address one single question asked of you.

Which questions? I will try to look back through all of the posts to see what I missed, but you have to realize it is me ALONE, on serval threads on this board, (and another) that I am having to address and answer multiple posters on all of these different threads regarding this subject.

Honestly, BAC, no disrespect was intended by me for not answering some of your questions, i actually thought i was doing a pretty good job of it...:eek:

In the interest of not seeming offensive or "sexist" to you, I've pretty much avoided posting to you. I tried this time hoping to come to some civil balance, but that is entirely impossible as you continue to post unfounded and frankly, kind of silly comments that have already been proven false.

Such as? please be specific, and I will try to more clear than I have been and break it down even further, if what I have said has been misunderstood or not clear)

I prefer to agree to disagree with you and leave it at that.

I can do that also, agree to disagree...UNTIL someone starts bashing Hillary for something that is clearly not true, then expect me to get the boxer gloves on... :D

Or try to mess with my vote or any citizen's vote cast....forget the gloves--- and below the belt is permitted!!! :p

If Hillary truely messes up, then go for the jugular....you won't hear a peep out of me, I will be joining in with you....

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thought I do some research and see all that is in the DNC Charter and here is how it begins....and truely deserves a separate thread, discussing the duties and requirements of politically private parties and how their Charters have been intertwined with our government and our constitution.... and who REALLY can be disenfranchised and by whom....

But anyway, as I read their Preamble of their Charter, their Constitution...I believe in all that it says.

The Question is, does the DNC Chairman, and the DNC Rules and bylaws committee BELIEVE in their own CHARTER is truely up for discussion imo!

Clearly your rose tinted glasses are what is confusing you. Yes, the Clintons were likely to find a way to continue the extension of her campaign. But that does not mean the DNC had to hand them an issue on a silver platter... which they clearly did. (though again, those rose tinted glasses may make it difficult for an Obama worshipper to see)

No, the DNC did not handle that the best way they could. As you and others have stated, this is over. MI delegates are not going to make things break for Hillary. All the DNC had to do was say... ok, Hillary gets the number of delegates based on those that voted for her. As for the uncommitted, they could have gone one of two ways... make them unpledged, which would leave it in the hands of the delegates. Or they could have said, Obama gets 80-90% of uncommitted and Hillary remaining.

Bottom line, they could have given Obama 50% of the uncomitted and it would not have made a difference in his winning the nomination. Yet, they toss out the vote... and yes, it was real no matter how much the kool-aid producers tell you it wasn't... and use an EXIT POLL to tell voters what they really meant.

They handed her a nice gift wrapped opportunity to make this an issue that Hillary supporters could argue.... legitimately. Because only an Obama worshipper would think that the DNC handled this well.

If you think Michigan isn't going to be a swing state this year, then you are in for a rude awakening. Especially if this move by the DNC has a lingering effect on Hillary supporters to the point that they stay home or even more drastically vote for McCain.

Yes, your party is moving away from Clinton control. So? That doesn't mean they aren't screwing the pooch in their handling of the breakup. There are amicable breakups and hostile breakups. Which leads you to question... why are they shooting for a hostile one? (and yes, Clintons are not making it easy, but the DNC should be careful before pissing off the followers of the one Dem family to have actually resided in the White House since Carter)

Just for you my brother .. althouigh I probably need a cross or some silver bullets to bring you back from the dark side.

Election 2008: Michigan Democratic Presidential Primary
Michigan: Clinton 41% Obama 41%

March 7, 2008

If Democrats hold a second Presidential Primary in Michigan, the race could be one of the most competitive all year. The latest Rasmussen Reports telephone survey finds that Hillary Clinton would attract 41% of the Primary Vote while Barack Obama would earn an identical 41%.

Clinton leads by seven among women and trails by eight among men. Clinton does better with low-income voters and Obama does better among upper-income voters. Obama leads among voters under 50 while Clinton leads among older voters.

Among Michigan’s Likely Primary Voters, Clinton is viewed favorably by 60%. Obama earns positive reviews from 67%.


Obama had the votes to split the Michigan delegates evenly. To suggest that he deserved no votes is mind-boggling stupid .. but that was the Clinton position .. and ANYTHING LESS would have, as you say, handed them an issue .. INCLUDING YOUR PROPOSAL TO GIVE OBAMA ONLY 50% OF WHAT HE GOT,

nuff said about your seriously flawed and confusing position.
Just for you my brother .. althouigh I probably need a cross or some silver bullets to bring you back from the dark side.

Election 2008: Michigan Democratic Presidential Primary
Michigan: Clinton 41% Obama 41%

March 7, 2008

If Democrats hold a second Presidential Primary in Michigan, the race could be one of the most competitive all year. The latest Rasmussen Reports telephone survey finds that Hillary Clinton would attract 41% of the Primary Vote while Barack Obama would earn an identical 41%.

Clinton leads by seven among women and trails by eight among men. Clinton does better with low-income voters and Obama does better among upper-income voters. Obama leads among voters under 50 while Clinton leads among older voters.

Among Michigan’s Likely Primary Voters, Clinton is viewed favorably by 60%. Obama earns positive reviews from 67%.


Obama had the votes to split the Michigan delegates evenly. To suggest that he deserved no votes is mind-boggling stupid .. but that was the Clinton position .. and ANYTHING LESS would have, as you say, handed them an issue .. INCLUDING YOUR PROPOSAL TO GIVE OBAMA ONLY 50% OF WHAT HE GOT,

nuff said about your seriously flawed and confusing position.

Seriously man, take off the glasses, rid yourself of the koolaid. It may help with your comprehension abilities.

Where did I suggest that CURRENT polling would not be more favorable to Obama?

Where did I suggest that he shouldn't get any delegates?

Either learn to comprehend what you read or cease with the bullshit above. Because the combination is making you appear foolish.
Here's Our Preamble for the....

Democratic Party of the United States

We the Democrats of the United States of America, united in common purpose, hereby rededicate ourselves to the principles which have historically sustained our party.

Recognizing that the vitality of the Nation's political institutions has been the foundation of its enduring strength, we acknowledge that a political party that wishes to lead MUST LISTEN TO THOSE IT WOULD LEAD, a party who asks for the people's trust, must prove that it TRUSTS THE PEOPLE and a party which hopes to call forth the best the Nation can achieve must embody the best of the Nation's heritage and traditions.

What we seek for our Nation, we hope for all people:

-individual freedom in the framework of a just society

-political freedom in the framework of meaningful participation BY ALL CITIZENS.

-Bounded by the United States Constitution

-Aware that a party must be responsive to be WORTHY of responsibility.

We Pledge ourselves to open, honest endeavor and to the conduct of public affairs, in a manner worthy of asociety of free people.

Under God, and for these ends and upon these principles, we do establish the Democratic Party of the United States of America.


Sorry if there was any typos, I had to type it myself, I could not or did not know how to copy it from a pdf file...

Yeah they did change the rules in the middle of the game.

They allowed those delegates to be seated.

Now next election, we'll have 50 states hold their primary on Jan. 3rd, because there's no punishment for doing so.
Yeah they did change the rules in the middle of the game.

They allowed those delegates to be seated.

Now next election, we'll have 50 states hold their primary on Jan. 3rd, because there's no punishment for doing so.

And how does your ignorant comment fit in the Democratic Party's Preamble?

NOT at all....

The Democratic party vows and takes a pledge to listen to the people, respond to the people...yahdeedah....

They did NOT listen to Florida and Michigan and their concerns that they needed to be early, nor did they abide by the Constitution of the United states by disenfranchising two separate states of their delegates to be seated at the convention meant for THEM to choose the nominee for President?

I'll wait for your response smarty pants....;)

And how does your ignorant comment fit in the Democratic Party's Preamble?

NOT at all....

The Democratic party vows and takes a pledge to listen to the people, respond to the people...yahdeedah....

They did NOT listen to Florida and Michigan and their concerns that they needed to be early, nor did they abide by the Constitution of the United states by disenfranchising two separate states of their delegates to be seated at the convention meant for THEM to choose the nominee for President?

I'll wait for your response smarty pants....;)


You never do get angry do you?

The Democratic party is a private organization. It can choose candidates in the way it wishes. It is not an arm of the government, so any primary it may hold with the mission of choosing a candidate does not have to include all voters in the state (very clear from the fact that Republicans can't vote). The only exception to this is that they can't discriminate based on race or religion and such if they do hold a primary.

Now, the Democratic party set out a set of clear rules. These rules must be abided by to get delegates from the selected units seated. Florida and Michigan voluntarily chose to disregard those rules. Even if the state forced the primary to be on a ridiculous date, they could've held a convention.

They chose not to seat their delegates, and they got them seated anyway. Have your pie and eat it to.

Maybe I should be able to send delegates to the Democratic convention also?
Care - how is it that you are able to ignore the Clinton campaign's attempts to change every metric for victory possible since this campaign began, and go so far as to argue that even pledged delegates can switch, at the same time that they preach about "making every vote count?"

The ONLY metric for victory is the TOTAL Delegate count, and the clinton campaign HAS NEVER EVER SAID OTHERWISE.

However the Obamaites are spreading lies about what she says...

Just because she has won the popular vote in this contest and touts such, DOES NOT MEAN that she does not know that the pledged delegates along with the Superdelegates will be making the final decision....

And for Obama fans to be saying that she is changing the measures midstream, is another one of their OUTRIGHT LIES....and to tell ya the truth, I'm a little sick of their propaganda machine and their mindless supporters that do not THINK FOR THEMSELVES and just repeat the Mantra that they are TOLD to say.....sound familiar Onceler?

...and I am not pointing you or anyone specific out here....honestly as unfair i think the people here have been throughout this election with Clinton, this site has been VERY MILD compared to the others and gentler, kinder than others that i have been to...

Now to answer why the Popular vote is important for Hillary to tout, is because she is trying to win over the Super delegates that have not pledged, or that have pledged that were once hers that have changed their minds and gone to Obama a while back to now change their mid again and come back to her.

This is her last shot...Obama needs about 45 I think, delegates to go his way and Hillary needs about 150 delegates to go her way....

There are about 200 UNPLEDGED delegates left...out of about 4300 delegates, she would have to garner 75% to win, which is near impossible BUT NOT IMPOSSIBLE.... this is why it has been wrong wrong wrong to have been calling for her to quit the last 5 months....

this is down to the wire...these unpledged delegates could have given obama their support a long time ago and ENDED THIS RACE, but they didn't...

well, now is the time for them to choose, though by the rules and bylaws they can change their mind all the way up to the Convention...

AND NOOOOOOOO, THIS IS NOT Hillary changing the rules midstream, these ARE THE RULES.

If the DNC had not made their ruling in the manner that they did and had not changed the rules and michigan's rules on how to handle uncommitted vote delegates,

then Obama would need about 100 delegates and Hillary would need about a hundered delegates....

IT WOULD HAVE BEEN A TIE....A fricking TIE, but all you hear in the news is why hasn't hillary quit, when will Hillary quit, Hillary is hirting the democratic party if she does not quit...

well you know what?

ALL of you saying this over and over again when this race has been soooooooo close ALL ALONG...***

YOU can kiss my grits! :D

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You never do get angry do you?

The Democratic party is a private organization. It can choose candidates in the way it wishes. It is not an arm of the government, so any primary it may hold with the mission of choosing a candidate does not have to include all voters in the state (very clear from the fact that Republicans can't vote). The only exception to this is that they can't discriminate based on race or religion and such if they do hold a primary.

Now, the Democratic party set out a set of clear rules. These rules must be abided by to get delegates from the selected units seated. Florida and Michigan voluntarily chose to disregard those rules. Even if the state forced the primary to be on a ridiculous date, they could've held a convention.

They chose not to seat their delegates, and they got them seated anyway. Have your pie and eat it to.

Maybe I should be able to send delegates to the Democratic convention also?

Simply not true in its entirety.....go to the link I provided for the democratic party Charter
You never do get angry do you?

The Democratic party is a private organization. It can choose candidates in the way it wishes. It is not an arm of the government, so any primary it may hold with the mission of choosing a candidate does not have to include all voters in the state (very clear from the fact that Republicans can't vote). The only exception to this is that they can't discriminate based on race or religion and such if they do hold a primary.

Now, the Democratic party set out a set of clear rules. These rules must be abided by to get delegates from the selected units seated. Florida and Michigan voluntarily chose to disregard those rules. Even if the state forced the primary to be on a ridiculous date, they could've held a convention.

They chose not to seat their delegates, and they got them seated anyway. Have your pie and eat it to.

Maybe I should be able to send delegates to the Democratic convention also?

Who legally certifies the vote? Whose delegates go to the Convention? Who pays for the election or the Primary or the Caucus....?

Not the party?

Each State's
the tax payer....IT IS OUR PRIMARY ELECTION, NOT THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY'S NOT THE REPUBLICAN PARTY'S, they don't own it, it is ours....they supply candidates, that's about it...
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