Michigan Democratic Primary Rules-Certified Vote Changed

I hate to just go back to my first thought on this thread, but Care, you have lost your mind.

I really like Care. I IA’d her for a couple of days, or until this passes. I did that with Bac last week too, but only for a day, I have a feeling this one is going to last longer. And the reason is, is because I don’t like to see things get ugly with people that I like and admire. And it’s my own failing that I can’t control my temper, I’m sure. So I feel that is the best solution.
And then, I go slap around a republican!
Who legally certifies the vote? Whose delegates go to the Convention? Who pays for the election or the Primary or the Caucus....?

Not the party?

Each State's
the tax payer....IT IS OUR PRIMARY ELECTION, NOT THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY'S NOT THE REPUBLICAN PARTY'S, they don't own it, it is ours....they supply candidates, that's about it...

The Democratic party chooses its candidate Care. Many states don't even HOLD primaries. They hold conventions of party officials. Is this unconstitutional? Why aren't you worried about "disfranchising the voters" there, where they can't even vote or express an opinion?

If the Green party didn't have a primary in every state, and didn't even let every single party member vote on the candidate, would they be violating the constitution? Its their primary election after all. Not the parties. They only supply the candidates.
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I hate to just go back to my first thought on this thread, but Care, you have lost your mind.

Please refute me with some facts, don't just call names cuz you're dumbfounded, but debate the issues...pretty please :D hahahahahahaha!

Please refute me with some facts, don't just call names cuz you're dumbfounded, but debate the issues...pretty please :D hahahahahahaha!


The idea that the Clinton campaign has ONLY ever argued that the metric for victory is total delegates is fucking laughable Care, and don't get into little cutesy simantic games on this, like the cat that swallowed the canary.

It's been big states, and swing states, and blue states, and middle class whites, and elected delegates who aren't really "pledged" and can change their minds, and popular vote (but only if you give her votes in MI and Obama NONE). I mean, you have got to be fucking kidding me. Yes, the metric for victory is delegates, but she has used every metric in the book to sway SUPERdelegates over to her side, and even elected delegates, if you believe the other case she was making on that point. That is why all of this talk from her supporters about 'counting every vote' and 'the will of the voters' is so patently absurd, because when Superdelegates swing an election, or PLEDGED delegates switch their vote, it completely undermines the "will of the voters."

Here's another hint: when you've got the village idiot on your side, something is way off. It's time to step back & look at what you're arguing.

You're deep in the koolaid, Care. I can't believe that you haven't seen ANY of this from the Clinton campaign.
I am sorry I said "fucking" so much in that post, and for my overall tone on this thread. Care, you are the 1st genuine Hillary supporter we've had here, so you are now the recipient of a lot of anger I have toward that campaign, which has been run in a pretty deplorable fashion, imo. And I have always suspected that her supporters have been oblivious to that.

I am aware of Obama's faults & liabilities; I am not blind to some of what he has done in this campaign. I think you are with Hillary.

When a Hillary supporter tells me to google "Obama lies" and "Obama Rezko," they have really crossed over a line, however. Same with when they tell me that the only metric Hillary has ever argued is delegate total.
The idea that the Clinton campaign has ONLY ever argued that the metric for victory is total delegates is fucking laughable Care, and don't get into little cutesy simantic games on this, like the cat that swallowed the canary.

have you gone MAD too? she never ever argued that the election is won by total delegates....EVER! you made this up and are continuing to make it up, period.

It's been big states, and swing states, and blue states, and middle class whites, and elected delegates who aren't really "pledged" and can change their minds, and popular vote (but only if you give her votes in MI and Obama NONE). I mean, you have got to be fucking kidding me. Yes, the metric for victory is delegates, but she has used every metric in the book to sway SUPERdelegates over to her side, and even elected delegates, if you believe the other case she was making on that point. That is why all of this talk from her supporters about 'counting every vote' and 'the will of the voters' is so patently absurd, because when Superdelegates swing an election, or PLEDGED delegates switch their vote, it completely undermines the "will of the voters."


she was and is trying to get the unpledged delegates to see why they should pledge to her onceler!

she KNOWS THE RULES, SKE KNOWS the magic number of delegates to win, this is WHAT she HAS ALWAYS been shooting for....always.

For goodness sakes Onceler, you actually THINK that Hillary was going to try to get all 50 states and the DNC to CHANGE THEIR RULES to where the delegates needed to win were just eliminated all because of her?


have got it really bad, you are not even thinking anymore for you to even imply what you did above...

THIS IS WHAT I MEAN, about the continually demonizing of Clinton for things she never said and never did...it's pathetic honestly and I do not understand what has happened to ALL OF YOU that once believed in Democracy and the sanctity of our individual private vote.

Here's another hint: when you've got the village idiot on your side, something is way off. It's time to step back & look at what you're arguing.

I am not arguing for Hillary onceler, I am arguing so that the TRUTH about what is going on and what has been said in error is told.

You're deep in the koolaid, Care. I can't believe that you haven't seen ANY of this from the Clinton campaign.

I have seen some slimey things from both the Clintons, none of which compares to what the DNC just did unfairly with Michigan and with the voters from Florida and Michigan in general and with what the DNC did with our secret ballot and Michigan's Certified legal votes and with their legally Certified Delegates, which is spat on them...
"I am sorry I said "fucking" so much in that post,"

If it means anything, I think it’s hot.

You kidding? You just made my fucking day....of course, you also thought a night of Pictionary & SATC was hot, so there's a grain of salt there...fucking salt, that is....
You kidding? You just made my fucking day....of course, you also thought a night of Pictionary & SATC was hot, so there's a grain of salt there...fucking salt, that is....

LOL. It was hot enough that you even knew who big and carrie were.
Seriously man, take off the glasses, rid yourself of the koolaid. It may help with your comprehension abilities.

Where did I suggest that CURRENT polling would not be more favorable to Obama?


Did you even read the article or at least look at the date of the article

March 7, 2008 .. current?

Where did I suggest that he shouldn't get any delegates?

Where did I suggest you said he shouldn't?

I stated very clearly that is what the Clintons said and used that to demonstrate the flaw in your argument about handing them an issue. Even if the DNC followed your advice, it still would not have satidfied the Clintons and you would have been accused of "handing them an issue."


Either learn to comprehend what you read or cease with the bullshit above. Because the combination is making you appear foolish.

I think you're the one who looked foolish in that exchange my brother.

Absolutely .. here's wishing she'd just go vote for McCain and shut the fuck up. They're very passionate about Hillary over there.

Let me make something very CLEAR to you Blackascoal, I have been a democrat longer than you have lived on this earth.

And no man, certainly no man like you, is going to shut me up or put me in my place, or dismiss me, or tell me what to do or tell me how to vote... I can assure you of that....::clink:

I am not a mccain supporter as I have said, and I would never vote for McCain and I have never in my life voted for a Republican....

you are not even a member of the Democratic Party, who gives a hoot what you think or what you say about MY PARTY affiliation and what I should do with my vote.... well...... because it IS MY PARTY, and NOT YOURS, THANK GOD!!!! :eek:
