Michigan is criminalizing opinions


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This is coming the Democrats throwing you in jail if you disagree with them just like a banana republic


To say that Michigan has lurched to the left under the leadership of Gretchen Whitmer and the state’s liberal majority would be a significant understatement. But with a new bill passed in the state House this week, they are taking things to a cartoonish level. If (more likely “when”) House Bill 4474 is signed into law, you will literally be able to be thrown into prison for hurting someone’s feelings. This is being hidden under the guise of protecting people from “hate speech,” and includes standard liberal online tropes about “feeling threatened.” To be clear, you don’t have to actually threaten someone with violence. They simply need to “feel” threatened by something you say or post online. There is no word from Governor Whitmer yet as to whether the State Police will be directed to establish a new “thought police” unit. (Washington Examiner)I can’t wait for this to be challenged in court. And if the courts can’t find a way to strike this down immediately, we may as well simply set the Constitution on fire. (Something that many Democrats would doubtless be thrilled to see.)

If someone claims that they feel threatened by your speech, you can be fined ten thousand dollars and locked up for five years. As a reminder, that’s a prison sentence that is roughly three times longer than the ones that two attorneys in New York City received for literally firebombing a police cruiser and distributing explosive devices to rioters in 2020. If you’re lucky, you may receive a smaller fine and be sentenced to community service so you can ponder your evil ways.

Except the WOKE Suicide Cult said so themselves, right here.
Hate crimes bill passes the Michigan House; Republicans voice concerns over speech

Michigan can now censor you if you hurt someone's feelings

Michigan House OKs new hate crime, institutional desecration penalties

New MI law can make hurting someone’s feelings punishable by up to 5 years in prison

So yes, Michigan is codifying into law that if you hurt someone's feelings with speech, you have committed a felony and can go to prison for years.
Hate speech is not criminal. It is protected free speech.

so you are predicting that if the Democratically controlled senate approves it and Gretch the Wretch signs it, it will be found unconstitutional?.......I agree......


this amendment to the Michigan PENAL CODE does in fact remove requirements of intent or injury......

I tried to paste a copy of the bill which crossed through the words being removed by the amendment......unfortunately the paste didn't reproduce the line drawn through the deleted words so you will have to go to the government link.....
Biden has been trying to do this for 2 years

The time Donald Trump reportedly urged James Comey to jail journalists

And now for the actual truth about the bill(s):

LANSING — Michigan prosecutors would have new tools to fight hate crimes against gay, transgender, senior and disabled residents under legislation approved Tuesday by the Democratic-led state House.

The bills, now heading to the Senate after 59-50 votes, would prohibit intimidation, harassment, threats or harm based on sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, disability or age — expanding an existing law banning "ethnic intimidation" based on race, religion, gender or national origin.

Sponsoring Rep. Noah Arbit, D-West Bloomfield, called his proposal an overdue update to the 1988 ethnic intimidation law, predicting the proposed changes would take Michigan from a “laggard” to a national leader for hate crime prevention, intervention and response.

"As a proud Jew and a gay man, I will never sit idly by and watch as the communities I am part of face rising hate violence,” Arbit said in a floor speech prior to the vote on legislation he called a “central” part of his House campaign.

"Hate violence is different from other kinds of violence because it is terroristic in nature. There is never just one victim of a hate crime. An entire community is victimized too."

The votes came days after the FBI arrested a 19-year-old Michigan man on allegations of making of anti-Semitic threats and planning violence against a synagogue in East Lansing. Michigan police reported a total of 410 hate crime incidents in 2021, the most recent year data is available for, up from 377 in 2020.
so you are predicting that if the Democratically controlled senate approves it and Gretch the Wretch signs it, it will be found unconstitutional?.......I agree......


this amendment to the Michigan PENAL CODE does in fact remove requirements of intent or injury......

I tried to paste a copy of the bill which crossed through the words being removed by the amendment......unfortunately the paste didn't reproduce the line drawn through the deleted words so you will have to go to the government link.....

I would agree with you if they were punishing pure speech. I had not read the proposed law until you posted it. This law does not appear to punish speech but actions--intimidation, causing bodily injury, using force or violence..........

It does not make hate speech illegal. It makes already criminal conduct a hate crime. Hate crime and hate speech are not the same.

"[FONT=&quot]intimidates or harasses another individual; causes bodily injury or severe mental anguish to another individual; uses force or violence on another individual; damages, destroys, or defaces any real, personal, digital, or online property of another individual; or threatens, by word or act, to do any of the above-described actions, if the person, regardless of the existence of any other motivating factors, [/FONT]intentionally targets the individual or engages in the action based in whole or in part on any of the following actual or perceived characteristics of another individual:"

All of the above refer to acts, not speech (except maybe the threat portion).
I would agree with you if they were punishing pure speech. I had not read the proposed law until you posted it. This law does not appear to punish speech but actions--intimidation, causing bodily injury, using force or violence..........

It does not make hate speech illegal. It makes already criminal conduct a hate crime. Hate crime and hate speech are not the same.

"[FONT="]intimidates or harasses another individual; causes bodily injury or severe mental anguish to another individual; uses force or violence on another individual; damages, destroys, or defaces any real, personal, digital, or online property of another individual; or threatens, by word or act, to do any of the above-described actions, if the person, regardless of the existence of any other motivating factors, [/FONT][/COLOR]intentionally targets the individual or engages in the action based in whole or in part on any of the following actual or perceived characteristics of another individual:"

All of the above refer to acts, not speech (except maybe the threat portion).[/QUOTE]

I do believe that [B][URL="https://www.baronedefensefirm.com/arguing-self-defense-for-force-and-threats-of-force.html#:~:text=Michigan%20law%20does%20not%20specifically,may%20be%20guilty%20of%20assault."]making threats of physical harm[/URL][/B] are included in the definition of assault. It does, with certain conditions, in Michigan:

Michigan law does not specifically address threats of force and simply making a threat should not be illegal. However, if a person threatens force or deadly force, and has the ability to carry out that threat, then they may be guilty of assault.
Hate crimes bill passes the Michigan House; Republicans voice concerns over speech

Michigan can now censor you if you hurt someone's feelings

Michigan House OKs new hate crime, institutional desecration penalties

New MI law can make hurting someone’s feelings punishable by up to 5 years in prison

So yes, Michigan is codifying into law that if you hurt someone's feelings with speech, you have committed a felony and can go to prison for years.

I saw a great t shirt yesterday. Had a Gadsden flag on it and it said "My rights dont end where your feelings begin".