Middle class shrinking under the Boy Blunder!

Why is the President responsible, what about Congress? I keep waiting for the lower taxes on the rich to trickle down, 30 years and counting!

Do you prefer trickle up poordom because that's what is happening according to the topic. Redistribution does not work for the middle class!
Do you prefer trickle up poordom because that's what is happening according to the topic. Redistribution does not work for the middle class!

It isn't redistribution it is all about a fair tax system and the USA does not have a fair tax system.
It isn't redistribution it is all about a fair tax system and the USA does not have a fair tax system.

It is redistribution when you take more from one to give to another, form each according to their ability to each according to their need, that is democrat/socialist strategy. Why don't all the pretend elite democrats, who don't give spit to charities pony up the cash needed, they have it especially the Hollyweird democrats.
Americans have been getting poorer in real terms for more than twenty years. It is so that their masters should get richer.
When you have refuted anything in the Original thread we will talk, balls in your court.

I refuted the entire article and provided abundant proof. Clearly you are incapable of defending the article or you would have done so. You can't even point out one flaw in what I said or you would.
Americans are a third richer than Brits
You fucktards are too dumb for air conditioning.

Big deal! What has that got to do with what I said? All you right-wing peasants think you are arguing about football teams or something, insofar as you think at all. Grow up, you silly bugger, and get some air conditioning for your big fat arse, instead of sending in its products! :)
It isn't redistribution it is all about a fair tax system and the USA does not have a fair tax system.

You can bathe a pig, put it in a dress, and put perfume on it, it is still a pig and it's the same with redistribution. Why should people who are successful be punished for success. At some point those people risked it all to start a business, and they employ others.
I refuted the entire article and provided abundant proof. Clearly you are incapable of defending the article or you would have done so. You can't even point out one flaw in what I said or you would.

You did nothing of the sort you posted a hit piece from huffpo, blaming Bush, and glorifying your messiahs Clinton, and Dumbama. The Premise that 911 was Bush's fault doesn't hold merit, since Osama was emboldened by Clintons lack of response to other terrorist attacks on America. You can't run from history dumbass,
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You can bathe a pig, put it in a dress, and put perfume on it, it is still a pig and it's the same with redistribution. Why should people who are successful be punished for success. At some point those people risked it all to start a business, and they employ others.

They aren't punished for their success, in fact, they buy the politicians that create the laws that lean very much in their favor.
They aren't punished for their success, in fact, they buy the politicians that create the laws that lean very much in their favor.
They are EMPLOYERS, who risked EVERYTHING at some point, and became successful. I poor person has never given me a job!
They are EMPLOYERS, who risked EVERYTHING at some point, and became successful. I poor person has never given me a job!

Poor people make up the majority of the market for most everything you ignorant talking point parrot. You think rich people shop at Kmart or Sears or JC Penney or Stop and Shop or Piggly Wiggly? or 7/11?
Poor people make up the majority of the market for most everything you ignorant talking point parrot. You think rich people shop at Kmart or Sears or JC Penney or Stop and Shop or Piggly Wiggly? or 7/11?

It is why a thriving middle class is so important for a healthy economy.
Poor people make up the majority of the market for most everything you ignorant talking point parrot. You think rich people shop at Kmart or Sears or JC Penney or Stop and Shop or Piggly Wiggly? or 7/11?

Actually most rich people who are self made, in other words earned there money are quite frugal jackass. Now Rich hoolyweird peeps, who were given their money, or trust fund dems, are probably not likely to see the inside of anything where the don't valet park. My Boss is very frugal, has nice things but is very involved in our community.
Actually most rich people who are self made, in other words earned there money are quite frugal jackass. Now Rich hoolyweird peeps, who were given their money, or trust fund dems, are probably not likely to see the inside of anything where the don't valet park. My Boss is very frugal, has nice things but is very involved in our community.

Doesn't change what I said. You wouldn't have a job without a market for your companie's product or service.
Poor people make up the majority of the market for most everything you ignorant talking point parrot. You think rich people shop at Kmart or Sears or JC Penney or Stop and Shop or Piggly Wiggly? or 7/11?

Wrong shit-for-brains; poor people are a relatively small minority in this country. You might be correct if you lived in some third world shit-hole; which is where Liberals want to take us with their economic stupidity.

There would be NO MARKET if there were NO JOB creators you dunce. Was there a market for the Apple Macintosh when Jobs decided he could make a better computer? NO. It was CREATED by the entrepreneur who THOUGHT people would want it and believed in it, risked everything and slaved 24/7 to make it happen.

You don't wait for a market to pop up you cretin; you CREATE it by RISKING your wealth by INVESTING it in, and PRODUCING a product. If not for the banks and wealthy investors who are willing to risk capital for a return, MOST wouldn’t even have a job and the Government/dishonest politicians couldn’t afford to pander to ignorant dunces promising them something for nothing to stay elected.

You, as are so many others on this forum of leftist partisan persuasion, are another illiterate twit who never studied economics but pretends he knows what he is talking about while looking painfully stupid. You epitomize the low information dunces that voted for a dimwit like Obama.

You really are THAT fucking stupid.
It is why a thriving middle class is so important for a healthy economy.

We cannot have a thriving middle class if we drive away the individuals and companies who create the jobs.

By the way, shit-for-brains Rune was talking about the "poor" not the middle class. Further proof that both of you are clueless twits of epic proportions.