Military Service


I know there's some fine veterans and military members on this forum, so let's all let our fellow posters know who we are. It might give some insight to new members and to political discussions.


20 year Retired AF

Duty: Personnel

Highlight: Tour of duty with HUMINT
4 years 3Para. Recce/COP
12 years 1DWR. Infantry section commander. Steward. Regimental recruiter. Army promo team.

Highlights. 2 years ceremonials in London.
Passing P COY.

Service in the Balkans, Sierra Leone, NI, Afghanistan.
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6 years USMC
Artillery Sensor / Target Acquisition
Operation Enduring Freedom Nov '09 - May '10 attached to 3/4
11th Mar TAP/ III MEF forward
US Army Signal Corps!

Total of six years of service in the Army!

Radio and Carrier Operator!

Units! (Overseas)

Germany 1968, 93rd Signal Battalion, Company B!

Vietnam Veteran, 1968-1969, 1st Signal Brigade, 459th Signal Battalion, 261st Signal Company!

Korea 1971-1973, 4/44th Air Defense Artillery, Charlie Battery!

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I know there's some fine veterans and military members on this forum, so let's all let our fellow posters know who we are. It might give some insight to new members and to political discussions.


20 year Retired AF

Duty: Personnel

Highlight: Tour of duty with HUMINT

Originally Posted by Howey
No. I didn't call Palin a cunt because she's a conservative. I called her a cunt because she's a cunt.
And her daughter's a drunken slut whore.

So despicable assholes can serve too....huh ?
Something I pondered the other day when I saw Tiger Woods thank two military personnel on one of the greens:

It seems we learned about the nature of our kids when they serve in the military. Vietnam vets were shunned when they returned home, and it seems we've now learned how to discern the pawns from the policy makers.

We tend to err on the side of acceptance, knowing that these kids are just following orders, and we ought to aim our angst at Washington.

My son in law is constantly getting thanked when he goes into public in his uniform. People actually buy his meals, drinks, etc.

So I ask....In the past, we ripped our children from society, and sent them off to fight (often) unjust, heinous wars. These kids had no choice, as the draft demanded that they serve.

With no draft, and a 100% volunteer military, why do we thank our kids for service? Do we thank cops for putting their lives on the line every day?
Something I pondered the other day when I saw Tiger Woods thank two military personnel on one of the greens:

It seems we learned about the nature of our kids when they serve in the military. Vietnam vets were shunned when they returned home, and it seems we've now learned how to discern the pawns from the policy makers.

We tend to err on the side of acceptance, knowing that these kids are just following orders, and we ought to aim our angst at Washington.

My son in law is constantly getting thanked when he goes into public in his uniform. People actually buy his meals, drinks, etc.

So I ask....In the past, we ripped our children from society, and sent them off to fight (often) unjust, heinous wars. These kids had no choice, as the draft demanded that they serve.

With no draft, and a 100% volunteer military, why do we thank our kids for service? Do we thank cops for putting their lives on the line every day?

Are you confused right now?
Something I pondered the other day when I saw Tiger Woods thank two military personnel on one of the greens:

It seems we learned about the nature of our kids when they serve in the military. Vietnam vets were shunned when they returned home, and it seems we've now learned how to discern the pawns from the policy makers.

We tend to err on the side of acceptance, knowing that these kids are just following orders, and we ought to aim our angst at Washington.

My son in law is constantly getting thanked when he goes into public in his uniform. People actually buy his meals, drinks, etc.

So I ask....In the past, we ripped our children from society, and sent them off to fight (often) unjust, heinous wars. These kids had no choice, as the draft demanded that they serve.

With no draft, and a 100% volunteer military, why do we thank our kids for service? Do we thank cops for putting their lives on the line every day?

The Vietnam era attacks on servicemen were a direct result of liberal propaganda!
John Kerry and his lies are a classic example.
The Vietnam era attacks on servicemen were a direct result of liberal propaganda!
John Kerry and his lies are a classic example.

That and the frustration of seeing our boys come home in bodybags for no good reason. The way the war was run was criminal. We should never have been there in the first place.
He previously claimed Navy.

So Bravo lied. I'm not surprised again.

With no draft, and a 100% volunteer military, why do we thank our kids for service? Do we thank cops for putting their lives on the line every day?

Because they volunteered to protect us? As a result, they not only deserve thanks, they deserve respect and honor. Same with police. Although, nowadays, the police are met with disdain by the right because they're considered "public" employees. the first responders have fallen since 9/11.

The Vietnam era attacks on servicemen were a direct result of liberal propaganda!
John Kerry and his lies are a classic example.

Go away.

That and the frustration of seeing our boys come home in bodybags for no good reason. The way the war was run was criminal. We should never have been there in the first place.

Amen, brother, amen. Same with Iraq and Afghanistan*.

*Originally, I supported the presence of our troops in Afgtanistan. However, since it's obvious now we're not welcome, we should get the fuck out.
That and the frustration of seeing our boys come home in bodybags for no good reason. The way the war was run was criminal. We should never have been there in the first place.
Oh I get it, the liberals and John Kerry didnt like to see our boys come home in body bags, do they attacked those who came back alive with abuse, spitting and violence!

Way to go liberals!

Truth too hard to deal with?
Kerry lied through his teeth.
Threw his comerades under a bus, stabbed them in the back and became a turncoat scumbag.

That's what he did!

For fame and power.

His life's greatest achievement was based on lies and dishonor!!

He has also been a very successfull gigolo!