Military Service

4 years - US Navy

USS James Madison SSBN 627


That would be SS James Madison... USS means unsubmersible ship, SS means submersible ship... SSBN.. A boomer, nuclear powered, nuclear capable. Awesome. I served short tours on some of those.
Because they volunteered to protect us? As a result, they not only deserve thanks, they deserve respect and honor. Same with police. Although, nowadays, the police are met with disdain by the right because they're considered "public" employees. the first responders have fallen since 9/11.
See...that's the thing. Your comment is way outdated. When was the last military campaign that actually 'protected' us?

Before the chickenhawks created the clusterfuck that is the Mid East, we had decades of peacetime (more or less).

With the horrid economy Raygun/Bush sr. brought, the military was a viable choice for a way to do a few years and get out with bennies, and a way to get an education.

When Rumsfeld chose to go to war with the 'army he had', many reservists/guardsmen got caught up in the net. For those, I feel sorry for the ruination of their families.

Likewise for those who got dragged back to fight, after fulfilling their duties.

I'd offer thanks to them, because they never signed up for the 'Blood for Oil' campaign that failed miserably.

Anyone who now serves made the choice to do so, knowing that they'll end up in Afghanistan. Most of the kids I talk to did so because they had no other job opportunities. They take the risk.

But don't kid yourself into thinking that anything they do is 'protecting' us from anyone.
That would be SS James Madison... USS means unsubmersible ship, SS means submersible ship... SSBN.. A boomer, nuclear powered, nuclear capable. Awesome. I served short tours on some of those.

Why do I always gravitate towards forums owned by guys who used to serve on nuke subs? I need to send you a pm.
See...that's the thing. Your comment is way outdated. When was the last military campaign that actually 'protected' us?

Before the chickenhawks created the clusterfuck that is the Mid East, we had decades of peacetime (more or less).

With the horrid economy Raygun/Bush sr. brought, the military was a viable choice for a way to do a few years and get out with bennies, and a way to get an education.

When Rumsfeld chose to go to war with the 'army he had', many reservists/guardsmen got caught up in the net. For those, I feel sorry for the ruination of their families.

Likewise for those who got dragged back to fight, after fulfilling their duties.

I'd offer thanks to them, because they never signed up for the 'Blood for Oil' campaign that failed miserably.

Anyone who now serves made the choice to do so, knowing that they'll end up in Afghanistan. Most of the kids I talk to did so because they had no other job opportunities. They take the risk.

But don't kid yourself into thinking that anything they do is 'protecting' us from anyone.

amazing how a catchy phase and total lie like "'Blood for Oil' campaign" can take hold and become reality for so many pinheads......

the US got no oil because there never was a blood for oil campaign... and because we got no oil they dubbed this imaginary campaign a failure....

thats a win win for the liars ...... Goebbels was an amateur compared to todays Democrats.
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the US go no oil because there never was a blood for oil campaign...

Your track record at wrong is amazing!
But read the fine print of those contracts, and companies more familiar to Americans are now poised to benefit handsomely as the oil business picks up in Iraq.

The oil services companies Halliburton, Baker Hughes, Weatherford International and Schlumberger already won lucrative drilling subcontracts and are likely to bid on many more in one of the world’s richest markets for companies that drill oil wells. These days, that is not the oil majors.

Halliburton and Baker Hughes are American, while Schlumberger is based in Paris though its drilling subdivision is headquartered in Houston. Weatherford, though founded in Texas, is now incorporated in Switzerland. “Iraq is a huge opportunity for contractors,” Alex Munton, a Middle East analyst for Wood Mackenzie, a research and consulting firm based in Edinburgh, said by telephone. “There will be an enormous scale of investment.” Mr. Munton estimated roughly half of the expected $150 billion the international majors will spend in capital outlays at Iraqi oil fields over the next decade will go to drilling subcontractors, most of them American.

Halliburton has won drilling and well refurbishment contracts at three of the six major fields, Weatherford International, Schlumberger and Baker Hughes at two others. One Chinese oil-services company is also working on these projects, as is a domestic Iraqi subcontractor, the Iraq Drilling Co.

Everyone loves to bash Halliburton because of Cheney....

Halliburton has done business in the Middle East since 1951....and has done business in Iraq, Libya, Kuwait and other ME locations since the 1980's and 1990's....
Many different companys, from all over the world that deal in oil had a presents in the ME, including Iraq 20 years its no surprise the all these company's are STILL in the ME...including Iraq today.

So a war in 2002 had nothing to do with these company's doing business in these country's....just another lefty attempt to re-write history using smoke and mirrors.

Your ridiculous post belongs in the conspiracy forums along with the other bs...
Nice skill set. If I had gone ATC I would totally cash that in on the civilian side.
I looked in to it prior to getting out and was quite disappointed in the rather boring aspect of it. I checked out the 3 busiest airports in the country at that time and remember thinking to myself that I would have died of boredom after two years of it.
I tend to find that people enjoy working tower but hate working radar. I do some pretty tedious work on radar myself.
radar is definitely the suckage, but tower can be just as bad. when I was in O'hare tower for my visit, I heard the local controller say 'cleared to land #8' and was stupefied. After years of working such a chaotic mix of traffic at NKT, practice approaches, harrier patterns, helicopters in and out, and combining it with radar traffic, I knew that civilian ATC wasn't for me.
Although, nowadays, the police are met with disdain by the right because they're considered "public" employees. the first responders have fallen since 9/11.

Where oh where the fuck do they get this shit from ?....Is it MSNBC ?....Huffington ?....the Daily KOS ?....Maher ?

Is it a mental illness to just make shit up, create strawmen, distort reality, and try to equate equivalency where none exists ?
Oh I get it, the liberals and John Kerry didnt like to see our boys come home in body bags, do they attacked those who came back alive with abuse, spitting and violence!

Way to go liberals!

The only people who praised the soldiers were the ones who wanted them there, in other words the ones who sent them to die for no good reason.

With the news media reporting the killing of women & children, the fire bombing of villages, and the unprecedented news coverage of the war, it is little wonder lots of people responded badly. There is no excuse for the treatment of the returning soldiers, but to blame only the liberals is simply untrue.
That would be SS James Madison... USS means unsubmersible ship, SS means submersible ship... SSBN.. A boomer, nuclear powered, nuclear capable. Awesome. I served short tours on some of those.

The "USS" means "United States Ship", a prefix for any commissioned ship or boat. The SSBN designates it as a submersible, ballistic missile capable, nuclear powered vessel.

It was pretty awesome duty. The training and qualifications were tough as hell. To earn that 'SS' designation after my name required that I have a working knowledge of every system on the boat.
The "USS" means "United States Ship", a prefix for any commissioned ship or boat. The SSBN designates it as a submersible, ballistic missile capable, nuclear powered vessel.

Here's a photo index of that sub, so you can go through some memories...

It was pretty awesome duty. The training and qualifications were tough as hell. To earn that 'SS' designation after my name required that I have a working knowledge of every system on the boat.

Yup. I had that, one for air and surface too as I was temp assigned to each of the duty stations...

We were never assigned to the fast frigates though, only boomers.
Here's a photo index of that sub, so you can go through some memories...

Yup. I had that, one for air and surface too as I was temp assigned to each of the duty stations...

We were never assigned to the fast frigates though, only boomers.

Thanks for the link! The 19th pic, the one of the shakedown cruise and test launch of the Trident missile? I was onboard for that. Very cool.

The Jimmy MadDog Madison was one of the best boomers in the Atlantic fleet. During our first shakedown cruise off Gitmo, we ran anti-sub exercises with the JFK. If they found us we fired a red flare, if we found them & had torpedo lock we fired a green flare, and if they requested out position we fired a yellow flare. The exercise was cut short because we ran out of yellow flares.

Also, on patrol we suddenly heard all sorts of surface and subsurface noise. It turns out the USS America and her task force were running war games with some NATO countries. My CO had us come to periscope depth in the wake of the America, he took a few snapshots with the camera and we dove and hid. When we went back to port he sent the pics to the CO of the America, except he had drawn in a circle & crosshairs and written "Gotcha" on the back. We heard he went ballistic and tried to launch and investigation yada yada yada. CINCLANT ignored his requests.
The only people who praised the soldiers were the ones who wanted them there, in other words the ones who sent them to die for no good reason.

With the news media reporting the killing of women & children, the fire bombing of villages, and the unprecedented news coverage of the war, it is little wonder lots of people responded badly. There is no excuse for the treatment of the returning soldiers, but to blame only the liberals is simply untrue.
Yes, the liberal media, the liberal press, the liberals in Hollywood and all the brainwashed sheeple who believed them and the turncoat John Kerry.