Military Service


This is from the "me" section of the website that she has chosen to link too as apart of her "research".

The first line is as follows:
"I’m just some guy from Philadelphia named Paul Lukasiak. I’m not an “expert” on anything, so please don’t describe me as one."


Nice work!!:good4u:

Do you take this position on the Swift Boat people, given that so many of their "facts" were disproved?
They do when your father is the future directer of the CIA and President of the US, not a meat popsicle like you.
Ah ok, so the air national guard knew GHWB was going to be the prez?

Go check your spelling, then change your pants.
Do you take this position on the Swift Boat people, given that so many of their "facts" were disproved?

I dont really have a dog in this fight over Bush or Kerry to be honest. I found it amusing for someone to post a link as "proof" or as their "research" when the author of it self proclaims that he's not an expert and the material was just written by some guy. lol

Thats all. :sexy:
Ah ok, so the air national guard knew GHWB was going to be the prez?

Go check your spelling, then change your pants.
He was already in the House of Reps. He was also a war hero of sorts in the Navy. I would tell you to stop playing stupid, but you aren't 'Playing'.
You said you think he lied for personal gain and he's therefore a turncoat. Were you in his fleet? Do you know he lied? No.

So until you can prove beyond a doubt that Secretary of State John Kerry lied about his accusations, you have no basis for your criticisms. Mr. Kerry broke no laws.
His collegues have never been convicted of the crimes he alleged.
He is a turncoat becsuse he stabbed his collegues in the back.
They kept him alive through his service, he lied, his gain?
A political career and a career as a successful gigolo.
He was already in the House of Reps. He was also a war hero of sorts in the Navy. I would tell you to stop playing stupid, but you aren't 'Playing'.
So politicians kids get special favors in the us military?

If he went AWOL he would have been charged.
He was granted an honorable discharge, therefore was not a deserter.

Rune made a very specific allegation that GWB went AWOL to avoid service in Vietnam.
I'm still waiting for him to provide evidence.
Sorry, boys and girls. Dubya went AWOL. Review the documents (pdf):

It's a long, complicated history of coverups and special favors, but yes, he did go AWOL.

The story, From Texas Monthly
The real story, assembled here for the first time in a single narrative, featuring new witnesses and never-reported details, is far more complex than what Rather and Mapes rushed onto the air in 2004. At the time, so much rancorous political gamesmanship surrounded Bush’s military history that it was impossible to report clearly (and Rather’s flawed report effectively ended further investigations). But with Bush out of office, this is no longer a problem.

While the Linkes were there, Bush’s former commanding officer, Lieutenant Colonel Jerry Killian, allegedly told them that Bush had stopped flying because he became afraid to land the plane. “He was mucking up bad, Killian told us,” Janet said to a Florida newspaper. (Jan Peter died in a car accident in 1973.)

But by the time Linke went public with her allegation, the press had already abandoned the Bush National Guard story for the Dan Rather controversy. Also ignored was some possible corroborating evidence...

What’s clear, however, is that Bush’s superiors made it unusually easy for him to quit flying and leave Houston. They first attempted to sign him up for a postal unit in Alabama that met once a month. (The commander of the outfit told Bush he couldn’t guarantee that the group would even exist in three months but added, “We’re glad to have you!”) When Bush was informed that he couldn’t fulfill his duty by doing that, he sent a letter requesting “equivalent duty” with the 187th Tactical Reconnaissance Group, at Dannelly Air Base, in Montgomery. The unit commander, in official memos, said Bush could start by attending two drills in September 1972. He didn’t show up for the drills.

When Bush lost his flight status, in August 1972, the official military protocol of the Texas Air National Guard was to open an internal investigation and review why the pilot didn’t show up for his physical. It says so on Bush’s own documents. That never happened.

Bush’s go-to expert on his military record, Albert Lloyd, said a report wasn’t necessary because Bush’s commanders knew he had stopped flying to go to work in Alabama—proof only that the Air National Guard blew off the rules when it came to Bush.

The Junior Bush wasn't so much disobeying orders as getting vague orders crafted to fit into his plans. Too bad so many other young Americans without Bush's Daddy's connections had their lives interrupted to be sent off to Viet Nam.
No charges filed?
What's the statute of limitations for military crimes?

The specific allegation was that GWB deserted to avoid service in Vietnam.
When did his unit deploy?

He is part of the ruling class, above the law.
Sorry, boys and girls. Dubya went AWOL. Review the documents (pdf):

It's a long, complicated history of coverups and special favors, but yes, he did go AWOL.

The story, From Texas Monthly

I'd say your story from the Texas Monthly is spin and bullshit....

A pilot can ground himself and stop flying at any point in his career that he decides, for any reason, or for no reason......hes free to make that call, its his decision...

If he wanted to fly and didn't show up for a physical, there would certainly be an investigation to determine if his failure to show up was legitimate and he would be grounded until he did pass the you and your source have it ass one blew off the rules....

and your crack about 'Bush's Daddy's connections' is just so much unconfirmed bullshit'.... accusations that you cannot PROVE, but nevertheless repeat ad nauseam...

Bluster, Bullshit and Blow Smoke....the liberal way to character assassination....experts in the field.
No charges filed?
What's the statute of limitations for military crimes?

The specific allegation was that GWB deserted to avoid service in Vietnam.
When did his unit deploy?

The specific allegation was that GWB deserted to avoid service in Vietnam.
When did his unit deploy?

THAT little tidbit says it all, doesn't it ?
He is part of the ruling class, above the law.

Like the murderer Ted Kennedy?

Or the cop killer Barack Obama?

Or the negligent homicide of Hilary Clinton ?

Or the dodgy financing of Bill Clinton or Barney Frank?
Nah, he went into a torrent of abuse when confronted with the truth about the backstabbing turncoat John Kerry.

Still no evidence that GWB went AWOL to avoid service in Vietnam?
Which unit did he dessert?
Where were they stationed?
What was his job?
What year did he desert?
Or are you liberals lying again?
Of course you are, you are liberals!

The fucked up, brain dead liberals have been throwing out the old AWOL agrument for years and have yet to prove a fucking thing.
Merchant marine!!!!!
During a war!!!!
You fucking joke!!!

You bravely delivered a few eggs to an aircraft carrier 200 miles away from any action, but still shut your pants at the loud noise the Klaxons made!!!

Did you put boots on ground ?
See an enemy?
React to enemy fire?
Return fire?
Fix bayonets?
Approach , assault and fight through an enemy position ?


Your full of shit!!
Mercant marine!!
What a fucking great way to dodge danger!!

Roofers have a more dangerous job!
Bank tellers!

American Merchant Marine Heroes and their Gallant Ships in World War II

They also supplied us doing the Vietnam War too!