"Mind Your Own Damn Business."

Thread title is Tim Walz's advice for people who feel entitled to tell women what to do with their bodies.

It may help make him Vice President.
Unless you communazis go irredeemably off your meds (you went off the reservation years ago), this election will be decided on the economy and world affairs. The only thing I am concerned about is how much are you guys going to cheat this time.
Unless you communazis go irredeemably off your meds (you went off the reservation years ago), this election will be decided on the economy and world affairs. The only thing I am concerned about is how much are you guys going to cheat this time.
I bet you do think that, even though Trump proved it was a fair and honest election. Now he is facing justice for his cheating. Trump got more recounts than any candidate ever had. He went to court over 60 times and the judges said, let's see your evidence. He had none. They quit allowing him to partition the court because he was wasting valuable court time. They said his cases were frivolous. That includes judges he appointed.
Why are you still so misinformed? Can you learn?
I bet you do think that, even though Trump proved it was a fair and honest election. Now he is facing justice for his cheating. Trump got more recounts than any candidate ever had. He went to court over 60 times and the judges said, let's see your evidence. He had none. They quit allowing him to partition the court because he was wasting valuable court time. They said his cases were frivolous. That includes judges he appointed.
Why are you still so misinformed? Can you learn?
Like other Trumoers he reacts on faith and training. Learning would dissuade him so is scrupulously avoided.
T.A., I have tried to find ways to agree with you many times as I have known you here in the forum. And, at times, I have agreed with you on some things, and I gave you a thumbs up.

But, so many times I am shocked by your comments. I find your comments and opinions to insult my intelligence- comments that stem from conspiracy theories, extreme right wing narratives, tropes, and worn out mantras not based on facts or reality.

I am sorry Sir, but if I agreed with you, with yet another one of your over-the-top preposterous posts of yours- WE WOULD BOTH BE WRONG- AND TWO WRONGS IS NEVER GOING TO MAKE ANYTHING RIGHT OR TRUE!

Sorry Pal!
There are vaccines that are effective immunizations, like smallpox, measles, tetanus, yellow fever, or now chicken pox. These are things that should be required as they immunize the population against that illness. That is, they cannot catch it.

There are other vaccines that only reduce your chances of catching some disease. Flu shots, the COVID vaccine, penicillin and antibiotics, fall into this category. Getting a shot for Chinese disease doesn't immunize you. It can help reduce the chances of getting it, and reduces some of the effects. You have to get regular boosters to keep that level of immunity up. Flu shots are the same way.

This later category of vaccines are ones that should not be required of the public but given by choice. That's because you may or may not need one. If you have a strong immune system or know you'll only get a mild case, you might not want to take one. Because antibiotics have been overused, the diseases they prevent have gotten harder to fight. There's a downside there too.

So, when I say it is stupid to force everyone to get a Chinese disease shot it is stupid. Those with strong immune systems, children, and those that have had a case and recovered are as likely to be better off not getting the shot (same with the flu shot) than getting one. But it should be your choice, not the government's in this case. True immunizations, all for them. Preventative medicine? You choose based on your knowledge of yourself and advice from your healthcare providers.

A great example of this is that there is a tuberculosis vaccine. It has limited effectiveness. In the US it isn't required because of PPD testing and the rarity of cases. Other countries require it because they have a lot of cases and it can help reduce the effects but it doesn't immunize you.
There are vaccines that are effective immunizations, like smallpox, measles, tetanus, yellow fever, or now chicken pox. These are things that should be required as they immunize the population against that illness. That is, they cannot catch it.

There are other vaccines that only reduce your chances of catching some disease. Flu shots, the COVID vaccine, penicillin and antibiotics, fall into this category. Getting a shot for Chinese disease doesn't immunize you. It can help reduce the chances of getting it, and reduces some of the effects. You have to get regular boosters to keep that level of immunity up. Flu shots are the same way.

This later category of vaccines are ones that should not be required of the public but given by choice. That's because you may or may not need one. If you have a strong immune system or know you'll only get a mild case, you might not want to take one. Because antibiotics have been overused, the diseases they prevent have gotten harder to fight. There's a downside there too.

So, when I say it is stupid to force everyone to get a Chinese disease shot it is stupid. Those with strong immune systems, children, and those that have had a case and recovered are as likely to be better off not getting the shot (same with the flu shot) than getting one. But it should be your choice, not the government's in this case. True immunizations, all for them. Preventative medicine? You choose based on your knowledge of yourself and advice from your healthcare providers.

A great example of this is that there is a tuberculosis vaccine. It has limited effectiveness. In the US it isn't required because of PPD testing and the rarity of cases. Other countries require it because they have a lot of cases and it can help reduce the effects but it doesn't immunize you.
The problem with the MRNA vaccines, as they can be dangerous to people with auto-immune diseases. And the problem with that, is that there are many people that do not know they have such diseases yet.

I believe that the rush to get people vaccinated, caught the medical world off guard, and some people with auto-immune diseases were not properly warned by their own doctors that they were not candidates for the vaccine.

Doctors were so busy treating the victims of the virus, they were so overwhelmed, they were not able to keep up with the warnings in the medical reports.

But, after all was said and done, there were not as many cases of this happening as it could have been. Some people with various different kinds of auto-immune diseases that got the vaccine, were not affected at all and had no complications at all!, and some of that luck had to do with which vaccine they got. One was particularly more dangerous, or posed more of a risk to people with Auto-immune disease, than the other.

Researchers also found that vaccination against Covid, with either mRNA or viral vector shot, reduced the risk of developing a new autoimmune disease. They did not spell out in the study exactly how much vaccines reduced the risk of AIRDs. And after the year-mark, the Covid group's risk of AIRD returned to normal.
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I bet you do think that, even though Trump proved it was a fair and honest election. Now he is facing justice for his cheating. Trump got more recounts than any candidate ever had. He went to court over 60 times and the judges said, let's see your evidence. He had none. They quit allowing him to partition the court because he was wasting valuable court time. They said his cases were frivolous. That includes judges he appointed.
Why are you still so misinformed? Can you learn?
I choose to believe it as a service to you. The alternative is a nightmare of idiocracy. You guys will try to make us believe that this country is ideologically split down the middle, almost exactly like the federal legislature, with the house held by the GOP by a token 5 seats and the senate a 50/50 split with a cackling maniac for a tie breaker.

No, either you're cheating or you're collectively the largest group of idiots to enter the realm of politics. And I prefer to revile your dishonesty than pity your idiocy. You have to have a certain amount of guile and cunning to cheat on this level, and you have to be a mouth breathing moron to vote leftist on the level you guys supposedly did in 2020.

I refuse to believe that 50% of the American electorate are idiots.
I choose to believe it as a service to you. The alternative is a nightmare of idiocracy. You guys will try to make us believe that this country is ideologically split down the middle, almost exactly like the federal legislature, with the house held by the GOP by a token 5 seats and the senate a 50/50 split with a cackling maniac for a tie breaker.

No, either you're cheating or you're collectively the largest group of idiots to enter the realm of politics. And I prefer to revile your dishonesty than pity your idiocy. You have to have a certain amount of guile and cunning to cheat on this level, and you have to be a mouth breathing moron to vote leftist on the level you guys supposedly did in 2020.

I refuse to believe that 50% of the American electorate are idiots.
Yet over 60 court cases thrown out because no evidence presented, Even Rudy said they have theories and looking for evidence
Thread title is Tim Walz's advice for people who feel entitled to tell women what to do with their bodies.

It may help make him Vice President.
Walz wants to cut kids healthy body parts off and he wants to get between parents and their children . So he should "mine his own damn business"
Listen up retard, they were not forced to take the jab.

They had a choice- they could be fired or take the shot- THEIR CHOICE IDIOT.

Do you not understand the difference between being given a choice and being forced to do something?
Oh take the jab or not be able to support your family. Little Lizard you have gone full on retard.

I choose to believe it as a service to you. The alternative is a nightmare of idiocracy. You guys will try to make us believe that this country is ideologically split down the middle, almost exactly like the federal legislature, with the house held by the GOP by a token 5 seats and the senate a 50/50 split with a cackling maniac for a tie breaker.

No, either you're cheating or you're collectively the largest group of idiots to enter the realm of politics. And I prefer to revile your dishonesty than pity your idiocy. You have to have a certain amount of guile and cunning to cheat on this level, and you have to be a mouth breathing moron to vote leftist on the level you guys supposedly did in 2020.

I refuse to believe that 50% of the American electorate are idiots.
Why you pompous-ass unknowing son-of-a-bitch!

The nerve of you to think that some how you are superior to others is alarming, insulting, and deplorable.

And you accusing the Democrats of cheating in elections is evil, haughty, disdainful, and supercilious.

The Republicans have only won the popular vote just once since 1988, and that was again in 2004.

So either you really SUCK at math, are blinder than a ding-bat, or stupider than a box of pubic hair.

Sorry to have to be the one to correct you, but the people who vote Republican has been outnumbered by people who vote Democratic for 36 years now.

What is disgusting and TOTALLY wrong, is the fact that the Democrats have to outvote you Republicans by as many as 10 million votes to win.

In fact, Hillary did receive over 10 million votes more than Donald Trump- and still lost to that crooked son-of-a-BITCH!

That is an abomination of a Democracy!

This is the only country in the FREE WORLD, where the candidate with the most votes can lose the election!

Why you pompous-ass unknowing son-of-a-bitch!

The nerve of you to think that some how you are superior to others is alarming, insulting, and deplorable.

And you accusing the Democrats of cheating in elections is evil, haughty, disdainful, and supercilious.

The Republicans have only won the popular vote just once since 1988, and that was again in 2004.

So either you really SUCK at math, are blinder than a ding-bat, or stupider than a box of pubic hair.

Sorry to have to be the one to correct you, but the people who vote Republican has been outnumbered by people who vote Democratic for 36 years now.

What is disgusting and TOTALLY wrong, is the fact that the Democrats have to outvote you Republicans by as many as 10 million votes to win.

In fact, Hillary did receive over 10 million votes more than Donald Trump- and still lost to that crooked son-of-a-BITCH!

That is an abomination of a Democracy!

This is the only country in the FREE WORLD, where the candidate with the most votes can lose the election!

And it is widely considered the best country in the world. We have people from over 160 countries trying to sneak into American by the millions.
Why you pompous-ass unknowing son-of-a-bitch!

The nerve of you to think that some how you are superior to others is alarming, insulting, and deplorable.

And you accusing the Democrats of cheating in elections is evil, haughty, disdainful, and supercilious.

The Republicans have only won the popular vote just once since 1988, and that was again in 2004.

So either you really SUCK at math, are blinder than a ding-bat, or stupider than a box of pubic hair.

Sorry to have to be the one to correct you, but the people who vote Republican has been outnumbered by people who vote Democratic for 36 years now.

What is disgusting and TOTALLY wrong, is the fact that the Democrats have to outvote you Republicans by as many as 10 million votes to win.

In fact, Hillary did receive over 10 million votes more than Donald Trump- and still lost to that crooked son-of-a-BITCH!

That is an abomination of a Democracy!

This is the only country in the FREE WORLD, where the candidate with the most votes can lose the election!

Okay! Okay! Sheesh! I give up! You didn't cheat and you're just a bunch of morons! Sad day for America.