Minnesota Governor Tim Wals selected by Harris

He is a great pick, great communicator and brings it.

I was hoping for Buttigieg.
I listened to a lengthy interview with him yesterday. Incredibly nice guy. Wellspoken, comes across as completely down to earth and reasonable. However, he is also extremely liberal when it comes to government spending programs. I would have thought they would pick somebody to balance Kamala's very liberal views.
JD will destroy him. He is an open borders guy. 80% of American are against open borders. There is a video of him calling the BLM riots mostly peaceful while buildings burned. Harris needed a more moderate pick like Shapiro but rhe anti Jew faction of the Democrat party scared Harris away from Shapiro.
Vance hasn't even been able to beat the allegations that he fucked a couch
“Since the Walz Administration took office, Minnesota has experienced multiple claims of waste and fraud, all at the expense of taxpayers and their dollars. The cost of this fraud and mismanagement is over $500 million! This mismanagement has allowed rampant fraud that has gone unchecked for far too long.

I hope he didn't have to close down his personal foundation because of fraud. (like Trump)
I hope he didn't have to close the university named after him because of fraud. (like Trump)
I hope his business wasn't found guilty of business fraud. (like Trump)
I hope he personally wasn't found to have committed fraud in filing false business documents. (like Trump)

Let's make this a discussion of fraud because Trump has personally committed fraud.
Who ? They made her dump Shapiro?
Wait for OANN to issue you your #TrumpApprovedTalkingPoints(tm), Cuntsuelo. Then you can proceed to find things to zing him on. Like his appearance, his family, his religion, his alleged mental afflictions, etc. Don't hurt your empty balding head talking about policy; that's too hard. lol
“Since the Walz Administration took office, Minnesota has experienced multiple claims of waste and fraud, all at the expense of taxpayers and their dollars. The cost of this fraud and mismanagement is over $500 million! This mismanagement has allowed rampant fraud that has gone unchecked for far too long.

So has every other state.

That was Nancy Pelosi preferred choice for Harris VP too?!! This choice won't divide the party?!!
Shapiro had to much baggage, pro school vouchers and his stand on Israel pissed off the progressive's in the party too?!!
I liked Governor Andy Beshear myself?!!
I really liked Kelly but strategically I guess they couldn't go with him because they might lose that (D) seat to an (R). :(