Minnesota says he supports the REMOVAL of Donald Trump from 2024 presidential ballot.

Sez the idiot with wet panties that calls anyone who disagrees with him/her/alphabet, a fascist. Gotta love the tolerant left.

I love how you TrumpDerps now call the Constitution and the 14th Amendment fascist now simply because Trump might be subject to one of the Constitutions prohibitions for office.

FLOL at what a bunch of hypocrites you guys are and how your TDS makes you hate the Constitution and every thing America stood for all to protect your orange daddy.
BREAKING: The Governor of Minnesota says he supports the REMOVAL of Donald Trump from the 2024 presidential ballot.

“This needs to go forward.”

A group of voters are suing to keep Trump off the Minnesota ballot for violating section 3 of the 14th Amendment - the provision against support for insurrection or rebellion.

Minnesota is one of 15 states with similar lawsuits in the court.

Also attempting to remove Trump are suits in Arizona, Colorado, New Hampshire, Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, Nevada, Utah, Kansas, Oklahoma, Michigan, West Virginia, North Carolina, and South Carolina.

He supports the lawsuit going forward in order to get an answer to the legal question.
You realize people can write names in don't you? What this really tells us is you DFers don't want a free and open election. I wish you people had enough integrity to just admit you hate trump so much that you will do ANYTHING to make sure he doesn't run again. In order to do that you have morals. So enough said.

It does not matter if you write the name of a 10 year old in. They still are via the Constitution prohibited from running or winning just as Trump would be, if this 14th amendment challenge succeeds.
It does not matter if you write the name of a 10 year old in. They still are via the Constitution prohibited from running or winning just as Trump would be, if this 14th amendment challenge succeeds.

Again if only you people had the moral fortitude to admit you hate trump and would kill your grandmother if you thought it would prevent him from ever holding office again.
You realize people can write names in don't you? What this really tells us is you DFers don't want a free and open election. I wish you people had enough integrity to just admit you hate trump so much that you will do ANYTHING to make sure he doesn't run again. In order to do that you have morals. So enough said.

What it means is that Trump is not constitutionally eligible to be president.
He supports the lawsuit going forward in order to get an answer to the legal question.

And that question needs to be answered.

it is clear that the 14th Amendment S3 is meant to be adjudicated in Congress (Legislative Branch) via Separation of Powers, in the same way Impeachment is but unlike Impeachment where the process is laid out (House Impeaches, Senate Convicts), the 14th process has never been stipulated and has been applied in the past by arbitrary discretion of those who can apply it like SoS or Governors or State Houses.

And whatever bars the SC sets as 'disqualifying' that a SoS or Governor would need to consider first, i cannot see it being any higher of a bar than Trump already was held to.

Trump had both the Speaker of the House (McCarthy) and Head of the Senate (McConnell) both declare as FACT, in their official capacity, that Trump was responsible for Jan6th. Trump broke his oath of office to 'protect the US and Constitution'. Trump has numerous convicted people for succession and other such crimes, stating for the record in courts that Trump was responsible for their actions.

And while the above may not satisfy a court proceeding to determine guilt under a specific charge, they are more than enough evidence for a Political Process, in the Legislative branch to act upon, similar to how they could act on such information to impeach.
Again if only you people had the moral fortitude to admit you hate trump and would kill your grandmother if you thought it would prevent him from ever holding office again.

I do hate Trump.

But that is not what makes me want him held accountable for his numerous crimes. My reason for wanting to see him held responsible, is that no elite should be allowed to walk free while all the lower level minions go to jail for doing crimes he prompted them to do.

The list of average citizens (Jan6th) jailed who were acting, in their belief for him...
The list of people on his 2015 campaign team jailed who were acting on his behalf to get him elected...
The list of people in his WH Staff now jailed who were acting on his behalf...
The list of lawyer and other now, being found guilty and letting us know they were acting on Trumps behalf...

is the reason Trump needs to go to jail.

You should admit with moral fortitude that if you had 1/1000th of this evidence on Biden you would be screaming for him to be jailed. Heck you do with NO evidence of Biden criminallity and simply saying 'certain things look bad... thus guilty'.
What it means is that Trump is not constitutionally eligible to be president.

I know what it means it means trump will eventually succumb to the leftist hyenas. I have no doubt about that now its just a matter of when. Whether or not he has done anything wrong will, in the long run, be immaterial. The recent decision by the ACLU is what changed my mind.
they didn't say it was a perfect election.

They lied. Every single one. The Big Lie that the election was stolen. That there was massive fraud.

And now, they tell the truth. Pleading for mercy.

Just a start. Eastman just flipped. So, the dominoes keep falling and they get larger with each tumble.
the media went into overdrive to only focus on negatives of one man

arguing with you lying shit stains is a waste of time

There is no argument, stupid fuck. The election is over and done. The most secure in history. “Landslide”

Now, Trump has 91 felony counts and his followers are jumping ship. Admitting how they took part in the Big Lie. And we all know who that ultimately points to, don’t we?
BREAKING: The Governor of Minnesota says he supports the REMOVAL of Donald Trump from the 2024 presidential ballot.

“This needs to go forward.”

A group of voters are suing to keep Trump off the Minnesota ballot for violating section 3 of the 14th Amendment - the provision against support for insurrection or rebellion.

Minnesota is one of 15 states with similar lawsuits in the court.

Also attempting to remove Trump are suits in Arizona, Colorado, New Hampshire, Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, Nevada, Utah, Kansas, Oklahoma, Michigan, West Virginia, North Carolina, and South Carolina.

Oh my! How Putinesqe! Thanks for bringing this to my attention, comrade capitalist!
BREAKING: The Governor of Minnesota says he supports the REMOVAL of Donald Trump from the 2024 presidential ballot.

“This needs to go forward.”

A group of voters are suing to keep Trump off the Minnesota ballot for violating section 3 of the 14th Amendment - the provision against support for insurrection or rebellion.

Minnesota is one of 15 states with similar lawsuits in the court.

Also attempting to remove Trump are suits in Arizona, Colorado, New Hampshire, Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, Nevada, Utah, Kansas, Oklahoma, Michigan, West Virginia, North Carolina, and South Carolina.

Unconstititutional. These lawsuits are ignoring the 7th amendment.
We’ve had free and open elections. The last presidential election was the most secure in history.

But, you Trumptards kept screaming “stolen election”! “Rampant fraud”!

Guess what, moron? Most of us nondelusional people never bought into the Big Lie.

Now, know what we’re seeing now? Those involved in propagating the Big Lie are falling like dominoes. All are singing the same tune. That the Big Lie was indeed a big lie.

So, asswipe, when it comes to Trump, don’t try your bullshit about integrity or morals. You have no concept of either.

The last Presidential election was in 2016. There was no election in 2020.
The media didn’t vote, idiot. The citizens did. Free and fairly. And securely.

The result was a clear Biden win. The same electoral margin as Trump’s in 2016, which he deemed “a landslide.”

There was no election in 2020. Biden didn't win. You cannot win what never took place.
I love how you TrumpDerps now call the Constitution and the 14th Amendment fascist now simply because Trump might be subject to one of the Constitutions prohibitions for office.

FLOL at what a bunch of hypocrites you guys are and how your TDS makes you hate the Constitution and every thing America stood for all to protect your orange daddy.

You are ignoring the 7th amendment again.