Minnesota says he supports the REMOVAL of Donald Trump from 2024 presidential ballot.

And that question needs to be answered.

it is clear that the 14th Amendment S3 is meant to be adjudicated in Congress (Legislative Branch) via Separation of Powers, in the same way Impeachment is but unlike Impeachment where the process is laid out (House Impeaches, Senate Convicts), the 14th process has never been stipulated and has been applied in the past by arbitrary discretion of those who can apply it like SoS or Governors or State Houses.

And whatever bars the SC sets as 'disqualifying' that a SoS or Governor would need to consider first, i cannot see it being any higher of a bar than Trump already was held to.

Trump had both the Speaker of the House (McCarthy) and Head of the Senate (McConnell) both declare as FACT, in their official capacity, that Trump was responsible for Jan6th. Trump broke his oath of office to 'protect the US and Constitution'. Trump has numerous convicted people for succession and other such crimes, stating for the record in courts that Trump was responsible for their actions.

And while the above may not satisfy a court proceeding to determine guilt under a specific charge, they are more than enough evidence for a Political Process, in the Legislative branch to act upon, similar to how they could act on such information to impeach.

You are making shit up.
They lied. Every single one. The Big Lie that the election was stolen. That there was massive fraud.

And now, they tell the truth. Pleading for mercy.

Just a start. Eastman just flipped. So, the dominoes keep falling and they get larger with each tumble.

You can't make the evidence of election fraud by Democrats just disappear, Dumber.
It does not matter if you write the name of a 10 year old in. They still are via the Constitution prohibited from running or winning just as Trump would be, if this 14th amendment challenge succeeds.

What this really tells us is that Yagina doesn't respect the law. The 14th amendment is law and nobody is above the law.
Yagina seems to think Trump is.
I know what it means it means trump will eventually succumb to the leftist hyenas. I have no doubt about that now its just a matter of when. Whether or not he has done anything wrong will, in the long run, be immaterial. The recent decision by the ACLU is what changed my mind.

I'm glad you have woken up to the fact that he is not a god.
What this really tells us is that Yagina doesn't respect the law. The 14th amendment is law and nobody is above the law.
Yagina seems to think Trump is.


This new cry of 'anyone who supports the Constitution and will not throw it away for Trump' line, is not going to work.

If you are person in each State (usually SoS) who has to tick the boxes for Election eligibility, following the Constitution, you should WANT this 14th Amendment S3 issue adjudicated and set and made clear, so you can do your job better in following the Constituton.

That Magots will cry 'WHYYYYYY are they trying to follow the Constitution and not just letting Trump go' is just a sign of how anti american they have become.
Yes you did/do.

Come on, you cant back out now that it has become embarrassing for you.

Copy and paste my words. Show us what words I've used that led you to believe I think trump is a god. Id bet my mortgage money you never actually post my words. I'll wait right here though. If only opinions were facts huh jarod?
Copy and paste my words. Show us what words I've used that led you to believe I think trump is a god. Id bet my mortgage money you never actually post my words. I'll wait right here though. If only opinions were facts huh jarod?

We all know who you are. Come on. You would never have admitted to idolizing Trump, but your words and positions showed it. He could shoot an innocent child on camera on 5th Avenue and if the government prosecuted him, you'd say it was political persecution.
We all know who you are. Come on. You would never have admitted to idolizing Trump, but your words and positions showed it. He could shoot an innocent child on camera on 5th Avenue and if the government prosecuted him, you'd say it was political persecution.
Why do you enjoy putting words in other people's mouth's.
We all know who you are. Come on. You would never have admitted to idolizing Trump, but your words and positions showed it. He could shoot an innocent child on camera on 5th Avenue and if the government prosecuted him, you'd say it was political persecution.

Copy and paste my words. You retards start 100s of trump threads everyday so surely it should be quite easy to quote me. "C'mon man!" Or you could just admit you're a lying pussy which is going to become more apparent with every post you put up.
Copy and paste my words. Show us what words I've used that led you to believe I think trump is a god. Id bet my mortgage money you never actually post my words. I'll wait right here though. If only opinions were facts huh jarod?
Jarod seems to like making up words for other people. I wonder if that works for him in court?
Copy and paste my words. You retards start 100s of trump threads everyday so surely it should be quite easy to quote me. "C'mon man!" Or you could just admit you're a lying pussy which is going to become more apparent with every post you put up.

Come on, just admit it. I am not saying you used such words, I am saying based on your postings here, we all know its true. I am glad you are embarrassed about it.