Moderate Scozzafava leaves race at urge from GOP

I'm personally all in favor of the NY GOP purging itself of all but the hardcore "true believers." It's New York. If the state GOP thinks that the hardcore religious reich social conservative nutjobs are their ticket to future success in the state they should go nuts with it. I'm sure it will work out well.

New York is probably the only place in America where the moderate element still has any sort of presence. But the presence of the Conservative party means that Conservatives can often bully the Republicans into following a more nationally Republican line.
Her endorsement of the D doesn't help her case of being a solid republican. Given the choice between a fiscal conservative and a fiscal liberal I'll take the conservative every time, I'd prefer one who isn't also a social conservative but I'll look past that in order to get fiscal conservancy into the government. You wouldn't see me quitting and endorsing somebody who isn't fiscally conservative.

Are they much different in a fiscal sense?

In America, economic issues hugely dominate actual political discourse. Legislators seem so scared to approach social issues that we've basically been reduced to sitting by and waiting to see what the judiciary will do to advance human rights.
The R party is now run by the teabaggers.

They will have to purge their party of them to ever win again.

They cant win elections with them or without them for years to come.
But the presence of the Conservative party means that Conservatives can often bully the Republicans into following a more nationally Republican line.

we are taking lessons from the Progressives in the Democrat
Her endorsement of the D doesn't help her case of being a solid republican. Given the choice between a fiscal conservative and a fiscal liberal I'll take the conservative every time, I'd prefer one who isn't also a social conservative but I'll look past that in order to get fiscal conservancy into the government. You wouldn't see me quitting and endorsing somebody who isn't fiscally conservative.

Screw that. Social conservatives are rarely fiscally conservative. Wars, foreign and domestic, are expensive.
Screw that. Social conservatives are rarely fiscally conservative. Wars, foreign and domestic, are expensive.

Fiscally conservative in rhetoric, not in action. The one thing I notice about fiscal conservatives is that when they talk about plans to cut spending they are never specific about what they want to cut.
Damo... I can't believe you are ready to get led down that path again so soon. I am going to start calling Dam/no.
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The R party is now run by the teabaggers.

They will have to purge their party of them to ever win again.

They cant win elections with them or without them for years to come.

awww, how cute, taken over by teabaggers..
and the Democrat party is now the Communist party and the people in this country are finally waking up and seeing it..
Well, from all appearances the right-winger knows next to nothing about the district and the issues in the district he's running to represent. He had a sit down with the editors of a local paper and he brought Dick Armey along with him. When the candidate couldn't answer any questions about the district, Armey cam to his defense, dismissing regional concerns as "parochial" issues that would not determine the outcome of the election.

Given a choice between the candidate that actually knows something about issues affecting the district and one that doesn't, I'd take the former.
Not if their goals are contradictory to mine. I'd prefer somebody with the capacity to learn that begins with a political standpoint closer to mine. Just because Diana Degette (hypothetically) knows the area south of Denver doesn't mean she could ever possibly represent us in any logical way, her values and starting point, the goals she sets, how she applies government and in every other way she is political wrong for our area. (She is right for the area she represents though.)

Just knowing about the area doesn't make somebody a good representative of your values in some automatic fashion.
sorry, the dede was no damn moderate...she was a Progressive in Republican clothing...and Gingrich should be ashamed of himself for backing this commie lite..

and if the NYslimes is crying over her loss you know we dodged a bullet by getting her out...
Correct me if I'm wrong but the two greatest Republicans in our nations history, Lincoln and Theadore Roosevelt were both progressives. Are you that ideologically blind?
Her endorsement of the D doesn't help her case of being a solid republican. Given the choice between a fiscal conservative and a fiscal liberal I'll take the conservative every time, I'd prefer one who isn't also a social conservative but I'll look past that in order to get fiscal conservancy into the government. You wouldn't see me quitting and endorsing somebody who isn't fiscally conservative.
Maybe she should consider becoming a Democrat? I'm sure they would welcome her in spite of her fiscal conservatism, if you see my point?
The R party is now run by the teabaggers.

They will have to purge their party of them to ever win again.

They cant win elections with them or without them for years to come.
That's not entirely true. They won't have to purge the far right but they will have to discipline them to accept those with opposing views in order to build a winning political coalition that can advance the values, goals and agendas which they do share. The Republican party is commiting political suicide by allowing southern conservative ideologues to dictate the national discourse within their party and suborning the rest of the party to their political litmus tests (which ironcially are parochial in nature). You cannot build winning coalitions this way. Upstate New York is not Whistle Stop, Alabama.
Liberal on what? What seems to piss off the right is her support of medical marijuana, gay rights and being pro choice. She's not a member of the religious reich, but that does mean she fits in with the left.

From what little I've heard about her she voted for numberous tax increases while in the state assembly, supported the federal stimulus package and supported the card check legislation for unions.

I don't care where she stands on abortion or gay issues when you start voting for massive tax increases and spending the way I understand she has I find it a stretch to consider her fiscally conservative and nothing really "moderate" about that as far as Republicans go.
From what little I've heard about her she voted for numberous tax increases while in the state assembly, supported the federal stimulus package and supported the card check legislation for unions.

I don't care where she stands on abortion or gay issues when you start voting for massive tax increases and spending the way I understand she has I find it a stretch to consider her fiscally conservative and nothing really "moderate" about that as far as Republicans go.

I have not heard anything on her fiscal record. The complaints seemed to be centered on social issues which make me believe the "Conservative" is not much better.