Moderate Scozzafava leaves race at urge from GOP


trust busting and civil rights?

the braindead seem to think with their republican party flag pins instead of their brains
From what little I've heard about her she voted for numberous tax increases while in the state assembly, supported the federal stimulus package and supported the card check legislation for unions.

I don't care where she stands on abortion or gay issues when you start voting for massive tax increases and spending the way I understand she has I find it a stretch to consider her fiscally conservative and nothing really "moderate" about that as far as Republicans go.

Like I said, in congress she would probably grow more conservative.
From what little I've heard about her she voted for numberous tax increases while in the state assembly, supported the federal stimulus package and supported the card check legislation for unions.

I don't care where she stands on abortion or gay issues when you start voting for massive tax increases and spending the way I understand she has I find it a stretch to consider her fiscally conservative and nothing really "moderate" about that as far as Republicans go.
You had me at card check, this is an issue that hits me directly. We absolutely need to have secret ballots so that we do not have fear as the motivator. With the secret ballot neither the company or the union has power over how you vote or can pressure you into a specific vote.

Those jackasses came to my house and were talking to my kids in the front field, ignoring the trespassing signs... They came to my HOUSE, tried to make me fear for my livelihood using strong arm sales tactics. There is absolutely no fricking way those people should be able to collect cards through such means then count those as the "vote"...
You had me at card check, this is an issue that hits me directly. We absolutely need to have secret ballots so that we do not have fear as the motivator. With the secret ballot neither the company or the union has power over how you vote or can pressure you into a specific vote.

Those jackasses came to my house and were talking to my kids in the front field, ignoring the trespassing signs... They came to my HOUSE, tried to make me fear for my livelihood using strong arm sales tactics. There is absolutely no fricking way those people should be able to collect cards through such means then count those as the "vote"...

Most folks will fold on this and the union will get what they want. No one wants their homes and cars vandalized.
You had me at card check, this is an issue that hits me directly. We absolutely need to have secret ballots so that we do not have fear as the motivator. With the secret ballot neither the company or the union has power over how you vote or can pressure you into a specific vote.

Those jackasses came to my house and were talking to my kids in the front field, ignoring the trespassing signs... They came to my HOUSE, tried to make me fear for my livelihood using strong arm sales tactics. There is absolutely no fricking way those people should be able to collect cards through such means then count those as the "vote"...

Visiting someone's house and talking to them about an issue is not trespassing, and it's not intimidating. Should we ban door-to-door political campaigns next?

Maybe Jehova's witnesses and Mormons.
Visiting someone's house and talking to them about an issue is not trespassing, and it's not intimidating. Should we ban door-to-door political campaigns next?

Maybe Jehova's witnesses and Mormons.
When visiting is unwelcome it is trespassing, and when "visits" are implied threats to your family and property it is a crime, unless you are a "Union" then the laws protect your strong arm tactics.

And political campaigns also cannot come uninvited to your property without it being trespassing, nor can Jehovah's Witnesses, in fact if you have a "No Trespassing" sign they respect it.
Union thugs will repeat the Kenneth Gladney episode over and over and destroy Democracy. Watermark and other liberals will sit in silence, smiling.
When visiting is unwelcome it is trespassing, and when "visits" are implied threats to your family and property it is a crime, unless you are a "Union" then the laws protect your strong arm tactics.

And political campaigns also cannot come uninvited to your property without it being trespassing, nor can Jehovah's Witnesses, in fact if you have a "No Trespassing" sign they respect it.

Yeah you're right. It is apparently still trespassing if you do it to a house without such a sign. But it's rarely worth prosecuting.