Moderates And Independents Are Flocking To Trump.

philly rabbit

Verified User
We are witnessing the self destruction of the Democratic party with their relentless march over a cliff with their embrace of socialism. What fools these Democrats are! What else besides their own agenda driven insanity makes them think that the American people all want to become serfs of the state and good communists with their first and second amendment freedoms stripped from them in the name of social and economic equality!

These fools should have headed toward a more centrist position after Hillary lost to Trump but instead, they all went into denial and moved even farther left.
We are witnessing the self destruction of the Democratic party with their relentless march over a cliff with their embrace of socialism. What fools these Democrats are! What else besides their own agenda driven insanity makes them think that the American people all want to become serfs of the state and good communists with their first and second amendment freedoms stripped from them in the name of social and economic equality!

These fools should have headed toward a more centrist position after Hillary lost to Trump but instead, they all went into denial and moved even farther left.

And that is probably the most under reported story right now.

Democrats have a civil war raging in their party. Amusingly, even the ‘Republican’ Lyin’ Jim Comey felt compelled to step in and advise the Democrats not to go socialist lol.
And that is probably the most under reported story right now.

Democrats have a civil war raging in their party. Amusingly, even the ‘Republican’ Lyin’ Jim Comey felt compelled to step in and advise the Democrats not to go socialist lol.
Under reported? Maybe because there's nothing to report?

Sure...the old mainstream Democrats are on the way out. They're fighting for their lives in an era when you have to get the youth vote in order to win. They're definitely going to need to come up with a blended message before 2020, but the mid terms will have a lot to do with that. Right now, any Democrat can beat a pro trump Republican in purple states.
We are witnessing the self destruction of the Democratic party with their relentless march over a cliff with their embrace of socialism. What fools these Democrats are! What else besides their own agenda driven insanity makes them think that the American people all want to become serfs of the state and good communists with their first and second amendment freedoms stripped from them in the name of social and economic equality!

These fools should have headed toward a more centrist position after Hillary lost to Trump but instead, they all went into denial and moved even farther left.

There are still some loyal Democrats who want to start WWIII over Montenegro.
Under reported? Maybe because there's nothing to report?

Sure...the old mainstream Democrats are on the way out. They're fighting for their lives in an era when you have to get the youth vote in order to win. They're definitely going to need to come up with a blended message before 2020, but the mid terms will have a lot to do with that. Right now, any Democrat can beat a pro trump Republican in purple states.

You’re in denial but it’s all good.

How do you think Democrats would do in the states they lost to Trump if they run a Socialist?

Most Hitler supporters spoke German...most Trump supporters speak English.

That is the main difference even though one other difference is that most Hitler supporters are dead and most Trump supporters are still alive!
And that is probably the most under reported story right now.

Democrats have a civil war raging in their party. Amusingly, even the ‘Republican’ Lyin’ Jim Comey felt compelled to step in and advise the Democrats not to go socialist lol.

only a dumb West Virginia hillbilly would believe that, sorry to repeat myself
You’re in denial but it’s all good.

How do you think Democrats would do in the states they lost to Trump if they run a Socialist?
Many states lost to trump because the electorate felt that the democratic Socialist was screwed by Hillary.
And that is probably the most under reported story right now.

Democrats have a civil war raging in their party. Amusingly, even the ‘Republican’ Lyin’ Jim Comey felt compelled to step in and advise the Democrats not to go socialist lol.

The Democratic Party has experience losing civil wars. I'm sure it will survive and be even worse-for-wear. :cof1:
[h=1]Republicans Largely Abandon Running on Trump's Tax Cuts[/h]

Support for tax reform is slipping. And the special election in Ohio is the latest race showing that Democrats feel more comfortable using it bash Republicans.

07.25.18 5:08 AM ET

Voters being inundated with television and digital ads in the upcoming Ohio special election would be excused for not having a particularly favorable view of President Trump’s signature legislative achievement.

That’s because, of late, the sweeping tax reform package passed at the end of 2017 has gone largely unmentioned by Republican outside groups funneling money into the race to retain the seat vacated by Rep. Pat Tiberi (R-OH).

Two weeks out from an unexpectedly tight contest in Ohio’s 12th Congressional District—which President Trump won by 11 points—Republican outside groups have, instead, turned to topics like “open borders,” “amnesty for illegals,” and the composition of Democratic leadership.

One ad from the Congressional Leadership Fund PAC, which is closely allied with retiring House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI), seeks to tie Democratic candidate Danny O’Connor to Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), saying that they want to open “America’s doors to more crime and drugs.” CLF has been the biggest outside spender in the race, with at least $1.9 million invested and previously ran an ad with a favorable testimony about the tax law that has since been phased out.

The racist right can have the moderates and independents WE DON'T NEED THEM.

We want decision makers, people who actually stand for something. People who won't give into hate and racism by compromising with right.

No fence straddlers ............No pandering to them. Fuck em!
As an aside, what’s up with conflating ‘Democratic’ with ‘socialist’ party?

Why not just be one or the other?
I think the Right is just throwing the term Socialist around, without the prefix 'Democratic'. The most popular programs in America are Socialist in nature. Medicare/V.A. SS can be added to the list.

In today's climate, we can't keep hailing capitalism as the end all. Now that there is a world economy, profit driven motives have changed our entire society/labor structure.

We need to blend free markets with govt supported programs, or it's going to get worse.
We are witnessing the self destruction of the Democratic party with their relentless march over a cliff with their embrace of socialism. What fools these Democrats are! What else besides their own agenda driven insanity makes them think that the American people all want to become serfs of the state and good communists with their first and second amendment freedoms stripped from them in the name of social and economic equality!

These fools should have headed toward a more centrist position after Hillary lost to Trump but instead, they all went into denial and moved even farther left.

you know with the Internet it's pretty easy to check the truth when you make comments like this? Now you just look like a liar.
We are witnessing the self destruction of the Democratic party with their relentless march over a cliff with their embrace of socialism. What fools these Democrats are! What else besides their own agenda driven insanity makes them think that the American people all want to become serfs of the state and good communists with their first and second amendment freedoms stripped from them in the name of social and economic equality!

These fools should have headed toward a more centrist position after Hillary lost to Trump but instead, they all went into denial and moved even farther left.

Except that they aren't flocking to Trump, and are more disapproving of Trump now than when he was inaugurated.
Damn!! OP is so full of shit. Is there a stinker award, or something for these things. I imagine a trophy of an overflowing saggy diaper, held over a waste basket.
I think the Right is just throwing the term Socialist around, without the prefix 'Democratic'. The most popular programs in America are Socialist in nature. Medicare/V.A. SS can be added to the list.

In today's climate, we can't keep hailing capitalism as the end all. Now that there is a world economy, profit driven motives have changed our entire society/labor structure.

We need to blend free markets with govt supported programs, or it's going to get worse.

The Democratic Party has experience losing civil wars. I'm sure it will survive and be even worse-for-wear. :cof1:

Are you saying the south is blue states? Those guys left a long time ago, when they didn't like or rulings involving black people. Biggest bunch of dead weight to ever leave a political party in American history. The south has been red to the core. The Dixiecrats were just a portion of the losing side of the Civil War.