Moderates And Independents Are Flocking To Trump.

We are witnessing the self destruction of the Democratic party with their relentless march over a cliff with their embrace of socialism. What fools these Democrats are! What else besides their own agenda driven insanity makes them think that the American people all want to become serfs of the state and good communists with their first and second amendment freedoms stripped from them in the name of social and economic equality!

These fools should have headed toward a more centrist position after Hillary lost to Trump but instead, they all went into denial and moved even farther left.

STUPID and clearly unsubstantiated.

NBC/Marist polls: Independents break away from Trump, GOP

For all of the attention on polls showing President Trump retaining clear support from Republican voters, there’s maybe a more important set of numbers to watch heading in November’s midterm elections – Trump and the GOP’s standing with independents.

And according to a trio of state polls released by NBC News and Marist College, these independent voters are breaking away from the president and the Republican Party.

In Arizona’s poll — which shows Democrat Kyrsten Sinema ahead of her possible GOP opponents by double digits – Sinema leads Republican Martha McSally by 17 points among independent voters, 49 percent to 32 percent.

In Ohio – where Democrat Sherrod Brown is up 13 points — the Democratic senator enjoys a whopping 21-point lead over Republican Jim Renacci among indies, 51 percent to 30 percent.

And in Florida — where Democrat Bill Nelson is ahead by just 4 points (which is within the poll’s margin of error – the Democrat’s lead over Republican Rick Scott among independents is 9 points, 50 percent to 41 percent.

And it’s not just the horserace numbers. Trump’s job rating among independent adults is below 40 percent in Arizona (36 percent), Ohio (37 percent) and Florida (39 percent).

Independent voters also prefer a Democratic-controlled Congress in these three states — D+2 in Arizona, D+6 in Ohio and D+8 in Florida.

Additionally, fewer than one-in-three indie adults say Trump deserves re-election — 29 percent in Arizona, 31 percent in Florida and 32 percent in Ohio.

And maybe most significantly of all, independent voters by double-digit margins — 14 points in Florida, 21 points in Arizona and 29 points in Ohio — say their vote in November will be a message to check and balance Trump rather than to pass his agenda.


Has Trump Already Sealed the GOP's Fate in 2018?
Party leadership is sending an unmistakable signal to voters: So long as Republicans hold the congressional majority, they will not act to meaningfully constrain, or even oversee, the president.

Good luck with this bullshit.

Most Hitler supporters spoke German...most Trump supporters speak English.

That is the main difference even though one other difference is that most Hitler supporters are dead and most Trump supporters are still alive!

This is severely hurting your cause - name calling and insults.

You're trying to give citizens a license to do physical, violent harm on Trump supporters and americans are sick and tired of it.

You have no positive message, only hate.
This is severely hurting your cause - name calling and insults.

I doubt that. I doubt that very much.

You're trying to give citizens a license to do physical, violent harm on Trump supporters...

I am doing no such thing...and I don't appreciate a fucking asshole like you suggesting that I am.

So take your accusation and shove it up your ass.

...and americans are sick and tired of it.

Capitalize "Americans" jerkoff.

Anyway...if I am reading things correctly, Americans are sick and tired of Donald Trump. He is a menace to our nation...and to humanity in general.

You have no positive message, only hate.

You want positive?

I'll give you positive.

I positively am asking you to go fuck yourself with your phony indignation.

Jerkoff like you must be an Eagles fan also.


Only thing really good about a decent Philly cheesesteak...and the only decent ones are made in New Jersey...on the boardwalk at Seaside.
I doubt that. I doubt that very much.

I am doing no such thing...and I don't appreciate a fucking asshole like you suggesting that I am.

So take your accusation and shove it up your ass.

Capitalize "Americans" jerkoff.

Anyway...if I am reading things correctly, Americans are sick and tired of Donald Trump. He is a menace to our nation...and to humanity in general.

You want positive?

I'll give you positive.

I positively am asking you to go fuck yourself with your phony indignation.

Jerkoff like you must be an Eagles fan also.


Only thing really good about a decent Philly cheesesteak...and the only decent ones are made in New Jersey...on the boardwalk at Seaside.

This is severely hurting your cause - name calling and insults.

You're trying to give citizens a license to do physical, violent harm on Trump supporters and americans are sick and tired of it.

You have no positive message, only hate.

Democrats message: we want socialism. Abolish ICE. We go postal over how illegal immigrants are treated at the border but turn a deaf ear to *citizens* whose lives are affected by illegal immigration. We will raise your taxes to pay for our socialist fantasies. Russia, Russia, Russia.

And we REALLY, REALLY, REALLY hate Donald Trump.

And if they win on that, the country deserves what it gets.

Every bit of it.
We are witnessing the self destruction of the Democratic party with their relentless march over a cliff with their embrace of socialism. What fools these Democrats are! What else besides their own agenda driven insanity makes them think that the American people all want to become serfs of the state and good communists with their first and second amendment freedoms stripped from them in the name of social and economic equality!

These fools should have headed toward a more centrist position after Hillary lost to Trump but instead, they all went into denial and moved even farther left.

We should be happy and not rock their apple cart. They actually believe they are winning and that their message of hate and animosity towards this country and its institutions are a winning message. MSNBC and CNN told them so.

Under reported? Maybe because there's nothing to report?

You should get out more often; seriously.

Sure...the old mainstream Democrats are on the way out. They're fighting for their lives in an era when you have to get the youth vote in order to win. They're definitely going to need to come up with a blended message before 2020, but the mid terms will have a lot to do with that. Right now, any Democrat can beat a pro trump Republican in purple states.

:lolup:Thinks a message of hate, division and derision is going to lead to a blue wave. :rofl2:
The Democratic Party has experience losing civil wars. I'm sure it will survive and be even worse-for-wear. :cof1:

I am hoping this internal war Democrats are fighting will cause their demise. The modern Democratic Party and where it is heading is a threat to liberty and everything that has made us great.
The racist right can have the moderates and independents WE DON'T NEED THEM.

We want decision makers, people who actually stand for something. People who won't give into hate and racism by compromising with right.

No fence straddlers ............No pandering to them. Fuck em!

You RUN with that snowflake. I love that race hustling message you erupt with. It's a sure winner! :rofl2:
I think the Right is just throwing the term Socialist around, without the prefix 'Democratic'. The most popular programs in America are Socialist in nature. Medicare/V.A. SS can be added to the list.

In today's climate, we can't keep hailing capitalism as the end all. Now that there is a world economy, profit driven motives have changed our entire society/labor structure.

We need to blend free markets with govt supported programs, or it's going to get worse.

That's a bunch of phony baloney. But you run with that one! :rofl2:
you know with the Internet it's pretty easy to check the truth when you make comments like this? Now you just look like a liar.

I always find it amusing and ironic when a whiny, pathetic, juvenile leftist liar like you calls others liars. What part is the lie snowflake?
Damn!! OP is so full of shit. Is there a stinker award, or something for these things. I imagine a trophy of an overflowing saggy diaper, held over a waste basket.

Do you have anything other emotional blather to support that claim? Of course you don't; you're a lying race hustling leftist loser on steroids. :rofl2:
Are you saying the south is blue states? Those guys left a long time ago, when they didn't like or rulings involving black people. Biggest bunch of dead weight to ever leave a political party in American history. The south has been red to the core. The Dixiecrats were just a portion of the losing side of the Civil War.
