Moderates And Independents Are Flocking To Trump.

Impeachment will cement Trump's re-election. ( first you gotta find Articles)..
Impeachment will do to Trump what it did to Clinton -make him more popular.

You and John Brenner should get a room with "treason"
you've been hanging out with shady characters since you went Dem..I won't even bring up Hillary/Libya

That's even dumber than your last comment.

Impeachment will secure Trump's re-election.


Go ahead .. bring up Hillary, Libya, Obama, space aliens, and taco salad. Who gives a fuck?

Don't go hiding this November. This will be tasty.
Your comments are so monumentally ignorant that I could be talking to a 12 year-old who has no knowledge nor understanding of history.

Again, feel free to believe that dog shit is a taco salad .. grab some salsa. But your comments are unquestionably moronic .. and NOBODY is listening to that bullshit but dumb ass Trumpsters.
apparently you dont' know the history of the Balkans, they have a tendency towards internecine war.
gawd help us all. da resistance has made impeachment a valid go to.

Impeachment should always be on the table.

Russiaphobia has made the Dems war thirsty along with the #NeverTrumps like Mccain-Graham.

Comey was investigating Russia's attacks starting July 2016
Trump was told in January 2017 that Putin personally ordered the attacks
Trump fired Comey in May 2017 "because of Russia"

So Trump fired Comey to protect Russia.

meanwhile everyone misses Chinese hegemony

No one misses it, and the TPP would have been a significant bulwark against Chinese trade aggression. But some shortsighted Nazi idiot pulled us out of the TPP...who was that? Oh right...
Feel free to make any predictions you want. It's not as though there is any suspense.

But let me be the first to illuminate you on what happens when the democrats retake the House. Beside restoring congressional authority. Impeachment proceedings and investigations will begin almost immediately. Trump's every action will be met with fierce opposition and all his traitorous actions will be revealed in the Mueller investigation .. and he will be protected.

Great run while it lasted, huh?

if you got any more outdated we'd have to take you out back to the whipping post.

wake up looney tune

first go study the layout of the seats up for grab in the senate,
secondly, remember a wise man once said, "I got a pen"
That's even dumber than your last comment.

Impeachment will secure Trump's re-election.


Go ahead .. bring up Hillary, Libya, Obama, space aliens, and taco salad. Who gives a fuck?

Don't go hiding this November. This will be tasty.
Oh I fully expect a Dem House - historical trending...then they get in and start Impeachment to nowhere.
Apparently you don't know the history of NATO .. but that's cool .. you don't have to.
ROFL.. NATO in the Balkans is a non sequitor in terms of Russia - and the Balkans are one of those places that blow up on occasion.
The history of NATO is mindless expansion -like there
Oh I fully expect a Dem House - historical trending...then they get in and start Impeachment to nowhere.

:0) Nowhere was always your destination following behind a traitorous clown.

Nowhere is exactly where Trumpsters belong. :0) Exactly.
ROFL.. NATO in the Balkans is a non sequitor in terms of Russia - and the Balkans are one of those places that blow up on occasion.
The history of NATO is mindless expansion -like there

Look, you don't have to continue to prove your ignorance of NATO. I'm already convinced.

Article 5 is what brought the world to OUR aid after 9/11. In fact, it's the only time it was ever invoked.

9/11: The only time NATO Treaty Article 5 ever invoked

Now you think we should run like cowards because massa' told you so.
Look, you don't have to continue to prove your ignorance of NATO. I'm already convinced.

Article 5 is what brought the world to OUR aid after 9/11. In fact, it's the only time it was ever invoked.

9/11: The only time NATO Treaty Article 5 ever invoked

Now you think we should run like cowards because massa' told you so.

it's really hard to reach you, thick skull syndrome

but if you would turn off CNN for a minute and listen to what Trump actually says.
he doesn't want out of NATO, he doesn't want NATO to go away, he wants NATO to do what it was designed to do, fairly.

If you don't see that we, are providing over 70% of the finances, are the only ones militarily capable of carrying out real justice when someone calls. But yet no President before Trump has addressed this.
We, just want and should get treated fairly, and not just with NATO, it's the same thing with Trade.

Obama and those before him same old song and dance, we got the money noooo problem.

Your stink ass President is in Kenya, where he belongs, trump is your President now, quit whining
We are witnessing the self destruction of the Democratic party with their relentless march over a cliff with their embrace of socialism. What fools these Democrats are! What else besides their own agenda driven insanity makes them think that the American people all want to become serfs of the state and good communists with their first and second amendment freedoms stripped from them in the name of social and economic equality!

These fools should have headed toward a more centrist position after Hillary lost to Trump but instead, they all went into denial and moved even farther left.

LOL Hillary was like a single step over from the center right. Why don't we run Steve Bannon to give the American people a real choice?